I have seen share you map and other threats but I have not seen share your flag threat so here it is, I find creating a flag so hard and thought it could be nice if we all share our flags and maybe said something about them. Soper hyped to see all your creations !
Here is mine ( for the moment, im thinking of changing it at some point maybe
For me its like a symbolism where you have in the center the idolized beauty and perfection in a beautiful single and individualized pot which is what we all one way or another try to achieve and focus on ( our own way of perfection and beauty ) I know in the game this flower does not have spines but i thought that in order to achieve this stage of pure perfection one must toughen up in certain ways, so yeah, then I surrounded this idolization bubble by another type of beauty which is wild and cannot be control or detained. The bees is just cause I felt it was just to empty up there hehehe.