Ithe - Sketch Page Commission
ok so i finished it a lot earlier lol, I hope you like it! That will be 1000 btb right?
direct link: http://i.imgur.com/Fk55hL0.jpg

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Are you not doing TBT anymore? ;A; Or did I read incorrectly?
Chara. name: Mayor Kira
Chara. reference: [clicky]
Personality/pose: Says in link c: As for pose, any will do though maybe she has a toy hammer? She's left-handed.
Art Type: Crayon Chibi
Payment: Will 550 TBT do? ;v;
Simple BG? : Are you able to do transparent? If not then whatever goes well, your choice c:
Extra Notes?: Your art is gorgeous c:
I can't tell if you're accepting or not anymore, but I see a TBT slot open on first page so I think you're accepting? I'll put this here anywayin hopes that you're taking these still. Thank you if you are!
Wahhh, that sketch page for Ithe is so adorable omg ;u;
was wondering if you would possibly be open to doing an art trade for those? (after your a/t slot clears, of course! *v*)
In any case, I could offer a sketch page in exchange, or something else - dA is here
thank you +v+
i see youre not accepting anymore, does that include the RLC options?
i see youre not accepting anymore, does that include the RLC options?
lol im sorry its confusing, I'll accept RLC. as long as the slot is empty. people keep ordering for tbt ;u; i wanted to finish them in batches OTL sorry ;u;
Omg the thuglife on the sketch page... I swear that wasn't there when I popped into your stream for a few minutes
oh no wait IT'S MIRRORED FROM THE STREAM maybe it just wasn't showing when I watched LOOL
yessss ok. i love your new style. im gonna order in a bit. i know youre probs tired of my characters haha, but i cant help it, youre so amazing!! <3
Chara. name: Taema and Yuri
Chara. reference: so theres my same 2, me and my best friends mayor characters <3 Personality/pose: so id like them to be 2 separate pics, but with transparent BG, i kinda wanna make something with them, kinda like this id like them to be separate pics, but i could put them together and it would look nice too, like it would work being one pic. is that too confusing?sorry! i dont know how to explain what i want </3 just them in your cute style like being happy and cute and best friends and loving life and loving Animal Crossing. thats all LoL, so i guess a WIP would be good if you could offer it? thanks!
Art Type: crayon chibi!!
Payment: $8 via Paypal or more if you think my requests are too much!
Simple BG? : you can make any kind of background you think would look nice, im not picky. but i know that you offer without also, so thats good
Extra Notes?: thanks for everything. youre super talented and im super difficult and hopefully this is my last commission for a little bit![]()
Ok I think I get what you mean c: I'll try to remember to post a WIP for you so can make sure it's what you want~so you want them to be in separate pics, but when joined together, it still looks good? (Kinda like a puzzle?) xD
yeah kinda, like they work together, but when on its own, it still looks like a nice piece of artyoure amazing you know that??
PU: Nele
That will be 850 BTB c: just 50 extra for the dog ;u;
direct link: http://i.imgur.com/i1qDvIV.png![]()
Aaaaaah!! Look at that
Ty so much! It looks adorable c:
~sending a little tippy c: