I think the best Amiibo Card in Series #04, for quality of design, is 379 Nibbles. (Runners-up: 356 Pietro and 323 Katt.)
Yeah they are cool
I like ofcourse Peaches Because she is my favorite Villager.
I have only just getting used to her number
325. yeah 8 is my favorite number.
But Ok. Goldie is nice too. And Stitches.
but for me is Queenie 337 and Peaches 325 the perfect cards
I like with all people to talk about the amiibo card series of Animal Crossing
(sorry that under is for everyone to mean
Maybe You can't understand me.
But I try my best English to write.
I would learn English a lot
That I can write and talk English too.
but actually is my Language harder then English.
I am Dutch , so yeah, but you can help me with my English.
When you see a wrong word, say it to me