Is club Tortimer from NL? Or was it a forum like this?
New Leaf yes, a separate smaller island with exclusive furniture and minigames. You could choose to go to an online version of that with random weirdos.Is club Tortimer from NL? Or was it a forum like this?
OMG I just got asked to join a window cult on Club Tortimer. They stare at the window and say the strangest things... like the window is a god.
Actually, I'm leaving now after they said the window wants me dead. What..
Wtf>insert strange quote here<
Why would a window of all things want Callie dead? Those people were insane.
Man and I haven't really seen much strange things at club tortimer, but I did just remember a hacker guy who was giving out a ton of free bells which was pretty nice but that's about itWhy would a window of all things want Callie dead? Those people were insane.
how many times have you been asked "can i have your clothes" LOLI can't possibly count how many times I have said the word "Amiibo" on Club Tortimer.
I swear like 90% of the New Leaf players don't look up Amiibo features online/don't know about the Splatoon Amiibos/don't know what Splatoon even is.
I get asked almost constantly where I got my clothes from... It's annoying, but I still answer it politely.
I can't remember, but it has happened a lot less than being asked where they came many times have you been asked "can i have your clothes" LOL