Silly Things we Did as Children

I remember creating stairs by piling a load of books on top of each other. I also used to pretend that my bed was a trampoline because we never had one as kids, I'm still surprised that the bed didn't collapse (although we were light weight).
I can relate to this. Me and my sister had so much fun making wierd concoctions in our backyard. One time, our nieghbor gave us some canned vegetables to give to our mom. We decided to make vegetable mud pies. They looked so gross. Mud with bits of corn and peas.

We would also ask our mom if we could take a bath. If she said "not right now", we would go outside and get really dirty. We lived in Oregon, so it was easy to find a muddy spot to roll in. Then we would go in the house, track mud all over the floor, and ask again if we could take a bath. My mother would just smile and get the bath ready.

We would also color with crayons on the clean kitchen floor. We would use the olive green and scribble all over and say it was green poop. My mom would just clean it again the next day. Bless her heart. She was so patient with us and rarely got angry.
I miss being little. And I miss living in an area where there was lots of dirt. I never got in too deep of trouble for making mud cakes and for doing that "outdoor cooking". My mom might have gotten upset from time to time, but she knew that I was just a normal six year old girl wanting to have fun. :blush:
I think I've told this story on here before but I'll tell it again.

When I was really small (I can't remember the exact age, but small enough to be in a stroller) my mom and I were at this pet shop that was at the mall near us, and they had a bunch of puppies there since one of their dogs gave birth a bit before.
So I was playing with them and petting them and one of them jumped in the stroller and I just held onto it without saying anything and my mom didn't notice, and she actually left the store while I still had it but an employee came running out like "Ma'am you can't take that" and she was all confused until he pointed at me and she realized there was a puppy in the stroller with me. Thankfully the guy believed her when she was telling him that she had no idea though.

So yeah that's how I almost stole a black lab puppy as a child.
i was terrified of feathers as a child and avoided them at all costs, everytime i saw part of a feather poking out of a pillow i wouldnt use that pillow anymore or make someone take out the feather for me.
A little backstory before we begin: there was this advertisement on TV for this thing that would kill fleas for pets and stuff and it was like a little tune that would go please, please kill the fleas or something like that. My mum would sing it all the time because it was catchy as hell, and because of my mum's Filipino pronunciation she would swap Fs and Ps.

So like this one time when I was really young, I was left unattended and I decided it was a good idea to pick up the phone and call the police and it just so happened that I screamed into the phone MUMMY MUMMY, KILL THE POLICE! Soon enough the police comes knocking on my door and was like yo I heard your daughter screaming on the phone.

Literally my best childhood story.