Selling Selling a bunch of Items/Nintendo/Fossils

Last time I had a problem with taking orders. I ordered and pm the person and they never replied so I essentially wasted money... A lot.

However, if you feel you can trust me, you can first give me the 50K and I will PM you when I get the item and we can further arrange a meeting time. I can understand if you don't want to XD after all, I had my own issues
i have no reason not to trust you. Ill swing buy your town with the cash now if you would like
Okay let's do it. I will add you and let you know when the gate is open
Btw, are you interested in more sleek furniture? I have lamp and carpet as well
OMG... I found the sleek dresser -_- I put it in my new room on the right and totally forgot. Well no worries with orders unless you want a lamp or carpet XD one sec, adding
im willing to give you 99999 bells for the dresser today and the lamp whenever your able to get it
Okay that works. Gate open

Just fyi, I will order the lamp as soon as I end the session. When it arrives I will visit your town to deliver it if that's okay.