Signature warnings


Top Flake
Aug 14, 2013
Love Tokens
Heart Dust
I keep getting warned to fix my signature or it will be removed. Can you give me a hint what to fix?????
Is it the current sig you have?! I don't see anything wrong with it honestly, it hasn't capped the pixel limit. They should've mentioned why your sig is being removed o.o Are you sure they haven't?
Yes. The one showing now. When I look at my signature in BIG BOLD letters it states "Please read our signature guidelines to avoid signature removal!"
It's because all the text under your spoiler tag makes it too large, if you didn't use the tag. When all of the text is under the tag, you're within the limit. You could try to put all that info in a smaller font size, make a banner that fits within the signature restrictions that has all that info on it, or try using tables, like in my sig.
That's what mine says. Thanks I guess. Seriously never saw it before. Heck I'll just delete all of it.

You don't have to delete your signature, as it was fine the way it was. As RiceBunny explained, that message was only there to serve as a reminder of the rules related to signatures on this forum. It doesn't mean you are breaking any rules. It's there for everyone, whether they have a signature or not.


So your sig isn't being removed at all, you're just reading the warning to stick to the guidelines just like everyone else ^-^ There's nothing wrong with your sig.
You don't have to delete your signature, as it was fine the way it was. As RiceBunny explained, that message was only there to serve as a reminder of the rules related to signatures on this forum. It doesn't mean you are breaking any rules. It's there for everyone, whether they have a signature or not.

What she said. No need to delete your signature. Trust me when you make a signature that isn't approved by the mods, they'll let you know and explain why it isn't in detail. They'll remove the signature and put a lengthy warning there instead. You'll know when you see it. I got one of those with the first signature I put up, I capped the pixel limit by a few pixels.
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