would you like to do your monty for my 301 isabelle? ^^
Definitely! Send me a pic and details!
would you like to do your monty for my 301 isabelle? ^^
Hiya. Would you be willing to trade Lolly for Muffy?
I've been looking for Fang, too, but I only have Muffy from your list.
I recently accuired a JP 011 Boris, dunno if you’re interested?
Sure! Which cards would you like in return?
Sorry it took so long to reply works been really stressful so I havent been online much
Sure! I dont think I still have your address so send it to me again. Do you need mine again?umm will you do Rasher, Diana, Flora?
I would love Maddie if that works for you! Send me a pic and information if it does!Hi again! Would you be willing to trade your 312 Shrunk, 330 Croque, and 396 Simon, for any of my WA cards? I have:
WA09 Huck
WA16 Stu x2
WA19 Maddie x2
WA20 Billy
WA21 Boyd
WA22 Bitty
WA24 Murphy
WA27 Claude
WA31 Bea
WA36 Candi x3
WA37 Leopold
WA39 Cashmere x2
WA43 Sprocket
WA50 Tasha
Would you trade Skye for three series 01 cards?
I need 263 Gaston, 305 Celeste, 337 Queenie, 393 Frobert, and 397 Iggly.
I HAVE 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 16, 20, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, and 48 of the Welcome amiibo. I'll do one for one for Celeste but maybe 2 regular cards per welcome amiibo? Let me know!
I need 263 Gaston, 305 Celeste, 337 Queenie, 393 Frobert, and 397 Iggly.
I HAVE 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 16, 20, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, and 48 of the Welcome amiibo. I'll do one for one for Celeste but maybe 2 regular cards per welcome amiibo? Let me know!