Shop shinx's hybrid pre-order shop! (orders closed)

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Apr 1, 2016
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Winter Mittens
Tasty Cake
100% (215) +

hello! welcome to my hybrid pre-order shop!
my name is shinx and i wanna breed some flowers for you.
i am able to breed any flowers except gold roses, as expected.

○all orders will be pick-up
○all hybrids are priced at 2 tbt each
○please use the order form at the bottom of the post
○i am only accepting tbt at the moment
○please do not rush me, depending on the bulk of your order, it may take me a few hours to a few days
○i will not tolerate trying to scam me, so for my safety i ask that you send the tbt before entering my gates
○i have the right to deny a request
○please do not run out of my sight, or i will flip the wi-fi switch
○the hybrids are all at my beach, so I ask you to follow me once you get there
○the limit is 50 flowers per pre-order
○there are only 3 orders (slots) that i will take at a time, and will close the thread when working on them and when they are filled, then open it back up when I am ready
○first come, first serve
○you have 72 hours to come and pick them up before I sell them off
○im a huge wildlife bio & zoology nerd, so if you've read this, tell me a cool animal fact
○you must read the rules before i accept your order


still needed to pick up:
○Alicia (4 orange & 4 blue roses)

previously bred & selling off:

order form:
○ac name: ---
○town name: ---
○your fc: --- (if not in the sidebar)
○pre-order: ---
○price: ---

thank you and i hope to be doing business with you!


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An echinda has four heads in the nether region. Don't want flowers. Just spreading... that. My go to fun fact.
all these facts are so cool and things I need to look into. cx
also sea horses are some of the coolest fish ever and the leafy dragons are gorgeous!
and echindas also lay eggs, a very uncommon trait for mammals, with the only other animal in its order (monotremes) being a platypus!
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scorpions glow in ultra-violet light...
actually saw this in person when trying to find scorpions in Arizona last summer!

(sorry, no flowers for me atm but when I need some more pink and black lilies I'm coming to you!)
scorpions glow in ultra-violet light...
actually saw this in person when trying to find scorpions in Arizona last summer!

(sorry, no flowers for me atm but when I need some more pink and black lilies I'm coming to you!)

whoa! Is it just a certain species or all of them? o: (thank you!! hope to do business with you soon!)
not sure, regardless it's super cool! they're amazing lil creatures :~)
ac name: christy
○town name: brighton
○your fc: sidebar
○pre-order: 10 black roses and 10 orange roses
○price: 40tbt?
Sorry! I was wondering where scorpions came into the converrsation. Well, i read on a weird laws wegsite once that in alaska, its illegal to whisper in someones ear when they are moose hunting. Does that count?

Edit:if not, if you leave a goldfish in a dark room it will turn white....or so ive heard...
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ah that's fine! your order is accepted! I'll start breeding either late tonight or tomorrow! c:
that's so wild too, oh my gosh. maybe because it might distract the person? lmao
Lol. I have no idea why. When i read it i thought it was soo odd, so i guess thats why i remembered it. And thanks!
ac name: Craig
town name: Byway
pre-order: 10 blue roses and 10 purple roses
price: 40 tbt

unlike many other songbirds in North America, both the male and female cardinals can sing. Usually, only a male songbird is capable of singing. on a related note, when a female cardinal sings from the nest, it usually means she?s telling the male she needs more food.

awesome store here btw! :3
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