Sky High RP

Dark thought he had heard something...a yelp of some sort, but he shrugged it off and continued to listen to their teacher. Today was the day the Heroes were expected to DEMONSTRATE their power in front of the class. 'Hmmph...what a waste of time..." Dark mumbled.
Sara went to sidekick class.She went to the middle seat."This is a class I like."It has a wierd meaning."
Dark was called on to demonstrate his power. He scanned the room, the only other people he knew in this class were Tom and Miles, niether of them showed up today. 'Fantastic...' Sighed Dark sarcastically. He demonstrated his ability by lifting an empty chair, and throwing it out of the window at an amazing speed. The class looked a little wide-eyed, but Dark didnt care. "Hmmph." he snarled, and went to sit back down.
He quietly tore off the paper and folded in half. He would have to remember to throw it away at the end of class. He glanced up at the teacher, who was writing on the chalk board about democracy. He sighed and went back to doodling.
Jason was suprisingly having fun. The sub was making them write a hand-in essay on the importance of sidekicks, and he was writings things about how Heroes not able to do simple tasks, and the sidekicks doing it for them, like watering the gardens, paying taxes.... Jason then realized what he was writing about sidekicks and started a new essay.
Things were getting strange now, Dark could have sworn he heard a paper crumble up, this time. 'Could this be some sort of new telekinetic ability...' He thought to himself. 'No...never mind...' He shrugged it off, and got to work on the assigned homework.
Sara had nothing to do because she had already finshed her essay."I forgot about that letter".She said in her head.Sara was staring off into space.She stoped staring when the teacher started talking.
Ryan glanced at the clock. Why does time have to move so slow? He thought. He glanced at the paper on his desk again. He had doodled a clock frozen at 5:23. He stared at it. He glanced at a clock, then back at the paper. It had changed to 5:24. His eyes widened. The clock he had drawn was on time with the clock above the board! He watched the real clock fir a while, waiting until it was about five seconds from the next minute. He looked down at the clock on his paper. He counted the seconds, and sure enough, the minute hand on the fake clock moved. He quickly erased it and looked back at the board.
Jason finally finished the essay, which was relatively short. He yawned and passed it in.

((We're missing like... 3 people.))
Dark looked at his watch. It was acting awfully strange for a few moments. 'I must have not gotten a good enough sleep...things today seem too wierd...' Dark thought to himself. 'Now, wheres that bell...'
((OOC: Maybe we should set the starting time to 2:00 PST? That way other peoples can catch up, cause I get home from school around 3:30 EST. BTW! W00t for Rockage!))
UltraByte said:
Jason finally finished the essay, which was relatively short. He yawned and passed it in.

((We're missing like... 3 people.))
((3 people absent, oh well...

:( ))

((Starting tommorow we'll begin at a later time then...?))
Sara was bored.She got out her poem book and started to write a poem."What is the point"is the name of her new poem.She wrote and wrote till she was done.

Jason packed up. "Never been happier to hear that bell." He was about to head to the cafeteria, but then he remembered his detention. He headed to the Detention hall and entered the giant white room and sat in a white desk.
"Hello, Jason." Principal Powers said, welcoming him in. "I believe you are the only one here for today."
Jason sighed, "This is going to take forever..." He started drumming his fingers on the desk.
Dark sat down at the lunch table...there was no one else there just yet. 'Well...they won't be meeting at Miles' locker now, since he's not here today. Hmm...a double raincheck...' Dark looked around, then got back to his food.