Senior Member

He?s finally asked to go, and since his girl Ankha moved out weeks ago, he?s just been so lonely in my town, and I think he deserves a fresh view in a new town to help forget his woes that he can?t down in ice cream and fizzy soda. I?ve tried keeping his house themed as close to Egyptian as I could, but he?s swapped his bed for an ice cream machine lol I also gave him a fire hydrant as a joke gift, so enjoy your time talking to him in front of it lol
I?m looking to only trade for Del in return*. He?s my last dreamie and I?ve been searching for months for him! Every time something comes along, I end up not getting him for one reason or another so I?m hoping Lucky will be my (pardon the pun) lucky ticket to Del!
*I've decided that if I don't get any Del offers, I'd like to at least get 3-4mil bells for him. Anything less than that though and I'll just tell him not to move *shrugs*
This is cross posted on tumblr here.
Boxes Day is: Nov. 19th
In-game Date: Nov. 18th!
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