Six more days...


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2008
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Silver Mailbox
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Day 218. Wow, counting today I have six more days of summer left (well, I'm writing this on my first day of school, so that's irreverent now :p) You know how they always say make those last days of summer count? I can honestly stay I didn't really do that. Today, all I really did was sit on my butt all day and play black ops and stuff. That's really about it :p I just chilled :D I also played some tennis, which is good, I suppose, but it was a very unproductive day. Ohh well, unproductive is good, right? We're almost caught up, so seeya tomorrow!!
Question of the day: What's a typical "lazy day" for you involve?
QOD: Hm, sitting in my pajamas all day, not getting dressed, and either watching TV or on my laptop and not doing anything that involves moving. Lololol.