Since it’s TBT’s bday… what was


🩵#1 Filbert Fan🩵
Sep 3, 2013
Cyan Heart Glow Wand
Skull Glow Wand
Planet Glow Wand
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Snowflake Glow Wand
Pumpkin Glow Wand
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Flower Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
So in honor of TBT‘s birthday, what was your favorite birthday memory/party/ present?

Pick one or all three

My fav present was def when we went and picked out my Ellie for my birthday. (We didn’t get to bring her home for another 3 weeks though.)

(This is how tiny she was when we brought her home!!!!)
My favorite memory was me and the three older kids going up to GameStop with my birthday money to pre-order four copies of new leaf.
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I’ve had a lot of fun birthdays but for some reason the first thing that came to mind was when I was in middle school and was finally old enough to like. Really get to make the plans for my party myself. We went to a glow in the dark putt putt place and then Pizza Hut, then everyone had a sleepover at my house. The party favors were accessories that looked cool in the black light but also could be worn with a normal outfit. I remember feeling so grown up that I got to call these places to make reservations (even if my mom was there to make sure I got all the details I needed and answer anything that needed an adult lol)
EDIT: Didn’t read thread title. Sorry

I don’t have a favorite birthday.
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I've had a LOT of birthdays.

My favorite birthday was when i turned 6. We didn't have a lot of money, but I got a new light blue dress (not too frilly, just plain, but it was new), and I got my ears pierced. My dad got dressed up in a fancy suit and took me out to dinner at this super fancy place - Red Lobster! 😂

I know, I know, but fr at the time and for the money we really didn't have, it was a super fancy birthday.

Another great birthday was when new horizons came out. My birthday was 2 days before, but nh was my present lol. They just gave it to me 2 days after my birthday.
For my birthday we used to head to Niagara Falls, get moderately sloppy, and go through the haunted houses/fun houses before going out for the night. This was a tradition for maybe 4/5 years so that’s what stands out to me.
I think I'd have to say that my favorite birthday was back in 2022 when I spent a week visiting my best friend. We've known each other online for nearly two decades now but first met in person back in February of 2017 and hung out a few times through the years afterward. Life's gotten in the way since that 2022 visit, but hopefully another opportunity will arise in the future.
My favorite birthday party was when I was around 10 or so. My birthday is November 1st and I love Halloween, so that year my mom gave me a Halloween themed party. She spent a lot of time planning games and afterwards my friends and I all went trick-or-treating together. It was the most fun I can ever remember having on my birthday. 🎃🍫
My favourite birthday present was a Gameboy that I got as a kid. It started my Nintendo path and I don't think I would have gotten here without it. I still remember it. It was a neon green colour.
Honestly, there's a lot of birthdays I could probably try and pull up from the past and recount, but my favorite birthday memory was going to Texas Rangers Opening Day this year, since I had bought the tickets months in advance and it was the first home game after they won the World Series for the first time. They ended up winning that game in a walk-off and I just remember it being a generally fun time.

However, that happened in March, and not on my actual birthday. A lot of my best memories and moments in life have actually not been on my birthday, and I'm good with that. 💚
I don’t have a favourite birthday. I’ve been basically sharing my birthday with my little brother since he was born (his birthday is three days after mine), so I haven’t done anything for it by myself in a while.
He was born when I was six, so I don’t remember any of my birthdays from before then.

Edit: It's not necessarily a bad thing, I love my brother, but I do miss having my own special day.
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My favorite birthday is when I got a Nintendo DSi as a birthday present back in 2009. It wasn't just the very first Nintendo console I own. It was also the very first game console I actually own.
I think my favorite birthday, in retrospective, was one we celebrated at a restaurant with my whole extended family and they even had the staff bring a cake and sing for me 😭For years I was embarrassed of it and considered one of the worst birthdays but now I love it
My favorite birthday present was definitely the Switch OLED I got for my 21st birthday. The screen absolutely blew my mind when I first saw it and I liked the more premium feel of the buttons and back of the device.