Share your town flag :D !

I can believe it, i meant since a couple of days or weeks i had a default flag hahaha, I to find this threat super inspiring and loving all the different flags and flag meanings :)
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I saw this from your island journal and i found it absolutely adorable it kind of reminds me of the "tangle" disney movie :D
Aw Thanks, I wasn’t going for a tangled themed flag but I think it goes well with my Island’s name.
Here’s mine. It’s pretty fitting for a Sailor Moon themed island I think. It’s inspired by a design I saw back in New Leaf but I changed a fair bit of it around to make it more of my own.


My flag is based of the old logo BBC Two used in the 70's/80's. Since most of my favorite TV shows aired back then on BBC2, I thought I would try to recreate it and later decided to use as a flag, as I honestly had no idea what else I could use. May gonna switch it out some day for something else if I come up with a better idea.
I finished mine! Thanks for the thread. It sort of motivated me to make one. It’s super simple, but it matches me and my island. It also matches my plaza and airport, so that’s a plus. It’s a sad face. I wanted to make it look like an actual flag though. I also wanted it match my name. So this is how it looks.

Edit: I sort of changed it:
Which one looks better?
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I finished mine! Thanks for the thread. It sort of motivated me to make one. It’s super simple, but it matches me and my island. It also matches my plaza and airport, so that’s a plus. It’s a sad face. I wanted to make it look like an actual flag though. I also wanted it match my name. So this is how it looks.

Edit: I sort of changed it:
Which one looks better?
If you want a sad face, I think the second flag looks more appropriate. The first one makes me think of a house.
Rather than take a new better pic I just used what I had available in my screen shots but this is my flag! I am still trying to tweak it a little bit but it's a sun peaking out from behind some rain clouds and an orange tree. I am still trying to perfect it but the design idea has remained the same since the beginnings of my island. I really want my flag to be made by me with no outside help however I'm also not great at custom designs so it's been difficult for me.

my flag.jpeg
Mine is very simple, I just scanned an image lol. I had a different flag before. I may change this one later, but for now, I'll keep using it.

Mine is very simple, I just scanned an image lol. I had a different flag before. I may change this one later, but for now, I'll keep using it.

View attachment 353309
ohmahgosh this is so flippin' adorable! 🖤 i'm literally crocheting my fiance a city moogle right now 😍
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What are your island flags? Some creative pattern that you made or something simple and sweet? Or maybe you used an already existing flag to represent your island. Do you change it frequently? Or just stick to it.

For me I made the flag of Ireland my island flag. Its my heritage and I like the colors. 😁🇮🇪

Share your flag and explain why you chose it. :)

View attachment 353670
I made three virtually identical versions of this flag and my inability to decide once and for all which one to use has been a ridiculous source of animal crossing stress for me.
personally, i love B the best; i love the border aspect that it has along the entire edge of it.

but, honestly? all three of these are gorgeous and so amazing 😍 it reminds me of something i'd find in an elder scrolls or dragon age game on a banner for a faction or something, it's so well done! i also love green, but even if it was pink my most disliked colour they would be stunning designs.
personally, i love B the best; i love the border aspect that it has along the entire edge of it.

but, honestly? all three of these are gorgeous and so amazing 😍 it reminds me of something i'd find in an elder scrolls or dragon age game on a banner for a faction or something, it's so well done! i also love green, but even if it was pink my most disliked colour they would be stunning designs.
Thank you so much! I was going for a fantasy feel, so your comment makes me happy:)

I liked the idea of a border for a flag so I was thinking B, but then I thought a flag should be a little less intricate so I started leading towards A, then I thought maybe C? Because it's a mix of the two? But actually doesn't that just mean that C has the lack of border that A has in addition to the lack of simplicity I was worried about with B???? As you can see, I have devoted much more thought to this than the situation warrants. I was completely stuck. I might just take your advice and go with B:)

So bit of explanation, my island is named Dunwall because I'm incapable of making things that aren't references I had played Dishonored just before I got NH and I adore the game and the name too. I couldn't find an official kind of flag for Dunwall to recreate in NH, so I decided for my island flag to recreate one of the renders/arts of the Whaler characters, because I love them a lot. It was the first design I made in the game, and I'm still proud of it all these months later. <3

( sorry for the nighttime pic, it's the best one I had ^^; )
ooh, i love this thread, one of my favorite parts of visiting other people is seeing their flags!
here's littleroot's current one:


i'm not quite in love with it so more tweaking is required, and the sparkles might be a bit much... but it's something!
and, uh, sorry about the "film" filter. it seems i'm incapable of taking screenshots without it anymore...
my flag is a eevee design that i found on the kiosk :3 cause my poke-sona is eevee :3


Awe i love eeve she is so cute and has so many strong evolution posibilities, what a grate town flow 😍
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Old photo, but my flag has been the same for a long time now!
Originally I wanted it to be more flag like, but after awhile I decided to do something different and made this one!
Wait you did that? o_O mayor skills there, congrats ! I must admit that i love it, its super cute and it gives such a magical vibe ✨
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Thank you so much! I was going for a fantasy feel, so your comment makes me happy:)

I liked the idea of a border for a flag so I was thinking B, but then I thought a flag should be a little less intricate so I started leading towards A, then I thought maybe C? Because it's a mix of the two? But actually doesn't that just mean that C has the lack of border that A has in addition to the lack of simplicity I was worried about with B???? As you can see, I have devoted much more thought to this than the situation warrants. I was completely stuck. I might just take your advice and go with B:)
Hihihi i can see your suffering from afar, i personally liked them all, but very curious to know which one you decided to display
here's mine!

my island name is Crescentia, which explains the crescent moon, the cat represents my island rep lol, I might change up the colors tho and make it more cottagecore/forestcore looking but for now it is what it is and I haven't changed it since yet...