Seasons are broken?


Dumb Kid
Mar 28, 2020
In my friend's town, it is currently April (She is northern hemisphere). However there is snow on the ground and not a single cherry blossom tree in sight. She has been time travelling a fair bit, to be honest, she has been to December to see the snow but when she went to April to see the cherry blossom trees, the snow stayed? It seems to me like a bug has occurred but does anyone else know what has happened?
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Oh, yikes. No idea, tbh. Maybe something with time traveling happened? All I know is that cherry blossoms are sometime mid-april, I believe.
It's really weird, I am northern hemisphere too and I'm not in winter. This should be a bug due to the Time travelling I guess :/
that’s weird - maybe that’s some sort of penalty for time travelling?
Huh, that's really strange. I'd guess it's some type of bug from time traveling but unfortunately I have no idea how to fix it. I know Nintendo seems to discourage time travel but I can't imagine they'd screw up your seasons as a penalty.
Must be a bug. No way nintendo would do that as a penalty. See if having her sync to the clock via internet fixes it at all
Could be a bug... Report it to Nintendo and I guess try to sync back via the internet.