Selling Series: Spooky, Rococo, Exotic, Sleek, Astro


Senior Member
Jun 18, 2013
0% (0) +
Want to start cataloguing sets.
Full sets that I currently have:

I have them all on hand currently

Let me know what you have!

I am looking for trades of sets and partial sets I don't have (see list in sig), but also want to help the community, so if all you have is Bella, or whatever else, I will help you out. But please be patient. :)
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Guys, please mention what you are wanting to trade.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Does the Rococo series have a carpet? I don't see it listed...

Yes, it's complete. I haven't updated my carpet page. If I say I have a full series, I mean I have a full series regardless what my book says. ;)
I would like to catalog the Rococo table, wall item, lamp, bookcase, chair, and wardrobe. I would give you a goal pole, triple bananas, stag beetle chair, firefly lamp, and a lazy-suzan table.
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How much do you want for full spooky set? Ill give 115K
I am keeping that in my house, but am happy to catalogue. But I can't stress, I'd rather have trades than cash. If all you got is cash, well ok.
I am keeping that in my house, but am happy to catalogue. But I can't stress, I'd rather have trades than cash. If all you got is cash, well ok.

What are you looking for? Also, if I'm only cataloging, maybe 115K is a bit much...
What are you looking for? Also, if I'm only cataloging, maybe 115K is a bit much...

Anything that is part of a set. More worried about my catalogue than bells. But if bells is all you have I am happy to help. Also, spooky set isn't really out there, so it's a bit more valuable right now (just saying). I paid 350k for it, as did the person who got it before me. Not saying that is what it is WORTH, but it's certainly more difficult to come by than most of the other sets you see floating about. But anyway, we can work something out. I am not here to strong arm and keep "exclusive" stuff. That's no fun.
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I know I've collected A LOT of the modern wood furniture and sleek furniture. I'm certain I don't have the complete sets for each, but it's a good start. I can give you a full list if you're interested. I'm currently hunting the entire Rococo series + any Gracie items.

Alright set related items:

Blue: bookcase, cabinet, table, wall shelf
Cabin: bed, bookcase, wall clock
Classic: clock, desk, sofa
Green: counter, lamp, wall clock
Lovely: armoire, bed, dresser, end table, love seat, table, vanity, wall clock
Minimalist: bed, clock, lamp, ottoman
Modern Wood: chair, chest, clock, lamp, shelf, stool, table, TV
Ranch: armchair, bed, hutch, table, tea table, wall rack, wardrobe
Sleek: bed, dresser, sideboard, stero

blah blah blah. Lots of misc things D:
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I know I've collected A LOT of the modern wood furniture and sleek furniture. I'm certain I don't have the complete sets for each, but it's a good start. I can give you a full list if you're interested. I'm currently hunting the entire Rococo series + any Gracie items.

Take a look at my list and tell me what you have that I don't. Easiest way to go I think. :)

I know I can use at least half of the pieces from each of the sets you mentioned. :)
I'm very interested in cataloging the whole Rococo series, minus the wallpaper and carpet. Are you interested in the Mermaid series, or Gulliver items? I have the Mermaid Bed/Sofa and Gulliver's pagoda/dream catcher. If not, I have a few items available at the moment that I can hand over ( pickle jar, game-show stand, etc ).
I'm very interested in cataloging the whole Rococo series, minus the wallpaper and carpet. Are you interested in the Mermaid series, or Gulliver items? I have the Mermaid Bed/Sofa and Gulliver's pagoda/dream catcher. If not, I have a few items available at the moment that I can hand over ( pickle jar, game-show stand, etc ).
I will have most of the mermaid set tonight. I'd go for the gulliver's items, maybe a few more things if you have them?

What I have, but after giving your list a quick glance I do have some items you do not.
Ok, I will take a look. I will have to log for a bit, but I will come back later tonight and pm both of you!