Trading [Selling] Lucky the unlucky Lazy Dog is moving! LF: Del! (ADOPTED!)

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Still working on him. I WILL have him out tonight xD

oh thank goodness x) I was beginning to worry ^^;;

edit: A real bad storm seems to be blowing in, so if i vanish for a bit, it's prolly cuz the power might've cut <.<
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Don't worry, it's a few hours before I go to bed anyways. I have time ^^
ok thats good. The storm also seems to have calmed down a lot so I dont think I'll be losing internet anytime soon c:
Good! Hope the storm doesn't get too bad though and just goes away now
Yup, still at it xD

AHHHRG I accidentally went forward too much and filbert is moving. Not that I wanted him, but this puts me at 8 villagers
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aw man :c

well i suppose I could let you come and grab Lucky so you'll be back at 9, and i'll be prayin that Del chooses to leave D;
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Del WILL leave. I'm making sure of that. But no, the game should generate a random move in in a few in game days. ^^
So I haven't gotten a move in yet or seen even a camper to move in. I'll have to try again tomorrow as it's 2am now :(
So I haven't gotten a move in yet or seen even a camper to move in. I'll have to try again tomorrow as it's 2am now :(

thats ok. it's 1am here so ya i'm getting sleepy too. I'll just TT my town back a few hours to make sure Lucky doesn't move into boxes on me without my say so. See you tomorrow! We can take things into VMs from here c:
Del is moving! image.jpg
Oh thank goodness, I was getting worried you wouldn't come online soon @-@
4313-0415-6165 c:
Do you have room now or do I need to pick up lucky?
Alright, I added you but it seems you haven't added me :0 when I see I'm added, I'll head to the station c:0
open! and added x)

edit: ok i TT'd to the next day so i'll have room for Del :3
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Opening now!

ENJOY! Now you can TT back to regular time and he should be moving in !
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