• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Share something no one knows about you!

Izzy Reincarnated

May 30, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
Pear (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Avatar Width Extension
Share something! It could be anything!

As for me, I once committed a big crime in a foreign country a few years ago (not gonna go into too much detail).. I was staying in that country for about a week. There were reports and signs all over the town about the crime I did and the police were investigating and searching for people. The crime I did also gave out my fingerprint, so the police got a hold of that. But before they were able to find me, I had already left the country. I was super scared at that time I was ****ting my pants.
I was so relieved when I returned home. To go back there again, I will never do 。

How about you?
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I have an irrational fear of janken that stemmed from one video revealing something VERY spoilery about the game he was playing.

There are SOOOO many nudes of me on the internet, but thankfully I never show my face in any of them but my tattoos in some of them could connect me to them if someone I knew found them... o_O (Only some of them were posted by me, but you know, guys are jerks...)
One thing that no one knows about is how I have multiple personalities, willingly. If I'm feeling a certain way I'll transition to one or the other. I have about 3 distinct identities at this point. Each one has different thoughts, speech patterns, style, emotions, interests, etc. I know it sounds crazy but it really makes life more interesting. Why should I limit myself to only one personality?

My favorite identity is what I call Moon Prism. They're definitely the most ingenious. When I'm in this mode I'm very powerful and fiercely independent. Not that I'm fearful to begin with but this aspect of me has almost NO FEAR. I do whatever, whenever and nobody can get in my way. It's great knowing I can switch into moon prism mode whenever I need to be unstoppable. It's also very rare for me to be sad or dejected in this mode.
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I'm bisexual! Lmao, well my online friends know this, but I've never told anyone in real life. I'm a little bit afraid to tell anyone... I do remember in year 8, I was contemplating my sexuality a lot, and I eventually told one of my friends that I ~could be~ bisexual, and she said she also felt the same way, she was uncertain on her sexual orientation too, so it made me feel a bit better to know I wasn't alone... I also told another girl but then she proceeded to make gross af "lesbian" jokes behind my back about me and in the end it was forgotten about, I tried to seem grossed out if my friends made those sorts of jokes around me and acted as if I was only interested in boys. She did ask me if I was bisexual actually like last year, and I just said "what no lol that was a joke". ;v; So I don't think I would even WANT to tell anyone in real life anymore. I mean, all I said to them was that I was unsure on my sexuality, I thought I could be bisexual or at the least "curious" lmao, but... :\ Now only my online friends know!

I also KIND OF have crushes on two girls at my school haha, well... Not crushes, more like I just notice them a lot and I find them really cute and would wanna talk to them and hang out with them... ;v; But they're both younger than me ahhhhhhh, so it's kind of awkward to approach them. I haven't told anyone this because I'm afraid of the judgment. xD
That i'm aromantic asexual lmao, i've told people online but no one in real life (like Celestefey).
once when i was like 8 or something i stole a rly cute figure thingy from school. i didn't rly mean to steal it but i kinda did uhH. it was a frog and it was rly cool but then i threw it away because i felt bad lmao.

alSO ACCIDENTALLY stole a book from school when i was younger. we had gotten books in school that we were supposed to read and then give back to school, but I forgot all about it and found it in a drawer a few months later.... I don't think I gave it back because it would have been too embarrassing.
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I'm pretty open to my family... But one thing is I constantly dream/daydream about being someone else, one of my OC's but that's not even that big.
I am very scared if heights, i will dream about falling off things a lot
I also hate and am very scared of ghosts, it gives me shivers just thinking about it!
I get really bad sleep paralysis and it's often so bad, I end up not sleeping for two days after the incident.
when i was younger (like eight or seven y/o) my parents forced me to drink a sht ton of milk. i hated milk so when they were busy, id just go to my room and spill it all in the corner of my room assuming that the milk would just blend in and disappear. it obviously left a disgusting stench for a few weeks in my room so i had to sleep in the guest room for awhile. thankfully, get got our carpets cleans eventually
These are some stuff pretty much nobody IRL knows about me, not even family or friends:

- I go on stuff like TBTF
- I like to draw stuff
- I have OCs. A LOT of them, too.
- I'm asexual/aromantic
- My favourite colour is blue, blue...

Meanwhile, people online don't know this stuff:

- My IRL name is
- My address is
- My phone number is

Lolololol you thought I was gonna share that kinda stuff online??