That's fine! I TT'd to the day she's moving but i can just stay there til you find Lopez a home :D
Once i get Agent S to move i would've had 8 villagers and that made me nervous. then Static appeared in my campsite. problem solved! and i think i can trade him later :3
It's okay i'm not in any real hurry. just see what you can do for poor Lopez. i am on the day she's in boxes though so i can't TT or anything, she's gotta go today.
i think... i'm gonna keep Static instead of getting Ribbot. >.>


which means i'll need to get Kid Cat to move to get Zucker. but that's okay :D
lol He's grown on you huh?
A few of my own villagers is the same but it's always more fun to fall for a villager you never thought about keeping before. :)

Still not sure if I want Kid Cat or not, but I do know the only villager that I want to leave now is Lucky so I can finish my village with a jock character. That's gonna be hard. -_-
Lucky is pretty popular, i traded him for Snake a while back (Snake's my favorite villager EVER so it was worth it!)

I got marina out of a campsite and didn't know i needed her in my town til i saw how cute she was lol now she's never leaving. EVER. >:I
I might trade Lucky for Bam if possible.
Gah, I just wonder if I went through 16 cycles or not.
I hated that I tted him into boxes.
I was sad for a whole week about it, but I know I can almost, if I can't now, get him again. ^^
I'm keeping a list of all the villagers that leave after Ankha ditched me. sadly... Agent S is #2. lol
Yeah, I didn't keep a list. ;;
I learned about the cycling thing afterwards and now I'm not sure.
It doesn't feel like it's been that many though, so not sure I'd want to trade for him since on my end it might not work.
i had finally gotten "dream villagers" all in my town and ankha ruined everything so i'm cycling again lol may as well keep track! at least a friend's got Ankha for me i just have to get 16 people out
Yeah, that's always the plus!
That's why I didn't mind grabbing villagers and holding them for friends if they didn't have room.

Nowadays I'm just too close to being done tting and risking losing someone I don't want to lose. x.x
So how many of your current villagers are you keeping?
I HAD Ankha, Bob, Dotty, agent S, kid Cat, Snake, Julian, Marina, Muffy, and Octavian.

Ankha left and i got stuck with stupid Gigi and she won't leave. but when she does! lol

I'm keeping Bob, snake, Julian, Marina, Muffy and Octavian. and i think static. I'll trade Kid Cat for Zucker if i can, i traded Dotty to a friend and she's trying to cycle out tangy for me... and eventually i'll get Ankha back.

this is gonna take so long lol

but i think i'm gonna keep Static. >.>;

yeah. Squirrel. lightning squirrel.
Ankha why? x.x
Aww, you were done. D:

And lol okay. xP
Lopez is gone now so I can pick up Agent S now!!!