Signature Feedback.

Mayor Khaleesi

Jan 28, 2019
I just tried making my own signature and I would like some feedback. Lay it all out on me. The Goods The Bads and stuff I may want to improve. I used to make it. Please review it, Thank You.
Meereen Signature Mark 2.jpg
I just tried making my own signature and I would like some feedback. Lay it all out on me. The Goods The Bads and stuff I may want to improve. I used to make it. Please review it, Thank You.
View attachment 228876

Looks good, my only gripe is that 250 often looks too big and your signature feels empty. Oh and I love Pixlr, it's fantastic!
One thing I might suggest is putting something behind the character pixels to make them stand out more (like a poofy cloud). Another thing that I've seen other people do is they place the characters in spots around the picture as if they're in the scene as well.

I might also suggest making the font a lighter color, so that it's more easy to read.

Other than that, it's really cute! :)
Yeah, everything sorta blends in at the moment.
Ok...ok I see. The only thing is in Pixlr I don't know how to do borders like my current signature below. Also I don't think GIFs can be edited on there. I can try to do a lighter font I just thought it would not be seen because of the light background.
Ok...ok I see. The only thing is in Pixlr I don't know how to do borders like my current signature below. Also, I don't think GIFs can be edited there. I can try to do a lighter font I just thought it would not be seen because of the light background.

Here are some gif editing sites. :D
I like using EzGif and Giphy for gif editing. Both are completely free online tools that get the job done well. I hope this help :D

Edit: Online image Editor is also really great for editing gifs
I'd also suggest Photopea for combining images and gifs

As for making borders, I'd suggest getting smaller gifs and taking them apart frame by frame and then add your own borders. I use both Pixlr and for image/frame editing and I then piece them together using a feature in EzGif
Even a white box around the characters/text and make the opacity 50%ish (play around) to make it more transparent. I do that trick at work for my graphic work in order for text to be seen on busy backgrounds.

I'm used to Illustrator so I don't know if your software can do that.
Omg super mario made a great suggestion about blending the characters into the scene, I think that would be amazing! And yes with the first post minimizing the signature so it isn't a WOW POW, but if thats what you are going for, then I think thats fine. Looking good!
I'm trying to get someone to maybe at least make me the outline with the background I can do the text and sprites on my own. This is really difficult.
I'm trying to get someone to maybe at least make me the outline with the background I can do the text and sprites on my own. This is really difficult.

Oh don't worry, I can help out! What kind of outline would you like?
I want one like the one I have. Maybe with a different background. But I don't want it GIF. I want it still I can do the villagers and the text I just can't do the backgrounds and framing for some reason.
Got a new one. Give me some feedback.Signature Mark 3.jpg

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Signature Mark 4.jpg Bigger Version.

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damn, the sizes...i don't know how they changed