Sure! All you guys who need help vm me or comment now, I'll swap your friend code and I do have alot of igb and other things such as tools and anything else

I have hybrids and a spare golden Axe and watering can

I really want to become an admin one day and be able to make posts like this a sticky! After all it is almost Christmas
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Oh and sure any1 can help out Here!
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Wait do you like Maxie? Pok?mon?
ANNOUNCEMENT-Tomorrow I will do a massive giveaway of around 60 million igb! and all my tbt! I am running a shiny pokemon shop to try and get more tbt saved up to people who are in need of it! The total you are allowed of tbt in help is around 100-150 tbt so you have enough to get a villager or two and able to shop at the tbt shop and tbt market! Thanks!