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Island/Town Name
Apr 29, 2020
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Galaxy Cupcake
Blue Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
White Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Rainbow Crescent Moon
Blue Crescent Moon
Pink Crescent Moon
White Crescent Moon
Green Crescent Moon
Welcome to Sundrop!

While usually a calm, relaxing island full of (mostly) happy, peppy people, Sundrop is gradually transforming to an island of excitement!

The reason for all this excitement? I, Betsy, the island representative, have (finally) graduated from the HHP Academy of Design!


Yes. I know. I could hardly believe it myself...
And what better way to celebrate than to share my love of design and my newly earned skills (hey, I passed....eventually) by redesigning the homes of my best friends, all of the villagers living on Sundrop! (Except Benjamin, but we can discuss that later...)

I came up with the idea when discussing the latest fashion trends with a world famous designer.


And after showing my portfolio (okay, my own house) to Drago....




...he was super excited!

Yes. I'm sure. It was actual excitement! He loved my home designs!

It's a new year, a new me, a new HHP degree, and I can't wait to get started!

And maybe if I'm lucky, I'll land my own show, with producers and sponsors - lifestyles of the rich and famous not-so-rich and not-quite-famous...yet!
Welcome back to Sundrop!
The most amazing thing is happening! Right now!! On Sundrop!!!

Our famous (and richest) island resident, King Garon, heard of my design ideas and decided to get involved - in the best way possible! King Garon is providing drones, cameras, and everything we need to produce and stream a LIVE design show. We're calling it Sensational Sundrop Surprises, and King Garon is going to be the host. It's so exciting! I'm actually becoming a world famous designer! But now I'd better let King Garon take over and the live stream begin...

King Garon Hello and welcome to everyone watching our live design show, where our famous designer, Betsy

Betsy That's me! Hi everyone!

King Garon Uhm, yes, Betsy here will be redesigning our villager homes. We'll be capturing all the reactions live, and streaming them out to you, our valued viewers. We also have secret, private interviews that will not be available to our Sundrop residents.

Betsy Including me?

King Garon Especially you, Betsy. But never fear, while our live viewers will have access to everything in the moment, Sundrop will be able to watch the replay after the show is concluded.

Betsy Awesome!

King Garon We have a special studio, built by one of our sponsors Harv's Island Studio, where we'll conduct the secret interviews. So let's get started!

Betsy I'm so excited!


King Garon Welcome! I have here the Sundrop residents who have volunteered their homes to be redesigned by recent HHP graduate, Betsy. It seems that all of the residents volunteered except for one, Benjamin. Are you volunteers all ready for your homes to be transformed into a Sensational Sundrop Surprise?

Sundrop chorus Yes!!!

King Garon Excellent! Now Drago and Annalise, you're the first in line for the redesign. Did you give Betsy specific ideas, or are you putting it all in her hands?

Drago I'm giving Betsy full control. We've been friends for a while, and I trust she'll do a good job.

Annalise Same here, King Garon. I think Betsy’s going to come up with fantastic designs for us.

King Garon Betsy has also volunteered to redesign the town park for Sundrop. Has anyone offered ideas for the park?

Boots I did! I'd like a place with plenty of nice soft grass where I can do my calisthenics.

Yuka I suggested plenty of natural beauty, like flowers...

Francine oh! I asked for the pond to have a bench added so I can relax and do some fishing.

King Garon All wonderful ideas. I can't wait to see Sundrop transform!

King Garon I have Betsy here, and the first two home designs are finished. Betsy, how did everything go on your end?

Betsy Everything went well! It was a lot of hard work, but I didn't give up, and I hope my designs make a big difference for Drago and Annalise.

King Garon Excellent. We'll be wrapping up this episode with secret interviews, including exclusive before and after photos, along with live reactions from Drago and Annalise. Betsy, job well done, and we'll see you on the next episode of Sensational Sundrop Surprises!

Betsy Bye, everyone!


King Garon Drago, our viewers are just dying to see the before and after of your home and to get your reaction. You look...surprised.

Drago uhmm...ermm....uh....

King Garon Speechless, eh?

Drago Can Betsy see this interview?

King Garon Well, no...not until the entire show season is concluded. So, what is your genuine reaction to your home redesign?

Drago Uhhh...well, it's certainly been redesigned. It's really...hot? I'm not quite sure what to say...

King Garon chuckles I guess we should just let the design speak for itself. We'll be concluding this interview with the exclusive before and after photos of Drago's home.




King Garon Welcome, Annalise! We're here to get your honest reaction to your home's new design! So, honest reaction, what did you think?

Annalise Can Betsy see this interview?

King Garon Oh, well, no...not until the conclusion of the show. Was there something wrong with your new home design?

Annalise Uh, well...I mean, it's open, which is fine, even if it is winter...but it's fine! Lots of hay, but hay is for horses...as they say...right? That's something people say, right?! And...well...uhmm...

King Garon I believe Annalise is as speechless as Drago! So let's see those before and after photos! And viewers at home, as this is our last interview of the day, we'll see you next time on Sensational Sundrop Surprises!


Welcome back to Sensational Sundrop!


I love my job! Okay, I'm not getting paid so it's not actually a job, but with Sundrop live-streaming my home remodels, I might be able to earn a living doing what I love - design! And I could be world famous! So exciting! Oh- here's King Garon!

King Garon Betsy! Since the last episode, you've been busy working on the next couple of Sensational Sundrop Surprises.

Betsy Yes! I can't wait to show Boots and Étoile their new home interiors!

King Garon And I'm sure they can't wait to see them! For our at home viewers, we're going to run the pre-recorded pre-design interview, while here on Sundrop, Boots and Étoile will each get to see their new homes unveiled.

Betsy See you later!


King Garon I have Boots and Étoile here and wow! You both look so excited!

Boots I can't wait to see what Betsy does to my house!

Étoile Same here!

King Garon Excellent! Now, did either of you give Betsy any ideas to work with, or are you letting her just wing it? Boots, let's start with you.

Boots Oh, I definitely had some requests. I thought Drago and Annalise were brave to give Betsy complete freedom of design, and they must have been happy-

Étoile They certainly looked surprised.

Boots Yes, they did look quite shocked, so I think Betsy must have exceeded their expectations. But I had a specific design I wanted for my home. I like to stay healthy for competitions, which means a healthy lifestyle with fresh air, clean water, clean eating, and plenty of healthy sleep. And, I've always wanted a farm, which is a great form of exercise. I figured if anyone could make my farm dream happen, it would be Betsy, so that's what I asked for.

King Garon A farm home interior sounds like quite the challenge! Étoile, how about you?

Étoile My requests weren't as specific or challenging, I'm afraid. I like pastels, and I like fashion, so that's what I asked for, something with pastel colors that would fit my fashion style.

King Garon Wow, two very different styles here. I hope Betsy rises to the challenge.

King Garon We're back here with Betsy. Boots and Étoile have seen their new homes and should now be headed over to the post-design interview. Betsy, can you share with us how you went about the quite challenging remodel of Boots' home?

Betsy Sure! Well, Boots is always really active around Sundrop, running and swimming and all, and he went on and on about his strict food, activity, and sleep protocols. And he even brought up healthy eating and exercise when he talked about farming!

King Garon Ah, so it seems Boots wanted a farm home interior.

Betsy No way!

King Garon Pardon?

Betsy It was a cry for help! Boots has become obsessed, and he was trapped in his strict regimen. I'm really glad he trusted me to help him break free.

King Garon Erm....break free?

Betsy Exactly! So I found out alligators love to hang out in a place called N'awlins, and I created the perfect home for Boots, with plenty of N'awlins food, a karaoke machine that only plays KK Jazz, and plenty of room for dancing! Complete freedom!

King Garon....ah...well, I'm sure he'll, uhm...oh! What did you do for Étoile?

Betsy I made Étoile's fashion dreams come true with the help of our new sponsors, the Able Sisters! Quality clothes at quality prices!

King Garon Well, ah...I'd better head over to the post-design interviews. Let's hope they both love their new designs.

Betsy I'm sure they will!

King Garon mutters I'm sure you are...


King Garon So, Boots, talk to me.

Boots I can't believe it. Can Betsy see this interview? I can't....

King Garon When the show is concluded, yes. What is your reaction to your new home?

Boots I can't believe it. No farm, at all. It's like a bad dream. How will I sleep? How will I exercise?

King Garon I guess we can conclude that you aren't 100% satisfied with the remodel?

Boots I can't believe it. What happened? This has to be a bad dream. I can't...I can't...

King Garon Well! I guess we'll close this interview with the before and after photos, and I'll see you viewers in the next post design interview with Étoile.

Étoile crying....

King Garon Étoile, here, a tissue. Can you give us your reaction to your new home design.

Étoile sobbing....

King Garon Well, as I don't think these are happy tears, let's just close with the before and after photos, and we'll see you viewers in a very special post-design group interview, with Boots, Étoile, Annalise, and Drago...




King Garon Ahem, well....it seems our villagers may be less that happy with Betsy’s redesign of their new homes. Any comments?

Boots I don't know how I'm supposed to live.

Etoile crying, sobbing...

Annalise Really? Hay?!

Drago Well at least you have a place to sleep....

King Garon And that's a wrap for today's show! Tune in next time for another exciting episode of Sensational Sundrop Surprises!

* somehow cut the final interview text out when i went to post, so added it back in
Last edited:
Welcome back to fabulous Sundrop!


Welcome back! Huge news! Ratings are skyrocketing for Sensational Sundrop Surprises! Maybe when Benjamin hears how much people love my designs, he'll want me to do his house, too! Oh- here's King Garon!

King Garon Welcome back viewers! Betsy, always nice to see you. Tell me, who is the lucky villager today?

Betsy Today's lucky villager is Walt! I finally completed all the work on his home remodel, and I can't wait to see his reaction!

King Garon I'm also looking forward to his reaction, and I'm sure our viewers are as well! So while we stream his pre-design interview, Walt will get to see the unveiling of his new home. We'll be back with Betsy after the interview.

Betsy See you later, everyone! This is just so exciting!


King Garon Walt! Welcome!

Walt Thank you.

King Garon How about you tell our viewers a little about yourself, and share what you'd like to see in your new home design.

Walt Well, I'm pretty satisfied with my home as it is, but I've always felt like there was something missing. I like history, and I've always been fascinated with the history of samurai, so perhaps something along those lines.

King Garon So, not looking for any big changes?

Walt chuckles Oh no, not me. I'm fairly easy to please. And I trust Betsy. She did graduate from the HHP Academy of Design, you know.

King Garon Yes, indeed. Well, good luck with your new home design, and we'll be back for your interview after the big reveal!

King Garon We're here with Betsy, again. Can you share with the viewers how you went about creating the design for Walt's home? He seemed to be interested in just minor changes.

Betsy Minor changes?! No way! Walt has been in a rut for quite some time now. History is fine to study and all, but not when you become fixated on it. I think all that same old - same old was making Walt cranky.

King Garon Uhm.....so, what did you do to Walt's house? With the design, I mean....

Betsy I made it fabulous! It's a fabulous design with fabulous colors, and most important of all - it will tempt fabulous people to come visit Walt! He needs more fabulous fun in his life, and boy, did I give him fabulous!!!

King Garon Fabulous...? I hope he's ok.... with the design! I mean, I hope he likes it. Well folks, you heard it from Betsy herself, Walt has a fabulous new home! We'll hear Walt's reactions in our live post-design interview, with before and after photos. Then we'll see you in our exclusive post-design group interview!

Betsy Bye, everyone! See you next time!

King Garon Walt has declined the individual interview. We'll post the before and after photos, and hopefully Walt will join us in the group interview.




Walt What in the world are they teaching at that darn HHP?!!

King Garon Ahem. Walt, nice of you to join us. Welcome to the post design group interview, where we share with our viewers the current feelings of

Walt Have you seen my house?! I'm traumatized!!!

Étoile You?! I keep having flashbacks to when Betsy asked me to trust her with my home!
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Étoile Why did I say yes?!!

Boots Because we trusted Betsy! I've been having flashbacks of my own...

2023011908500600-02CB906EA538A35643C1E1484C4B947D (1).jpg

Walt I just think it's not fair that we can't see each other's finished houses. Could have saved myself a lot of grief.

King Garon We're saving the public unveilings on Sundrop for the big finale show. We wanted the homes to be in a dramatic big reveal episode, where all the villagers would be surprised at seeing each other's new home designs.

Drago Oh, it's gonna be a surprise all right.

King Garon Well, on a positive note, the ratings are really high for the show.

Annalise Of course the ratings are up! It's like a natural disaster! They can't not look!

King Garon But with the higher ratings, we can bring more money to Sundrop...

Drago What good is money when you can't sleep at night? I don't even have a bed!

Annalise Oh, no bed? Would you like to have some hay? It's comfy to sleep on, and I have plenty to spare! In fact, I have so much hay you're all more than welcome to come get some to sleep on...

Boots I don't need a bed, who could sleep with karaoke KK Jazz going 24/7?! I need exercise! I need healthy food! Do you know how many carbs are in my house right now?! I ate cupcakes yesterday! Cupcakes!!!

King Garon Well, I believe we can close the group interview now. Tune in next time for another exciting episode of Sensational Sundrop Surprises!
Welcome to Sundrop!
Home of Famous Designer Betsy!


Betsy Welcome back, everyone! Puddles is here!!!

Puddles Hi, everyone! Hi, Mom!

King Garon Welcome back, viewers, to another exciting episode of Sensational Sundrop Surprises! Today we're featuring a very special home design. Betsy and Puddles have been best friends for a very long time-

Puddles Like, forever!!!

King Garon Right. So, Betsy knows her best friend Puddles and knows what Puddles likes. We may actually have a successful home redesign today!

Betsy We always do!

King Garon Right...of course... So, while Puddles goes to see her new home design, we're going to run the pre-recorded pre-design interview.

Puddles I can't wait to see my new home!


Hi, everyone! King Garon here. As you can see in the above photo, one of our drones captured footage of a clandestine meeting between Betsy and Benjamin. As you know, Benjamin has not yet agreed to a home redesign by Betsy. It appears as though Betsy is still working hard to convince him!


King Garon So Puddles, are you excited to have Betsy working on your new home design?

Puddles Very excited! It's like Christmas! Betsy knows my favorite color is pink, and I have dreams of being a famous pop star! She's going to design the perfect home for me, I just know it!

King Garon Well, let's hope she does. Now, I'm sure you know that Benjamin said no thanks to the remodel. Do you have any idea why that is?

Puddles I'm not sure. I did overhear Walt and Drago talking about it today, and I thought they said he was lucky. That doesn't make sense, though, so maybe they said lazy, which would make more sense.

King Garon Interesting...well, good luck with your home, and we'll get your live reaction for our viewers after you've seen your new home.

Puddles Bye, everyone!
King Garon Back with a quick chat with Betsy! How did you go about designing Puddles' new home? She seemed to really like pink...

Betsy Yes, she does, but Puddles wants to be famous, and all that pink isn't really working for her. So I gave her a more dramatic design.

King Garon Er...dramatic?

Betsy Exactly! To draw attention. And I placed a famous work of art in her home, to draw people from all over. She'll be famous in no time!

King Garon I see...I guess I'd better head over to my interview with Puddles. She might need to talk...about the design...

Betsy She's gonna love it!


King Garon Puddles, are you okay?

Puddles sniffs No, I don't think I am...I mean, I've been best friends with Betsy for years. She always picks out great birthday gifts.

King Garon Do you think you and Betsy will still be best friends after this?

Puddles Well, of course! She's a great best friend. I just don't understand how she got my home so wrong...Maybe HHP isn't a very good design academy?

King Garon Oh! Oh no! I mean. I'm sure HHP Academy of Design is a wonderful academy. After all, they are a very valued sponsor of this show. Well, looks like it's time to head over to the group interview. We'll leave you viewers with the before and after photos of Puddles' home, including a first look at the famous artwork, which was provided by another wonderful sponsor, the Sundrop Museum.



King Garon Okay, everyone. Puddles has seen her new home, and is now joining us in the post-design group interview.

Group dismally Hi, Puddles...

Puddles Hi. I guess you can tell I'm not too happy about my new home.

Walt I'm not surprised! I called that darn HHP school. They don't even require the students to take any actual design classes! They just let 'em wing it and voilà! Instant design degree! My home was atrocious!

Boots Join the club! In my case, the jazz club, with nothing but junk food, everywhere...

Étoile At least your place has food. My place is nothing but clothes...mismatched, ugly, outdated clothes that I can't even wear.

Drago Ha! I wish my new home problems were that simple. I'm exhausted. I haven't slept in days!

Annalise But Drago, I gave you plenty of hay last night to make a bed! Couldn't you sleep on that?

Drago Oh yes, the hay...kind of hard to sleep on it when it's being literally vaporized!!! And yes - I do mean literally in the very literal sense!!

Puddles How did it get vaporized?!!

Drago It's the lava, it's too hot...

Group Lava?!!

Drago Yes! Lava everywhere!!

Boots Well, you may have the most dangerous house, but I think mine's the most depressing. All I do is sit around all day, singing along to the non-stop KK Jazz and eating junk food. And worst of all, sniffles, I haven't seen Abigail or Abner since yesterday morning... sobs

Puddles If we're all unhappy, someone should put a stop to this mess! Oh my god - Betsy’s doing Francine and Yuka next! We have to warn them! We have to stop the show, even if-

King Garon Hello, viewers! It seems our last live stream of the group interview was cut off somehow, technical difficulties and all...but never fear! We'll get things all fixed up in time for the next episode of Sensational Sundrop Surprises! See you there!
Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!


Sundrop is more famous than ever! We have people from all over coming to visit Sundrop, to see all of my sensational designs!


I can hardly believe it! We even have a waiting list for our campsite! And King Garon is super happy with all of the new sponsorships and tourism bells coming to Sundrop. It's so exciting! Oh- here's King Garon now.

King Garon Welcome, viewers! And Betsy! As always, you seem excited about today's home redesign.

Betsy I'm super excited! Today is the day Claudia gets to see her new home design!

King Garon Ah, yes, I had heard that Yuka and Francine wanted to postpone their home remodels.

Betsy Yes, they did, and Claudia had just returned to Sundrop from vacation and really wanted me to do her house as soon as possible. I can't wait for her to see it! I just know she's going to absolutely love it!

King Garon Your confidence is truly inspiring... But now, viewers, we'll stream the pre-recorded pre-design interview while Claudia heads over to see her new home.

Betsy She's gonna love it!


King Garon As you can see in the above photo, our drones caught footage of Puddles and Yuka deep in conversation. Shortly after this footage was captured, Yuka and Francine decided to postpone their remodels. We can't help but wonder what was said in this conversation...


King Garon Welcome, Claudia. You've been on vacation for a while. Now that you've returned, you seem eager for Betsy to remodel your home.

Claudia Oh, yes! I can't wait for Betsy to get in there and do her magic.

King Garon Well she'll certainly have access to quality furniture, provided by our valued sponsor, the HHP Academy of Design. Gently used, quality furniture can also be purchased by our viewers at the HHP Academy Shop.

Claudia snickers Indeed. I had some chats with Betsy, and one specific request, and I think she'll make me very happy with my new design.


King Garon Well, let's hope for the best!

King Garon We're back with Betsy. Can you share with our viewers how you chose Claudia's new design?

Betsy Of course! First I chatted with Claudia about any specific things she wanted. Then, like always, I really tried to get to the heart of what she was after. I'm pretty sure I've knocked this one out of the park!

King Garon Hmmm...I guess there's only one way to find out. Betsy, its been a pleasure, as always. Viewers at home, stay tuned for Claudia's live reaction interview with yours truly, followed by our post design group interview.

Betsy Bye, everyone!


King Garon Welcome, Claudia. Our viewers are eager to hear - what is your live reaction to your new home design?

Claudia I'm extremely happy with my new home design, King Garon.

King Garon Er....you are?

Claudia Absolutely!

King Garon Well, I guess we won't be needing the tissues... Can you tell us some specific things you liked about the design?

Claudia Well, there's the antique bed, of course. I love that Betsy kept the bed like I asked. And for the rest of it, well, Betsy pretty much did exactly what I thought she'd do. And I couldn't be happier!

King Garon Well! There you have it, viewers! Betsy has finally had a successful home redesign! First time for everything, I guess...
We'll leave you with the before and after photos, and then Claudia will join us in the post design group interview.



King Garon Welcome, everyone! Claudia is joining us today.

Puddles How bad was it? Are you okay?

Étoile We have tissues.

Claudia I'm super happy with it!

Group shocked silence

Boots You serious, Claudia?

Drago There's no shame in breaking down...

Walt I did.

Claudia No, really! I love what Betsy did with my home! I'm truly happy!

Annalise Well, you somehow dodged one heckuva bullet and really lucked out. By the way, I love your Labelle outfit. It's gorgeous! Is it new?

Claudia It is! I'm going to buy the whole collection.

Étoile Wow! I could never afford that!

Claudia snickers...

King Garon Looks like Betsy actually managed to indeed knock this one out of the park! Miracles do happen... I guess we'll say goodbye to our viewers, and we'll see you next time on Sensational Sundrop Surprises!

Welcome to Super-Sensational Sundrop!


King Garon Welcome! Today we have another set of Sensational Sundrop Surprises that are sure to thrill our viewers!

Betsy Yes! Francine and Yuka heard how happy Claudia was with her home makeover, and they decided to let me do theirs!

King Garon That's fantastic! I'm sure you worked really hard to get both houses done in time for today's show.

Betsy I sure did. And I think they'll be super surprised!

King Garon Well, let's go ahead and roll our pre-design interview while Francine and Yuka get to go see their new homes.

Betsy See you later!


King Garon Francine, Yuka, welcome to the show. Can you tell us why you changed your minds about your home makeovers?

Yuka Well, we noticed some of the people with new home designs didn't seem too happy.

Francine Shocked, but not in a good way, and certainly not happy.

Yuka That's right. And well, Puddles wasn't too thrilled with hers...But then Claudia was really happy with hers.

Francine And telling everyone that Betsy did exactly what she wanted.

Yuka So we decided to give Betsy a chance.

Francine Yes, but I made sure to have a talk with Betsy, just to make sure she understood what we didn't want.

King Garon With that guidance, perhaps Betsy will create fabulous homes and make you both very happy. Just like the fabulous concoctions served at Brewster's Cafe make many people happy every day. Hop on over to Brewster's Cafe, to have yourself a happy day.

Yuka I beg your pardon?

King Garon And on that note, good luck with your new homes, and we'll meet again after your new homes are revealed!

King Garon We're back here with Betsy. Can you tell us how you chose the designs for Francine and Yuka?

Betsy Of course! You know, Yuka and Francine live right next door to each other, and they had similar requests, like a kitchen, a sleeping area, and a bathroom. And Francine said something the other day that really stood out to me.

King Garon And that inspired your design?

Betsy Exactly! It was obvious Francine wanted to share her home, so that's exactly what I did!

King Garon Uhmm....exactly what did you do?

Betsy I created an original design concept - the shared home!

King Garon This I've got to see...ahem, well, let's hope they like it. Betsy, we'll see you next time.

Betsy Bye, everyone!


King Garon I take it the shared home wasn't what either of you were expecting. Help yourselves to some tissues.

Francine It's like she didn't listen to a word I said!

Yuka It's worse than that! It's like she listened, but then turned our requests into some crazy nightmare!

Francine I can't live in this so-called "shared" home!

Yuka Neither can I!

King Garon Let's go ahead and post the before and after photos, then we'll meet up in the group interview.


King Garon Okay everyone - settle down, grab a tissue, and let's hear from Francine and Yuka.

Puddles How bad is it?

Yuka It's awful! We have to share homes now! Betsy put the bathroom and kitchen in Francine's house! I have to walk to Francine's house to use the bathroom!

Francine And the toilet is right in the kitchen! And our beds are both over at Yuka's house!

Drago Hey, at least you have a place to sleep! I singed my tail again last night trying to get comfortable...

Yuka But we have to hike over to Francine's to use the bathroom or get something to drink!

Boots Hey, at least you have beds and a kitchen. You can still make healthy food. Ever try living on club snacks?! It's not just Abigail and Abner now....they're all gone...sigh

Étoile What are we going to do? How are we supposed to live like this?

Drago I'm not! As soon as the park reopens, I'm pitching my tent there. I'll be living in the park and renting my house out to tourists.

Annalise I have plenty of hay you can use for park beds.

Puddles Oh, no. You don't suppose Betsy can do anything awful to the park, do you? I mean, it's all blocked off, so I have no idea what's going on in there, but how hard is it to do grass, flowers, a fishing pond, and a bench? How bad could she mess that up?

Walt I think the park might be safe. I was having words with the HHP president the other day, and I did ask if they taught any park design classes. They don't. So we should be safe.

Boots Thank our lucky stars for that...I might pitch my tent out in the park as well. Might get some good sleep, and I can do my calisthenics on the grass. I really need to work hard to get back in shape.

Francine You know, if we all pitched tents in the park and rented our homes to tourists, we could probably earn enough bells to fix our houses.

Drago I wonder how much lava removal costs.

Yuka It's a good idea though.

Puddles I still don't understand how she could get Claudia's house so right and the rest of them so wrong.

King Garon Well, we're out of time, so we'll close this interview and see all of our wonderful viewers next time on Sensational Sundrop Surprises. By the way...where is Claudia?


Claudia Welcome to my fabulous home!

King Garon Wow! This looks a lot different than it did after Betsy finished!

Claudia Yes, I had it remodeled. I paid extra to have it done throughout the night, so nobody would know...snickers

King Garon But you seemed happy with it! And how did you afford all of this? Is that another new Labelle outfit? And where did all of this gold come from?!

Claudia chuckles Well, when I went on "vacation", I was actually taking my turnips to a nearby island to sell, at a huge profit. I made millions!

King Garon The stalk market?!

Claudia Exactly! I also caught the first few episodes of Betsy’s designs while on that other island. After seeing her give Annalise the horse nothing but hay and Drago a fiery dragon cave, it was pretty easy to predict what she would do to my house, obviously some kind of cat theme.

King Garon I don't understand...

Claudia Oh, well, there are betting boards set up on other islands. You can put money in and take your best guess on a home design outcome. I put all my turnip profits in on a prediction for my home, and boy did Betsy sure deliver! I tripled my already huge turnip profits!! I'm rich!!!

King Garon So that's why you were so happy with your home.

Claudia Exactly!


King Garon We've added NookMics - which can be purchased from our valued sponsor, Nook's Cranny - to our drones, and we finally managed to catch some audio from one of our flyovers! It appears Betsy has indeed been trying to convince Benjamin to do a home makeover, and now we know why Benjamin has been holding out!

Drone audio recording:
Benjamin ...unless I can keep all of my friends!

Betsy But Benjamin, they're cockroaches, and cockroaches aren't....
Welcome to Sundrop!
Best Town Ever!


King Garon Betsy! Today is the day when the park will finally be unveiled!

Betsy Yes, I can't wait for everyone to see it!

King Garon I know in my talks with the villagers, they were really looking forward to being able to use the park again. Can you share with our viewers what inspired your park design?

Betsy Of course! My inspiration boils down to one word - fun! I wanted Sundrop to have a place where everyone could come to blow off steam, relax, and have some fun.

King Garon That actually sounds pretty wonderful. Let's join the villagers and go unveil the new town park - our biggest ever Sensational Sundrop Surprise!





King Garon Okay everyone...we have extra tissues available...

Boots There's no grass in the park!

Francine And no fishing pond!

Drago And nowhere to put my tent!

Puddles Everything is paved over! I don't understand it. We asked for a relaxing park with grass, flowers, a pond...but we ended up with a paved, loud, obnoxious amusement park!

Walt I'll never sleep again...all that noise, those lights, all night long!

Étoile I'll bet this amusement park happened because we had the Nook Miles Program become a sponsor of the show.

King Garon Oh! I really don't think our sponsors are responsible for -

Annalise I agree, Étoile. This whole business with the show and all these sponsors just isn't very good for Sundrop.

King Garon Now, wait a minute, our sponsors -

Drago I agree! How did Sundrop end up like this?! It's definitely not the peaceful island it used to be.

King Garon But the money from the tourists and sponsors will-

Boots Pfft! Money?! I'd rather have my old life back than have to deal with any more sponsors, tourists, or "Sensational Sundrop Surprises "...I've had enough of all of it.

Walt Same here! We should just put a stop to all of it.

King Garon groans But the show-

Etoile So how do we stop everything and get back to normal?

Annalise I can pay Katrina to curse Betsy! A curse of no more design ideas!

King Garon more groans Oh, no, we can't -

Francine I've already made some signs! I was already planning to protest!


Walt I can probably convince the HHP Academy board to revoke Betsy’s design degree.

King Garon groans of increasing discomfort

Drago What on earth is possessing you to do all that groaning?

King Garon I can't help it! We're going to lose everything! The sponsors, the show, the bells.. This is a disaster!

Boots The disaster is what's been happening on Sundrop!

Walt The disaster is that darn Betsy and that darn HHP design degree!

Annalise She's just gone mad with design power and ruined Sundrop!

Puddles But I don't think she has any idea. Betsy wouldn't make us all miserable on purpose. She's always been a good friend.

Walt grumpy I guess that's true. She always brings me nice presents on my birthday.

Boots And she always brings me medicine when I'm feeling bad.

Yuka She is very good at helping me find my lost things.

King Garon admitting defeat All right. I can see the writing on the wall. We were running out of homes to redesign anyway. But how are we going to fix everything?

Annalise We need a way to get Betsy to realize just how bad her designs really are.

Francine Without hurting her feelings...

Puddles I've got it! I know exactly what we can do!
King Garon And that concludes today's episode! Yes, we're keeping you all in suspense until next time, when we'll be streaming Puddles' plan live in action - and Betsy will be the one who gets a Sensational Sundrop Surprise of her own!

Welcome to Sundrop!

King Garon Welcome, everyone! We're back here with Betsy, who has completed all of her current design projects here on Sundrop. Betsy, can you tell us what's in store for today? Have you finally convinced Benjamin to remodel his home?

Betsy Not yet, but I'm still working on him! Today I don't have any new designs to unveil, but I still have a big day planned. See, I was talking to Puddles the other day, and she suggested I spend some time with my friends in the new homes I designed for them!

King Garon What a great plan! I mean, what a great idea...ahem, always nice to spend time with friends.

Betsy I know, right? And then Yuka mentioned she had a new recipe she wanted to try out...

Betsy So she invited me to her place to try out the new recipe for dinner! And then Drago invited me to go over to his place for a sleepover! I'm so excited!

King Garon Sounds like you have a full schedule ahead of you! We'll have our cameras follow you around on your day, and perhaps we can catch up with you after your sleepover at Drago's?

Betsy Sounds great! I'd better go meet Puddles at her house. We're spending the morning together. See you later!


Hi, everyone, Betsy here! Guess I'll be talking to the cameras directly now. Well, I spent most of the day with Puddles in her new home, and it was kind of weird... Usually we spend time together crafting and all, but now there isn't anything to do in her house except stand around and look at the artwork! She didn't even have anywhere for food in there, so we didn't have lunch, and I'm starving! I'm meeting up with Yuka now for dinner. I hope her new recipe is good!


Well, Yuka's new home design sure looks nice, but it was a little awkward when we had to go over to Francine's house to see if we could use the kitchen. But Francine said of course, it was a shared home, so she was used to Yuka coming in and out for the bathroom or the kitchen. Now that we have that settled, we're going fishing! Yuka wants to use catfish for a new fried fish recipe, and I can't wait to try it!


I can't believe it! When I made the amusement park, I paved over the only pond in town! Oops... Maybe not my best design moment, but Francine saved the day with some bread and jam she had on hand. And now, I'll be heading over to Drago's for our sleepover!


Well, the evening started out well. Drago and I played some games and chatted. It was really hot in there, though, and impossible to sleep! I brought a sleeping bag, but there was really nowhere to put it, and by morning it was vaporized! What an awful night, no sleep, lava everywhere, and my favorite panda backpack got singed! Drago was really nice about evetything, but I could tell he was exhausted, too. Sigh... I think it's time I got some real feedback on my designs....


King Garon Grab some tissues, Betsy. Can you share with our viewers what's going through your mind right now?

Betsy It's awful! Everything is just awful! I think I've ruined Sundrop!

King Garon I'm sure it can't be all that bad....

Betsy It's worse! What was I thinking?! I got so carried away with my design concepts and just made everyone upset and miserable. We don't even have a pond anymore! And have you seen Boots? He just wanders around aimlessly, muttering about someday finding Abner, Abby, and Abigal again...it's awful!

King Garon I must admit, I've been a bit carried away with the bells and the fame from the show...

Betsy Like I got carried away with design...

King Garon Exactly! But what good are bells and fame if Sundrop isn't happy?

Betsy Exactly! We still have one more show scheduled, right? The big finale with the Sundrop home reveals? And we have a bit of time until that show?

King Garon Indeed we do...what are you thinking?

Betsy I'm thinking I've got a lot of work to do...and I'm thinking I can deliver the absolute best ever Sensational Sundrop Surprise!

Welcome to Sundrop!
Welcome to the last broadcast of Sensational Sundrop Surprises! These past few days I've been working overtime on fixing my designs and getting Sundrop back to being the best island ever! I have to admit that while I was lost in my design madness, my own home was somewhat neglected....


I had cockroaches! Everywhere! Shudders...
After taking care of those creepy crawlers, I invited all of my friends over, one by one, to talk about what they really wanted in their homes. Only this time, I actually paid attention! And today is the big reveal! Let's start with Drago, whose home is no longer a lava pit!


Tada! Exactly what he wanted! The swords were enough of an exciting change for Drago, who is even now taking yet another nap, catching up on all that missed sleep!

Next we have Walt's house!


It's absolutely perfect for Walt! He really liked the new wall decorations, and he grumbled that "maybe that darn HHP isn't too terrible after all..."

Next we have...Puddles!


Puddles loves the small changes, and is super happy to start working on being famous for something other than having that awful art design home...

And now for Francine and Yuka. No more shared home concept here! What was I thinking?!



Now they both have the separate, beautiful homes they love!

And Annalise is also super happy to have her home back to the way she always liked it.


No more horrible hay!

Étoile is also loving having a familiar home, with only one fancy designer outfit on display.


And Boots! Boots has a farm!


Lots of room to grow, and lots of room for indoor calisthenics!

I think I've managed to make everyone pretty happy - especially Benjamin! I put all of the cockroaches from my house into bug containers and delivered them to Benjamin's house. He was happy to have new "friends", but when I visited him, I didn't see any of the containers...hmmm...

Oh! And I got rid of the amusement park and put in a fishing pond, complete with a bench and plenty of flowers.


I also put in a small area where people can relax, chat, and watch Boots run laps around the island.


And speaking of Boots, everyone has been taking turns exercising with him as he tries to get back in top form.


Best of all, one of Boots' missing Abs has already returned! That was quite the tearful, joyous reunion...

Oh! I forgot - I have one last interview with King Garon. I'd better get over there...


King Garon Betsy! The park is wonderful, and everyone is so happy with their homes!

Betsy Isn't it great? Sundrop finally feels happy again.

King Garon You've done a wonderful job. I am a bit sad to see the end of the show, and the fame, and the sponsors, and the bells... But what about you? Are you going to continue designing?

Betsy Oh, no! I had a lot of fun, but I think I'm done with my design career.

King Garon But if you're not designing, what will you be doing?

Betsy Well, I heard the most exciting news! HHP Academy is opening up a cooking school - the HHP Academy of Culinary Delights! I'm going to get a degree! And Sundrop doesn't have any kind of restaurant, so I could open one. And everyone could come from all over to try my recipes!

King Garon You know, we might be able to make a show out of this....

Betsy It's so exciting!