Do you accept nmt? Looking for hybrids but I don't have tbt
Can i have all 3 collorfull wheel stylesplease
May I buy all the pink and blue windflowers?
May I buy all the pink and blue windflowers?
Representative Name: Biloba
Island name: Fiddlehead
What you'd like to order: 3 stacks of clay
tbt total/ Wish list items to trade: 12 tbt
Availability and time zone: GMT-8 (available next 2 hours)
Representative Name: Choco
Island name: Chiokera
What you'd like to order: Ironwood Cart DIY, Acoustic Guitar DIY, Mixer Tomatoes, Light Blue Old Fashioned Alarm Clock, Black Retro Stereo
Tbt total: 10 TBT
Availability and time zone: PST 10 A.M - 5 P.M
I can do 12 P.M PST today! Message me the dodo code whenever you're ready!Hi thank you for ordering. I am available for trade rn if you are available otherwise I will check your time zone and availability. I am in CET time zone. Would you like pick up or delivery? I will prepare your items now. Thank you.
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I don’t have the Acoustic Guitar DIY anymore so 8tbt total. Your items are ready for you now.
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I just looked your availability. How about 12 pm (noon) PST for trade today or tomorrow? Let me know if it is possible in advance so we can fix time for meeting up at same time. Thank you.