Showing newbies around|Buddy mentoring

Oh how do u earn snowflakes can u still earn them? and Can I have a prezzies XD

Some people are still trying to get the unique usernames that come with giving away a lot of presents. Check the Pass the Parcel thread to see if anyone is giving away presents.
You can earn 1 snowflake today by checking the 'Holiday Advent Calendar'.
Hey, I'd love some help! I joined in October, but I wasn't active on the site until yesterday (the apartment I was living in had weird wifi settings that wouldn't let my 3DS connect!). I'm really confused by some of the jargon used in the forums? Ie. lurk, dreamies, and cycling.

My older sister has been playing around on here for a while and she's pointed out how to navigate the forums, but I'm still confused by the website.
Hey, I'd love some help! I joined in October, but I wasn't active on the site until yesterday (the apartment I was living in had weird wifi settings that wouldn't let my 3DS connect!). I'm really confused by some of the jargon used in the forums? Ie. lurk, dreamies, and cycling.

My older sister has been playing around on here for a while and she's pointed out how to navigate the forums, but I'm still confused by the website.

I just recently figured out what all of these mean lol
Lurk/ing- "This means if that villager ever moves in, the lurker will get them when they decide to move out. For example, if you lurk Lolly (a cat villager) in a cycle town you would get Lolly if she ever appears in the town." - GameFAQs
^ The best definition I found

Dreamies- Are just animal crossing characters you aspire to have in your village.

Cycling- Is just someone who moves characters in and out of their town constantly.

What in particular do you need help with as far as navigating the site?
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Thanks for the present,
very kind of you :D
I wuv the little kawaii Jingle I got!
Also this post was not in one of the top looked at so I'm trying to say ~~~BUMP!~~~
That would be a great help to me. I've been struggling trying to figure out how to visit towns. No names ever pop up
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I'm new to the forum! I have recently reset my town. I would love to swap friend codes and visit other towns to get inspiration. My town is still pretty empty at the moment.
welcome everyone... wolfganglover this is so sweet of you! If anyone needs fruit or wants a pair of any hybrids to breed let me know (probably by vm* or pm*)

*for those of you who are new...

vm= visitor message
pm= private message
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I'd love to help!!!If you need it, that is! Good luck (we were all one of you once.....and in my case still am xD)
Sure! All you guys who need help vm me or comment now, I'll swap your friend code and I do have alot of igb and other things such as tools and anything else :D I have hybrids and a spare golden Axe and watering can :D I really want to become an admin one day and be able to make posts like this a sticky! After all it is almost Christmas :D

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh and sure any1 can help out Here!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Wait do you like Maxie? Pok?mon?

ANNOUNCEMENT-Tomorrow I will do a massive giveaway of around 60 million igb! and all my tbt! I am running a shiny pokemon shop to try and get more tbt saved up to people who are in need of it! The total you are allowed of tbt in help is around 100-150 tbt so you have enough to get a villager or two and able to shop at the tbt shop and tbt market! Thanks!

yus i like pokemon..... i also have been getting into FNAF roleplaying because of some friends online... i cant wait until FNAF world because i hate creepy things
Hi! I'm very new to this forum and I would like to ask what snowflakes and collectibles are?
Collectilbes are little icons in you profile (under it in the side bar) They are purchased with the online currency, TBT bells, which is named bells, under your sidebar. You have 85 :D You can earn bells by posting, selling ACNL items, art, and collectibles.Tbt for anything worth real life currency (game codes) are not allowed. (But you can do Real Life Currency for selling your art. YOu will find however, that most things in the shop are sold out. There are a limited amount of collectibles,and they have a retail price, and a shop price. The shop price is the price they sell in the shop, and their retail price is how much they're worth generally. Here's a guide! Hope this helped ^^