Once again NOA doesn't fail to disappoint us!
Really Reggie January!?! Really!? That really was the cherry on top! First no Pearl White new 3DS XL for NA (Reggie says that white consoles "don't sell well"- [tell that to the Wii and DS Lite!])
I think Bill Trinton (hope I spelled his last name right) would make a much better president of NOA than Reggie.
I really wanted to finally update my old pink and white 3DS, but no because Reggie insists that all American gamers only like black and red!
So that's less money for you Nintendo!
By the time series 2 in out in NA JP will have series 3 around the corner! The only good thing to come out of this is that my wallet will be ready in Jaunary for both series 2 when it's here and to import series 3 from Japan when its out!
NOA missed a opportunity to make holiday sales for series 2, however that could make it easer to find them, assuming that there's not another shortage!
I just hope it's worth the wait!