I made a bit of a mis-calculation: I thought Setsubun was on the 4th, but I was wrong.
I had hoped to open gates tomorrow for people to come over.
But, anyway: if anyone wants to come over today, buy a mask, throw some beans, reply to this thread and I'll open my gates! I have a few errands to run today but other than that I'll be home doing chores, I should be able to open up often if people want.
So: reply with your friend code if you want to come on over!
I had hoped to open gates tomorrow for people to come over.
But, anyway: if anyone wants to come over today, buy a mask, throw some beans, reply to this thread and I'll open my gates! I have a few errands to run today but other than that I'll be home doing chores, I should be able to open up often if people want.
So: reply with your friend code if you want to come on over!