The Duke
Disclaimer: I do not claim the background as my own or the text font. The codex background and font came from Bioware's Dragon Age: Origins and quote made by Solas came from Dragon Age: Inquisition, nor do I claim the Straw Hat design, Mihawk custom design, Luffy custom design, or any of the One Piece characters as my own. I also do not claim the villager pictures as my own.
Hello! Welcome to my island journal. I'm a frequent poster on The Bell Tree Forums and I've been a member since 2015, though I took a hiatus for a few years when I took a break from New Leaf. I've been debating about starting an island journal for some time now, but have been hesitant since I don't know if I will be able to maintain my interest doing this, overwhelmed at finding where to start and how to organize it, and I didn't take too many screenshots when I first started playing New Horizons. I've finally decided to give it a try since I've been having a lot of fun sharing my designs in the screenshot thread and even came up with a mini story for some Harv's Studio projects. I thought maybe I could go more into detail or come up with more stories here (or not, depending on how well I get this organized). Also, @Intelligent_zombie encouraged me to give this a try and to have fun and I believe @Pyoopi also gave me a nudge of encouragement. Thanks!
Things you should know about me before going further into my journal when more entries are available:
1. I TT a day or two forward and back the most
2. I have amiibo cards, so in case you wonder how I could have some villagers for less than a day, that's why.
3. I am a hoarder. I love collecting and hanging on to unorderables even if I don't know if I'm going to use them all.
Comments and feedback on my designs/screenshots/journal are welcome and greatly appreciated
Initial Plans & Ideas
Skyhold was initially going to be an island dedicated completely to Dragon Age as my New Leaf town had been, but as I came up with more ideas and while limited to what furniture we currently have, it ended up turning into a multi-themed island. Additionally, I was planning on only using plants, artwork, furniture that were from Europe or North America, and from the earliest time period (preferably with origins from medieval times). I ended up liking a lot of Asian flowers and furniture, so I decided to scrap that idea since that would just make decorating even more difficult than it already was.
I've had more success with coming with with designs outside than with ideas for my houses. My original plan was to make my rep's house resemble either my home from New Leaf or a combination of that and some designs that I created from Happy Home Designer.
Here are some of my rooms in my house in New Leaf:
Unfortunately, when I tried to carry over some of my ideas, I found out that the room sizes were significantly different. I was seriously so disappointed that I was planning on just waiting for more furniture to become introduced and until then, use my house for a storage. Fortunately over time, I improvised and tried to work as best as I could with what we currently have. Looking back at my NL designs, I realize that they were nothing special, so perhaps it was for the best that I could not recreate any of my rooms in NH.
Also, while I was still considering making an island journal, I was considering making it into a story based on a conversation I had with Rudy about how he thought I was an end game boss (sadly, I don't have a screenshot of him saying that). It is still something I might consider later on; maybe make it into a Harv's Studio saga.
Sources of Inspiration: Dragon Age (Origins and Inquisition), One Piece, Last Cloudia, World Cultures (Egyptian/Middle Eastern/European), Don Quixote by Cervantes
TBT member: @Hobowire ~ I owe him a lot for his feedback, suggestions and for inspiring me to push myself to make due with what furniture with have more than I had initially been doing. And also for his generosity. Thanks @Hobowire.
Initial and Current Villager Plans
As much as I love cats and cat villagers, I never planned on having a 100% cat island. The villagers who I knew for sure that I wanted to have for the entire time that I've been playing were: Punchy, Kiki, Ankha, Rosie, Merry, Roscoe, Marshal. Shortly after playing the game and browsing the forums, I added Raymond and a bit later Sherb to the list. I always was interested in Lolly, but wasn't sure if I'd have enough room for her. My plans hasn't changed much though, I'm extremely tired of Roscoe's singing; I really don't like the cranky's singing voice. I also would love to have Dom again; I just love his expressions and the more pictures that I see of him, the more I want him again. Judy and Graham are currently taking up the two spots that I've been using to cycle villagers. I initially didn't have a lot of interest in Judy, though over time I developed some interest. Meeting her at a campsite was the major turning point; I thought she looked better in person than in screenshots. Now that I have Judy, I am reluctant to let her go since she has no amiibo card and I actually like her more now. I'm in a dilemma since I still want Marshal and Ankha, but I also want to meet other villagers and get their pictures.
About Skyhold Island & the Human Residents
The island's name was based on the location in Dragon Age: Inquisition. As the character Solas had explained to the Inquisitor, Skyhold was "the place where the sky was held back." If any visitor wanted to come visit Dunquixote, the rep's house, they would be required to travel a good distance from the airport, up the mountains and cross a river to reach it. It is quite the fitting place for the home of the resident who started out as the Inquisitor. Now, the Inquisitor is no more (or at least until I feel like changing up my character again). My rep has now taken the identity of Dracule Mihawk, a former warlord of the sea, or as his villagers have now started to call him, "Hawk-Eye." On top of the mountain, you will still find Skyhold's base, but now it and a little bit of the interior somewhat resembles the Muggy Kingdom from One Piece more so than the base from Dragon Age: Inquisition. South of Mihawk's residence is the Crossroads, an intersection of ancient magical elven mirrors (eluvians) from Dragon Age: Inquisition. The area is beautiful yet there is an eerie vibe to it due to the destinations not being known in addition to there being some corrupted/broken mirrors as well.
The areas leading up to the cliffs, however, resemble various locations from the Dragon Age series such as Denerim along with the chantry, Herald's Rest (though I'm adjusting it to look more like Party's Bar from One Piece). You may even spot a pirate ship along the way; that is where Skyhold's newest human resident and future pirate king, Luffy lives. The rest of his crew are currently working hard to repair and completely refurnish their beloved ship.
To the West of the plaza, is a countryside that saw some wear from the Blight, but after the Archdemon had been vanquished by the Hero of Ferelden, crops eventually began to grow and flowers began to bloom. Of course, there are still grisly remains to remind the new residents that there was hardship in the area. South of the farms, is an archaeological site at edge of a thriving port/bazaar. If you ever plan to visit the west of the island, be weary of the demons appearing from a rift and the Red Templars who have made their base close by.
On the cliff eastward, you'll find a mini city surrounding the home of Hiyori, the second human to take up residence at Skyhold and the daughter of a late daimyo and samurai. You have to travel up the waterfall to enter the city (though with that being impossible in the game, you'll need a ladder since an incline has yet to be built) which is called Wano. There you will find Hiyori and others preparing for the ultimate showdown with one of the four emperors of
Thanks for reading and/or looking at my first entry!
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