Should you be able to see when your friends are on

cornymikey said:
i think thats impossible to see whos online and not on wifi if youre not connected with them by anyway over the internet...
I think you're right, because of how the game handles internet connectivity. But it could have easily been written into the game.
i think it'd be a useful feature but then i like the fact of having a bit of privacy too
Actually, something I'd really like is the ability stop people from coming in. Example, you want JUST your friend to come over to talk privately, yet, you have two more friends come during the conversation. I think that you should be able to control how many can come in. Also, another would be good is if you could kick individual people out.
Yeah I agree. They need to add a lot more stuff to their Wi-Fi artillery. But maybe this was a test to see how they'd compete against XBOX and PS3?