Senior Member
Could I get green balloon and potato gratin for like around 25tbt?
Sure! 25 is great! ^^ I'll add you!
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50btb for Toby's pic?
50 is too low sorry, it's super rare!!!
Could I get green balloon and potato gratin for like around 25tbt?
50btb for Toby's pic?
Sure! 25 is great! ^^ I'll add you!
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50 is too low sorry, it's super rare!!!
omg blue balloon, cyan, and green pls! i don't know how much that stuff goes for :/ 30tbt?
-coffee cup
I'm so so Sorry!My internet went down yesterday and I couldn't come to your town.My order is still on so if you have the items may i I come today?
Hello! How much would you like for the throwing beans?
i swear the coffee cup isn't rare?? :/
10 tbt?
okay, I'd love to trade you for them then!
It's not really that rare though... it's like what, the first item Brewster gives you when you work? It's less rare than a villager pic. The only thing that makes it rare, is that it comes from a PWP that takes some time to get.
It IS rare... :/ I've had this game since the day it came out I know!
Oh! That's cool! ^^ Again wasn't trying to come off rude to you, or anyone, sorry it seemed like it! I also messaged you last night and was tired haha! (I get kinda grumpy when tired, and not trying to use excuses) I love being nice, never mean!So have I c:
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Have a good day too
Ok, I'm actually still rather new to this, sooo I don't have the best offers haha! ^^" (I started around two weeks ago) I still am learning lol! Also, just VM me when you're available for the trade, no rush! ^-^ Once again have a good day! :3But 5 TBT should be enough for the coffee cup, some people even sell the new update items for 5 TBT. Regarding our trade, I'm going out of town so not today. Sorry! Have a good day too! ^-^