Selling Selling Collectibles! (+Date Trading & Buying)

Hi! I have one of these two for sale:
Dec 24, 2020 at 6:46 AM
Dec 23, 2020 at 1:26 PM
The times are in EST :)
I would be interested in the Dec 24 one! Would be 20 TBT okay?

Also, do you have maybe a Tin Robot from Dec 21 or earlier by any chance?
I would be interested in the Dec 24 one! Would be 20 TBT okay?

Also, do you have maybe a Tin Robot from Dec 21 or earlier by any chance?
20 tbt is great! I'll send it over, would you like a message?

Unfortunately my earliest tin robot is Dec 23rd sorry!
20 tbt is great! I'll send it over, would you like a message?

Unfortunately my earliest tin robot is Dec 23rd sorry!
No worries, thanks for checking! No message needed for the Doll, sending TBT over, thank you!
Hello again! :)

Was there a price you were willing to pay for a Sheep Plush?
Hello again! :)

Was there a price you were willing to pay for a Sheep Plush?
Hi! I only have 3.5k at the moment and I know it usually goes for 4k so I was hoping to trade camp collectibles towards it or save up a bit more!
Hi! I only have 3.5k at the moment and I know it usually goes for 4k so I was hoping to trade camp collectibles towards it or save up a bit more!

My extra Sheep Plush I actually bought for 3.5k so I’d be willing to resell it for the same amount. :) Just let me know.
My extra Sheep Plush I actually bought for 3.5k so I’d be willing to resell it for the same amount. :) Just let me know.
Oh wow that would be awesome thank you so much!!! I'll send the tbt now!
Sent, I hope you like the message. :)
Yes I love it it's so cute!! Thank you so much! The sheep plush is one of my favorites so I'm super excited to have one and I really appreciate the discount!😊