Sick peeps thread


Mayor of Hakiki'ili
Jul 16, 2015
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Cherry (Fruit)
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Oh hi hello. Only reason I'm making this is cuz I'm sick aha. Sick with the freaking stomach flu. I feel nauseous as all hell. Life is fun.

But ayy where my sick peeps at? And what dastardly sickness did you catch?
Oh, boy.

I started a new job last month, but I caught the flu from a co-worker. I ended up collapsing during my shift in my first week, on the Friday, unable to breathe or stand up. It was terrifying. I was rushed to hospital (it?s central London, so very busy) by a co-worker who found me collapsed on the stairway, and then I had them call my boyfriend to taken over, who conveniently works relatively nearby. I eventually got to see a doctor, who confirmed I had the flu and I apparently suffered some kind of panic attack, though to this day that makes no sense to me.

They gave me no medicine. I was just told to rest well and drink a lot of water. A month has passed and the flu ended up developing into pneumonia. I have lost so much weight that I?m severely anorexic and can see and feel my bones clearly, my left lung is damaged and just getting up to get some water or go to the bathroom has me hyperventilating and unable to breathe normally by the time I get back in bed, and I?ve been warned that if things get any worse I could have respiratory failure and die.

I got fired from my job the morning after my collapse. I got paid for the hours I worked, around ?260. Was it worth potentially dying for? Depends on if you consider that a lot of money, I guess. It?s been nearly a month since I collapsed and I?m only getting sicker. I?ve missed out on a month?s worth of college, so I?m probably going to be kicked out for my absence or fail due to my inability to catch up.

So, as far as being sick goes, I think I?m pretty sick.
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oh man i hope y'all get better soon! not sick rn but i'm sending you some chicken soup and good cheer in spirit!!
I understand how you feel with the stomach flu. I'm not sick right now, but last year and the year before I had the stomach flu three times. One in one year and twice in another. It's really horrible, so I hope you feel better soon. Rest and drink plenty of liquids, but not too much or too fast, OK? :)
Oh no! GET AWAY FROM ME SICKY! (haha jk feel better! :)

Yeah I HATE getting sick! There is something going around my house but luckily I didn't catch it yet. Hopefully I can stay healthy until after New Year!

Oh, boy.

I started a new job last month, but I caught the flu from a co-worker. I ended up collapsing during my shift in my first week, on the Friday, unable to breathe or stand up. It was terrifying. I was rushed to hospital (it’s central London, so very busy) by a co-worker who found me collapsed on the stairway, and then I had them call my boyfriend to taken over, who conveniently works relatively nearby. I eventually got to see a doctor, who confirmed I had the flu and I apparently suffered some kind of panic attack, though to this day that makes no sense to me.

They gave me no medicine. I was just told to rest well and drink a lot of water. A month has passed and the flu ended up developing into pneumonia. I have lost so much weight that I’m severely anorexic and can see and feel my bones clearly, my left lung is damaged and just getting up to get some water or go to the bathroom has me hyperventilating and unable to breathe normally by the time I get back in bed, and I’ve been warned that if things get any worse I could have respiratory failure and die.

I got fired from my job the morning after my collapse. I got paid for the hours I worked, around ?260. Was it worth potentially dying for? Depends on if you consider that a lot of money, I guess. It’s been nearly a month since I collapsed and I’m only getting sicker. I’ve missed out on a month’s worth of college, so I’m probably going to be kicked out for my absence or fail due to my inability to catch up.

So, as far as being sick goes, I think I’m pretty sick.
Um, are you kidding me? You collapsed at the work and got rushed to the hospital and they fired you just like that?? Hope you feel better as well,,
Oh, boy.

I started a new job last month, but I caught the flu from a co-worker. I ended up collapsing during my shift in my first week, on the Friday, unable to breathe or stand up. It was terrifying. I was rushed to hospital (it’s central London, so very busy) by a co-worker who found me collapsed on the stairway, and then I had them call my boyfriend to taken over, who conveniently works relatively nearby. I eventually got to see a doctor, who confirmed I had the flu and I apparently suffered some kind of panic attack, though to this day that makes no sense to me.

They gave me no medicine. I was just told to rest well and drink a lot of water. A month has passed and the flu ended up developing into pneumonia. I have lost so much weight that I’m severely anorexic and can see and feel my bones clearly, my left lung is damaged and just getting up to get some water or go to the bathroom has me hyperventilating and unable to breathe normally by the time I get back in bed, and I’ve been warned that if things get any worse I could have respiratory failure and die.

I got fired from my job the morning after my collapse. I got paid for the hours I worked, around ?260. Was it worth potentially dying for? Depends on if you consider that a lot of money, I guess. It’s been nearly a month since I collapsed and I’m only getting sicker. I’ve missed out on a month’s worth of college, so I’m probably going to be kicked out for my absence or fail due to my inability to catch up.

So, as far as being sick goes, I think I’m pretty sick.

Holy crap that just sucks on an ungodly level, man. It's like life is trying its ultimate best to be mean to you, Jesus-

I hope you get well soon <33
I hope yall get better soon! Also, sending a nice bowl of chicken soup and a cold cloth to put over your eyes!
Oh no! GET AWAY FROM ME SICKY! (haha jk feel better! :)

Yeah I HATE getting sick! There is something going around my house but luckily I didn't catch it yet. Hopefully I can stay healthy until after New Year!

Um, are you kidding me? You collapsed at the work and got rushed to the hospital and they fired you just like that?? Hope you feel better as well,,

I think it's not uncommon to fire sick people. I once had a girl who applied for a job in my department, and she had like JUST been released from the hospital. One of my coworkers found her asleep, standing up, ice cold skin at the bread slicing machine. She was promptly let go after that one day.

As for sick, I am just generally sick, I don't have a fever or flu or anythin. Congestion, coughing, sore throat at times and mildly hurt stomach from swallowing mucus all the time. Also tired.
Oh, boy.

I started a new job last month, but I caught the flu from a co-worker. I ended up collapsing during my shift in my first week, on the Friday, unable to breathe or stand up. It was terrifying. I was rushed to hospital (it’s central London, so very busy) by a co-worker who found me collapsed on the stairway, and then I had them call my boyfriend to taken over, who conveniently works relatively nearby. I eventually got to see a doctor, who confirmed I had the flu and I apparently suffered some kind of panic attack, though to this day that makes no sense to me.

They gave me no medicine. I was just told to rest well and drink a lot of water. A month has passed and the flu ended up developing into pneumonia. I have lost so much weight that I’m severely anorexic and can see and feel my bones clearly, my left lung is damaged and just getting up to get some water or go to the bathroom has me hyperventilating and unable to breathe normally by the time I get back in bed, and I’ve been warned that if things get any worse I could have respiratory failure and die.

I got fired from my job the morning after my collapse. I got paid for the hours I worked, around ?260. Was it worth potentially dying for? Depends on if you consider that a lot of money, I guess. It’s been nearly a month since I collapsed and I’m only getting sicker. I’ve missed out on a month’s worth of college, so I’m probably going to be kicked out for my absence or fail due to my inability to catch up.

So, as far as being sick goes, I think I’m pretty sick.

this is awful, i'm so sorry this is happening to you and i hope you get well soon. i can't believe they fired you immediately, and i hope you manage to get any deadlines extended for college and eventually catch up, it'd be a shame if you had to retake the year. my mum ended up spending a bit of time off uni recently and they've been good with letting her extend because of the circumstances, but i do find it ridiculous that they said if she has any more time off she has to do extra work; which feels a bit redundant since the idea is she catches up on what she's already missed.
I caught a cold this week-end and got a violet finger but I'm not too bad.
I got really sick right before Christmas and I spent my Christmas Day terrified that I'd get my grandfather (who is undergoing cancer treatments) ill! I had the worst cold... My ears hurt, my sinuses hurt, I could barely see, or breathe... I kept coughing and gagging... oh boy. Now, I'm just a little... nauseated. My head always hurts.
Got myself a cold like I do EVERY NEW YEAR.
Seriously, I have a curse. Last week of the year and first week of the new year I ALWAYS get sick. I used to blame it on SacAnime which is the convention I go to, but this year I haven't even left the house and I got sick. I must've picked up something when I went out to get boba or SOMETHING, or my brother got me sick cause he works retail and also got sick at the same time.
Alright, well I’m sick now with who knows what, but I’m hoping to get better soon. I have a headache and keep coughing. Think it’s just bad allergies or a cold. Hopefully not anything worse.
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I came down with a fever/sore throat/chills/etc. on Christmas Day and am still fighting it, and this is after having not been sick in over 6 years. I actually forgot how obnoxious it is to feel so haggard and exhausted and like I can't do basic things like run an errand without feeling like I'm about to collapse, so I'll be glad when this is over and I can go back to feeling like a human being.
Have a head cold right now. Only a really sniffly, stuffy nose and coughing. Thank gosh I don't have the flu or anything like that.