Should you be able to see when your friends are on


Swag Master
Jan 10, 2009
Ok I get bored a lot and I thought well, Why the heck doesn't nintendo put a little thing in your roster that says who is playing animal crossing and who is online and who isn't...

I know the who is online is already on there but I meant more of the who isn't online.
NIntendo needs to put a lot of things into their online play.

But they don't, mostly because its free and i guess they feel no need to.

I guess it's their way of saying "Be happy with what u get noobs"

Compared to other game systems though, they need a lot of things to improve on.

At least they are doing a tiny bit better with the new wii speak, now they just need more compatible games..
I agree, they just dont put alot of things in their and i know some of the reasons. One reason is because wen they design the games they only have so much space for information,including the graphics.Thats y the systems that hold a lot of information have good graphics.
I think what's really missing is some sort of PM system within the gameplay. I mean, if anyone on your friend list has their gates open, it's easy to find out. You simply tell the guard that you either want to go out, and he then looks for an open gate, or you open your OWN gate, at which time he alerts you to the fact that one of your friends has their gate open.

But, see, that's just it... someone's gate has to be OPEN in order for any of this to work. And there are so many things you can't do within the game with the gates open, that most of the time, unless you KNOW someone is coming over, you keep them closed.

Here's what Nintendo SHOULD have done. If someone on your friend list is playing animal crossing, you can tell (maybe with an icon or whatever in the friend list). Then you send them a quick message to see if they want to come over. That message could then be hand delivered in the other town by Pete the mailman. He could do the whole, running over to you with the "!" over his head, and deliver the PM.
i think thats impossible to see whos online and not on wifi if youre not connected with them by anyway over the internet...
crakgenius said:
I think what's really missing is some sort of PM system within the gameplay. I mean, if anyone on your friend list has their gates open, it's easy to find out. You simply tell the guard that you either want to go out, and he then looks for an open gate, or you open your OWN gate, at which time he alerts you to the fact that one of your friends has their gate open.

But, see, that's just it... someone's gate has to be OPEN in order for any of this to work. And there are so many things you can't do within the game with the gates open, that most of the time, unless you KNOW someone is coming over, you keep them closed.

Here's what Nintendo SHOULD have done. If someone on your friend list is playing animal crossing, you can tell (maybe with an icon or whatever in the friend list). Then you send them a quick message to see if they want to come over. That message could then be hand delivered in the other town by Pete the mailman. He could do the whole, running over to you with the "!" over his head, and deliver the PM.
Definitely this.
I agree with mikey. You aren't connected unless your gates are open or are in someone else's town. It would only show those people. There kind of is a PM system with being able to send mail, even though it doesnt always work. I am fine with the way Wii is setup on WFC. I do wish they would implement what they did in Mario Kart and AC though more, and expand on it a little bit. Allowing you to add someone onto your friends list without messin with the code. Now they need to expand that so 2 players can agree in an open room (Like in worldwide on MKW) to add each other.
but thats still wat they shouldve done, if they couldve done it. i know u agree with that right?
Ye, it would be really helpful if they put summin like that in, but then they would need to put a message system in so you can see if your friends are on then ask em if they wanna come over etc. :)
Wait, the letters you send to other towns from your Town Hall only reach their destiny when your gates are open?

That's stupid. I thought it used WiiConnect24.
Yah because if you see if a frined is online you send him a PM on the bell tree to tell him to open his gates and that stuff...
You don't, that is the only way you are connected to WFC is by opening your gate or being in someone else's town
Not really. Quite frankly I dont want people PMing me all the time if they were to see me online... Because that is what would happen. Most of the time I'd just rather do what I need to do without being bothered. Which is why I like having to open the gate, it shows people I'm available if they check their gates, which happens often.
DirtyD said:
Not really. Quite frankly I dont want people PMing me all the time if they were to see me online... Because that is what would happen. Most of the time I'd just rather do what I need to do without being bothered. Which is why I like having to open the gate, it shows people I'm available if they check their gates, which happens often.
Invisible, but online option?
That would work, but I mean in reality most of us when we are on Animal Crossing and wanting to play with someone, will simply message them here on TBT.
DirtyD said:
That would work, but I mean in reality most of us when we are on Animal Crossing and wanting to play with someone, will simply message them here on TBT.
Yeah. But it would work for those who are too lazy to get up and type a few words out.