Skyhold Island Journal

New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


The Duke
May 26, 2015
3 Envelopes
5 Envelopes
White Love Letter
5 Envelopes
3 Envelopes
Silver Mailbox
Small Mailbox
Silver Mailbox
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Disclaimer: I do not claim the background as my own or the text font. The codex background and font came from Bioware's Dragon Age: Origins and quote made by Solas came from Dragon Age: Inquisition, nor do I claim the Straw Hat design, Mihawk custom design, Luffy custom design, or any of the One Piece characters as my own. I also do not claim the villager pictures as my own.


Hello! Welcome to my island journal. I'm a frequent poster on The Bell Tree Forums and I've been a member since 2015, though I took a hiatus for a few years when I took a break from New Leaf. I've been debating about starting an island journal for some time now, but have been hesitant since I don't know if I will be able to maintain my interest doing this, overwhelmed at finding where to start and how to organize it, and I didn't take too many screenshots when I first started playing New Horizons. I've finally decided to give it a try since I've been having a lot of fun sharing my designs in the screenshot thread and even came up with a mini story for some Harv's Studio projects. I thought maybe I could go more into detail or come up with more stories here (or not, depending on how well I get this organized). Also, @Intelligent_zombie encouraged me to give this a try and to have fun and I believe @Pyoopi also gave me a nudge of encouragement. Thanks! :)

Things you should know about me before going further into my journal when more entries are available:

1. I TT a day or two forward and back the most
2. I have amiibo cards, so in case you wonder how I could have some villagers for less than a day, that's why.
3. I am a hoarder. I love collecting and hanging on to unorderables even if I don't know if I'm going to use them all.

Comments and feedback on my designs/screenshots/journal are welcome and greatly appreciated :), so, don't hesitate to leave a comment if you want to.

Initial Plans & Ideas

Skyhold was initially going to be an island dedicated completely to Dragon Age as my New Leaf town had been, but as I came up with more ideas and while limited to what furniture we currently have, it ended up turning into a multi-themed island. Additionally, I was planning on only using plants, artwork, furniture that were from Europe or North America, and from the earliest time period (preferably with origins from medieval times). I ended up liking a lot of Asian flowers and furniture, so I decided to scrap that idea since that would just make decorating even more difficult than it already was.

I've had more success with coming with with designs outside than with ideas for my houses. My original plan was to make my rep's house resemble either my home from New Leaf or a combination of that and some designs that I created from Happy Home Designer.

Here are some of my rooms in my house in New Leaf:

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From HHD, I planned on recreating the rooms in this house:
For more details on this design, you can find it on my tumblr here. I'm providing the link in case you're interested in the designs or what I based it on.

Unfortunately, when I tried to carry over some of my ideas, I found out that the room sizes were significantly different. I was seriously so disappointed that I was planning on just waiting for more furniture to become introduced and until then, use my house for a storage. Fortunately over time, I improvised and tried to work as best as I could with what we currently have. Looking back at my NL designs, I realize that they were nothing special, so perhaps it was for the best that I could not recreate any of my rooms in NH.

Also, while I was still considering making an island journal, I was considering making it into a story based on a conversation I had with Rudy about how he thought I was an end game boss (sadly, I don't have a screenshot of him saying that). It is still something I might consider later on; maybe make it into a Harv's Studio saga.

Sources of Inspiration: Dragon Age (Origins and Inquisition), One Piece, Last Cloudia, World Cultures (Egyptian/Middle Eastern/European), Don Quixote by Cervantes

TBT member: @Hobowire ~ I owe him a lot for his feedback, suggestions and for inspiring me to push myself to make due with what furniture with have more than I had initially been doing. And also for his generosity. Thanks @Hobowire. :) I hope we can catch up some day; I have so much I want to show you and I still want to tip you for the items you gave me lol.

Initial and Current Villager Plans
As much as I love cats and cat villagers, I never planned on having a 100% cat island. The villagers who I knew for sure that I wanted to have for the entire time that I've been playing were: Punchy, Kiki, Ankha, Rosie, Merry, Roscoe, Marshal. Shortly after playing the game and browsing the forums, I added Raymond and a bit later Sherb to the list. I always was interested in Lolly, but wasn't sure if I'd have enough room for her. My plans hasn't changed much though, I'm extremely tired of Roscoe's singing; I really don't like the cranky's singing voice. I also would love to have Dom again; I just love his expressions and the more pictures that I see of him, the more I want him again. Judy and Graham are currently taking up the two spots that I've been using to cycle villagers. I initially didn't have a lot of interest in Judy, though over time I developed some interest. Meeting her at a campsite was the major turning point; I thought she looked better in person than in screenshots. Now that I have Judy, I am reluctant to let her go since she has no amiibo card and I actually like her more now. I'm in a dilemma since I still want Marshal and Ankha, but I also want to meet other villagers and get their pictures.

About Skyhold Island & the Human Residents
The island's name was based on the location in Dragon Age: Inquisition. As the character Solas had explained to the Inquisitor, Skyhold was "the place where the sky was held back." If any visitor wanted to come visit Dunquixote, the rep's house, they would be required to travel a good distance from the airport, up the mountains and cross a river to reach it. It is quite the fitting place for the home of the resident who started out as the Inquisitor. Now, the Inquisitor is no more (or at least until I feel like changing up my character again). My rep has now taken the identity of Dracule Mihawk, a former warlord of the sea, or as his villagers have now started to call him, "Hawk-Eye." On top of the mountain, you will still find Skyhold's base, but now it and a little bit of the interior somewhat resembles the Muggy Kingdom from One Piece more so than the base from Dragon Age: Inquisition. South of Mihawk's residence is the Crossroads, an intersection of ancient magical elven mirrors (eluvians) from Dragon Age: Inquisition. The area is beautiful yet there is an eerie vibe to it due to the destinations not being known in addition to there being some corrupted/broken mirrors as well.

The areas leading up to the cliffs, however, resemble various locations from the Dragon Age series such as Denerim along with the chantry, Herald's Rest (though I'm adjusting it to look more like Party's Bar from One Piece). You may even spot a pirate ship along the way; that is where Skyhold's newest human resident and future pirate king, Luffy lives. The rest of his crew are currently working hard to repair and completely refurnish their beloved ship.

To the West of the plaza, is a countryside that saw some wear from the Blight, but after the Archdemon had been vanquished by the Hero of Ferelden, crops eventually began to grow and flowers began to bloom. Of course, there are still grisly remains to remind the new residents that there was hardship in the area. South of the farms, is an archaeological site at edge of a thriving port/bazaar. If you ever plan to visit the west of the island, be weary of the demons appearing from a rift and the Red Templars who have made their base close by.

On the cliff eastward, you'll find a mini city surrounding the home of Hiyori, the second human to take up residence at Skyhold and the daughter of a late daimyo and samurai. You have to travel up the waterfall to enter the city (though with that being impossible in the game, you'll need a ladder since an incline has yet to be built) which is called Wano. There you will find Hiyori and others preparing for the ultimate showdown with one of the four emperors of the New World Animal Crossing.

Thanks for reading and/or looking at my first entry! :) I realize that this entry and my description may be too lengthy and the style is inconsistent, so depending on feedback if there are any comments, I might change or completely remove what I have. My ideas are really all over the place, but hopefully in time they will flow together as well as everyone else's islands. I plan on including screenshots of the areas I briefly described, so stay tuned.
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Rip Samson, the founder of my island's support group for Skyhold villager abandonment.

Can't wait for journal updates!
Rip Samson, the founder of my island's support group for Skyhold villager abandonment.

Can't wait for journal updates!

Oof! 😂 I had a feeling you’d pop in here to say something along those lines. Don't worry. I won't forget to mention your crimes against the villagers of Faraway :devilish:; I plan on retelling the tale here and perhaps going into even more detail. I will reserve a post just for you 😈.
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Island Rep Dunquixote
Not much is known about the island rep or what their life was like before coming to what became known as Skyhold, aside from the fact that the land that they came from had cherry trees and their mom wrote letters to them periodically.

Journal Entry

Continuing onto the next page, Dunquixote wrote, "The name that we ended up giving this island was Skyhold. Immediately afterwards, Tom appointed me as the island's resident representative. I did not appreciate him volunteering me to be the resident rep without me having any say, however, I suppose this would give me an opportunity to further challenge myself as well as recruit some allies to my cause."

May 29

Entry 1: "As he had promised after Tom received the Nook Miles payment from met for the deserted island pack last night, the tent that I was staying in was upgraded to a house by the time I woke up. Today, I decided to use the Nook Mile Ticket that he rewarded me with to visit a random island; it proved to be an excellent opportunity to gather materials, search for another villager to move to Skyhold, and train."

Entry 2: "I've had a chance to talk to both of the other residents on this island and Rudy seems promising; his enthusiasm and energy is much welcome. Fuschia on the other hand spends too much time singing and wakes up rather late. Then again, I often find Rudy running around playing. I will give it some time to see if she eventually shows potential."

Side Notes
I'm not sure if I'll be using this template for every entry, but I thought I will do it for for my first couple at least. I don't have a lot of pictures from my earliest months into the game, so the entries and their format may vary. I wrote "Edited on July 20, 2020" to make it look like my did some changes to the journal entry later on; I picked a random date that I thought was close to when I decided to never let Rudy move out (except when I messed his house up twice).

I rerolled about five times, before I settled on this map and these villagers. I didn't know at the time about the different airport colors or the different Nook Mile Items that come with certain colored airport. All I cared about mostly were the villagers and what the overall island looked like; it was hard for me though to decide just by looking at the map they showed me at the selection screen.

When I first saw the back of Rudy's head at the airport, at first I was thinking "crap" since I thought it was Katt and at the time, she was one of the last ones that I wanted. But seeing that the villager was a cat, I decided to give him a chance. When I went to talk to him for the first time and heard his jock voice and the little melody that sounds like a meow before it, and saw him smile, I had a really good feeling that he would grow on me, and I was right ☺. I didn't really want Fuschia either and she didn't really grow on me. Now, when thinking about her, I realize she was not that bad and that she was actually pretty cool. Before I got Rudy as my starter, I had never paid any attention to him or had any interest in getting him in NL. Now that I've had him since May, I cannot imagine my island without him 🥰. Thanks to Rudy, I have grown to like jocks; I used to dislike them because of the muscle and sweat talk and because I had problems getting Hamlet to move out in NL.

As I made this post, I turned the journal into a small story; please note that I was not thinking any of this while playing lol. Since I initially planned on making my town Dragon Age themed and my rep the Inquisitor, I thought to kinda build the journal entries around that as well as the fact that I later change her to Mihawk. I might remove these though; I think I made a mistake in doing this.

The screenshots that I included are the earliest ones that I have. The second picture was taken from my very first island hop (only had the one ticket at the time) and the third picture was taken when I caught my first snapping turtle. :)
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Side Notes
Nothing too fancy this time. I just wanted to provide some additional information about my villagers and the status of my rep's endeavors to gain recruits and allies. I thought to try to make it look like loose sheets of paper since at this point in the small story I started, my rep wouldn't know who specifically they were looking for or that they would be meeting any of the villagers that I have found, so, I'd like to think of these pages as pages that were held onto and edited repeatedly over a lengthy amount of time. This is sadly kinda the limit of my editing skills and the program that I use isn't the best.

As I was making these, I thought it'd be fun to match villagers to some of the factions/groups/characters in Dragon Age. I wasn't sure what to pick for Punchy's occupation, so for now, I made him a pirate emperor. I mentioned in an earlier post how Hiyori was making preparations with her allies to challenge an emperor and that there are four of them, well, for now, I'm making Punchy one of them at least until I can think of something more suitable for him that would be appropriate to Dragon Age and/or One Piece.

I sadly could not remember what day I got some of my villagers. I used (and regretted) using Amiibo cards for Kiki, Punchy and Roscoe; I also used them to boot Rudy (two times), Roscoe and Merry when I messed up their houses (no regrets in those cases). Tex I got from my friend @JeffreyAC 's void. Before I found that out, I was initially just as annoyed as I was with Graham as my forced camper since I was saving the spot for Raymond at the time. After I found out he came from my friend's town, I decided to give him a chance. I ended up liking him so much I gave him some clothes and let him stay longer so I could get his picture 😊.

As much as I love Roscoe and Sherb, I'm considering letting one of them or both move since I really cannot stand cranky villagers' singing voice (which is a shame since I was extremely interested in Static and I believe he has the music hobby). If I let Roscoe and Sherb go, I was thinking of replacing him with Spike, Gaston, Tom or Rocco; I really love Roscoe's design the best though :/. I've also been considering finding Dom again and letting him be a permanent resident instead of Sherb; I've been enjoying seeing people's screenshots that show some of his expressions. If I could keep Sherb and have Dom as well as my other dreamies, that would be more preferable over letting one go, of course.

Not all of the villagers that I included in the list for allies and affiliates are dreamies; as a matter of fact, I'm only interested in four of them (not counting the ones whom I already had on my island and would like to have back). Also, some of the villagers are ones that I have/had on my island (black & white=had; color=have); I love Bluebear and Sprinkle's designs but I feel like I don't click with peppies in NH as much as I did in NL. In spite of this, my rep in game got along with them, thus, is why I included them in the list of allies. As for Fuschia, I don't like her color and initially I did feel like she rubbed me the wrong way, but in the end, I got her picture and felt like she left with us on good terms. Cyd on the other hand, I got his picture, but I didn't like him at all; I don't like his design or that many elephants. A few have been growing on me though. Lily and Dom were villagers I would have kept if I had more room, so, I like the idea of them staying in contact with me even though they no longer are on my island ☺. I've included Graham and Judy onto this list since they are just temporary residents (even though I really want to keep Judy since she has no amiibo card and I am a bit attached to her now that I have her).

In case anyone is interested, here are the character references:
-Bianca represents the Dwarven Merchant Guild because in DAI there is a character named Bianca who was part of the guild.
-Cole represents Cole from the novel Dragon Age: Asunder as well as DAI; his class in DAI was rogue.
-Kiki represents Josephine. I decorated her house in HHD like Skyhold and I dressed her up in Meglish's Josephine dress custom design.
-Tasha represents Morrigan.
-Vic represents Iron Bull.
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Upon the conclusion of TBT's 2020 Halloweaster event, I created the image above to be my signature until I can come up with something better. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is truly the limit of my photo editing skills lol. This is not the best editing program (it is probably over ten years old or more anyways). I have designed better (but not really better by much), but this temporarily serves its purpose of showing what drama may unfold on my island, and the complexity of my rep's identity.

And the story continues... Early beginnings
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Journal Entries

June 5, 2020: This photo was pasted below the date on the following page:
Next to the wedding photo, Dunquixote wrote, "I admit that I volunteered to help Harvey at his studio, since the Inquisition could use as many valuable allies as we could get, however, I was not expecting to also be helping a couple reenact their wedding. Is this what the Inquisition is going to be known for? I also admit that I am enjoying the task quite a bit and am extremely pleased with the pieces of furniture that Cyrus is letting me exchange these heart crystals for, though."


Taped onto the back of the torn newspaper clipping was a piece of parchment paper that read, "5/31/20: The museum was built and a brief celebration was held in front of the building. I was expecting some drinks and food to celebrate such an important addition to the island, but alas, the idea evidently failed to even cross Tom's mind. I may want to have a discussion with him later to ensure there is a great emphasis on the importance of history on this island."


"5/31/20: Nook's Cranny officially opened today. Another unimpressive celebration. At least offer us some more peach juice. I checked the store for some beverages and food and it looks like he expects us to live on peaches and to drink from the river."


"6/5/2020: Today the museum's expansion was completed and now Blathers accepts art donations. In spite of how much I urged him to put more thought into the celebration ceremonies of the completion of building projects or expansions, or the emphasis on history, Tom dismissed all of my suggestions. Fuschia and Sprinkles seemed to be enjoying themselves in spite of the rain and tedious 'celebration.'"


"6/5/2020: Skyhold's Resident Service building was also completed today. The Island has been developing quite nicely and at a rather quick pace."

"6/5/2020: A campsite was built. Not my ideal campsite, but at least I can move it anytime that I want and make adjustments around the area. The Inquisition will definitely need a campsite to scout out additional potential recruits as well as a place to rest while on a mission or quest."


"6/6/2020: Able Sisters was built. Also, today, the newspaper that I've been reading had a sudden change in ownership. Starting tomorrow, the newspaper will be owned by Nook Inc. Oh, what I'd give to have a spy right now amongst my recruits."

Side Notes
I've been having some fun re-familiarizing myself with the program that I'm using to edit my pictures; I am a bit rusty because it has been years since I've done any fun projects with it. While my Island's theme is partially medieval and since I am not an artist, there is no way going around the use of the in game camera (and that would take away the fun that I have from using it and the different filters anyways not to mention it would take away my ability to make my screenshots a lot more presentable). For now, let's just assume my island/world is one like Attack on Titan, Final Fantasy X, or One Piece, which have some highly or relatively advanced technology while also some primitive. I was just considering making all of my earlier photos sepia toned or black/white, but kinda too late for that seeing that I made my last post with some color pictures (I could always change it, but I think I like it in color better).

Initially, all I was going to post were the celebration pictures, but after I was done, I felt like I needed to include more in this post and I didn't want it to be mostly about my signature. Since I had two photos left from my earliest days playing the game, I decided to make half of the project into a journal entry and paste two of the three photos on the opposite page. From here on out, my entries might be different; I'm unsure what I'll be doing exactly. I'll definitely need to brainstorm this a bit. All of my screenshots that I took are kinda scattered and are mostly of my villagers singing or doing something on the plaza with me making silly faces or poses in the background, or my designs lol... I'll be sharing all or most of those, probably.

About My Signature
For those that aren't familiar with Dragon Age: Inquisition, this is the pose that inspired part of the design that I made on my island:
The green nova light represents the rift,the Frozen Pillar represents the green magic channeling into the rift to close it and the crescent moon chair represents a portal that is opening up from the Fade (a spiritual/demonic world and where the mages draw their magic from in Dragon Age). I will be posting the full area in a post dedicated to completed areas on my island (none are 100% complete yet, but I may create a placeholder post), so, stay tuned if you're interested :). I admit though, that it is not my best or favorite area, but I still like it enough to keep it up for now.

The Dragon Age custom design with the Outback hat that my rep is wearing is one that I made in NL. It's nowhere as good as Meglish's designs (which I used heavily in HHD and would in NH if there was a way to give them to an individual villager instead of needing to hang it up at Able's and a way to remove them if we wanted to).

It was based on this outfit I had in the game ( I made it in every playthrough):

Sorry for the poor quality; this was taken on the PS3 version, so I had to use my phone. I hated how the outfits looked in DAI, but I needed an outfit for my Inquisitor in addition to the ones from Kirkwall's Crossing that I downloaded.
As you can see, my designing skills is quite poor. I was better at it on NL and HHD than I am with making designs in NH.

The Final Fantasy X Bahamut design that you see my rep wearing is one that I made in HHD; I'm extremely proud of it even though it makes my pants look like they're falling down 😂 (which I just realized when I took the picture). And for those who aren't familiar with Final Fantasy X, here's Bahamut, who I refer to as Creepy Kid.

Finally, last but not least, my rep's currently most worn wand outfit belongs to the One Piece character, Dracule Mihawk. You can find the custom design here; I did not design it. Mihawk is my favorite One Piece character. I had little plans on wearing the custom design often until I created two rooms for the dreamy dresser and starry snaps contest from the 2020 TBT Fair; both were One Piece themed and I liked them so much I kept one and made adjustments to the other as soon as I had submitted my entry. I plan on transferring the basement to my Thousand Sunny area eventually.
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Disclaimer: I do not claim the Nook Inc. logo to be my own or the background template, the Punchy art, or the Straw Hats' logo, Going Merry, Shanks' outfit and scar, or Big Boss from Metal Gear Solid.

Since my last entry mentioned about there being a newspaper being printed on my island, I thought it would be fun to make my next mini project set up like a newspaper. I'm aware that the back page is smaller than the front page, but I didn't want to mess around much more than I already had trying to combine a background with the template that I was using and resizing it. As mentioned before, I am a noob when it comes to photoshop and computer stuff. I do try my best when making these fun little projects, but I do not claim that they are as good as they could be.

Nook Inc. Weekly
Cover page story, continued: they were in a hurry to finish up their daily tasks, thus, they did not give much thought or pay too close of attention to the visitors. By the time they finished up their chores, the other visitor was gone. I asked the other residents if they had noticed another visitor, but no one else claimed to have seen anyone else. With no other observations or evidence to go on, I had no choice but to move on with my story. The arrival of one of the four great emperors at Skyhold puzzled me since this island is still in the beginning stages of the development process and there is nothing here that could be of any interest to any pirate, let alone a pirate emperor. Additionally, the fact that he was not with his own crew and was on another pirate's ship seemed extremely odd to me, not to mention that the captain and crew to whom the ship belonged to were nowhere to be seen.

Since Skyhold still has yet to earn a reputation and name for itself, I found the presence of a Pirate Emperor on the island to be potentially damaging, thus, I decided to take the initiative and find out what he wants with our island.

When he saw me approach the tent, he slowly stood up with his paw on his sword. "Are you here to challenge me?"

I raised my hands up in the air to show him that I was unarmed. "No. I just wanted to ask you a few questions."

Punchy watched me closely for a moment before gesturing to me to sit down. "How can I help you?"

"I was just wondering what brought you to Skyhold? I find it extremely odd that one of the four pirate emperors decide to visit such an insignificant island such as this one. We have no treasure or anything that could interest any pirate, let alone a pirate emperor." My hands were trembling slightly as I asked him this. "What happened to your crew? Where are the Straw Hats?"

Punchy held up his paw. "Whoa there. One question at a time. Also, I can't just hand out my secrets to anyone. I have many enemies, you know. I'll tell you what. Bring me the finest meat that your island has and I'll consider telling you something for your paper news thingy." He looked a little off to the side and appeared to be blushing a little. "I forgot to bring some snacks."

When I returned from the Herald's Rest Tavern with a plate full of chicken wings, I could have sworn that I saw tears in his eyes and maybe a little drool coming out from the corners of his mouth.

"Don't worry," he said between bites. "I was invited here by your island's representative. I made a promise that I plan on sticking to, to not bother the residents or cause the island any trouble." After that, I could not get anything else coherent from his mouth.

The pirate emperor was certainly nothing like how I imagined him to be. The pirate emperors are each supposed to have enormous amount of physical prowess and influence around the world, however, Punchy seemed way to lax, once he got over his initial wariness towards me and showed me none of the traits I always imagined a pirate emperor to have. It was an interesting encounter, though I never did got an answer out of him of what happened to the Straw Hats' crew and captain or why he was on their ship.

Judgment Day
Alfonso has just been declared guilty by the Inquisition for using and conspiring to continue using forbidden alchemy; he has been sentenced to a year’s worth of community service working for Jingle. It has been reported that in the middle of the night of a slumber party that he recently held, there were loud sounds and flashes of light coming from inside his house. We also received photographic evidence from an anonymous source of what the scene of the crime looked like at the time it happened. A few days after the slumber party took place and to this day, there have been multiple sightings of a menacing figure wrapped in bandages and a strange green rift in the sky. The appearances of demons and other monstrous creatures have become more frequently sighted as well. The Inquisition is currently investigating the rift, its source as well as this bandaged menace and are seeking volunteers to help them eliminate these creatures who now threaten all of Skyhold's inhabitants.

Full Screenshot of the proceedings of Alfonso's sentence can be found here:


Skyhold's Rules continued: 7. No pitfalls

Rules about Combat & Use of Magic

1. Take extra precautions when using magic or alchemy at home or within the vicinity of the residential and commercial areas. Any damage or harm to others and their property will be heavily fined.
2. Blood magic is forbidden. Anything involving reviving the dead, summoning and making deals with demons is also forbidden.
3. Training with each other is allowed, but violence is forbidden.

Tavern Tales
Each week, we share some stories and rumors we hear at Skyhold's Herald's Rest Tavern about the Inquisitor and other adventurers that the residents have encountered.

1. End Game Boss
"You want to know what my opinion of the Inquisitor is, mush? I think she is the end game boss. She didn't seem very happy about being given the roll of Island Representative. Also, sometimes when she approaches me to talk about something, she startles me since I don't always see her. She's got some real skills, skills like an end game boss has."

2. Suave Adventurers
"The other day, when I went on a mystery island tour, I saw this suave sulky fellow, mweee. He looked like he was having a pretty bad day, so I offered to help him fight off some baddies that were on the island. I twisted my ankle though near the end. I was sooooo embarrassed, yet this sulky guy was totally nice about it and helped me to the airport."

3. Kindness
"The Inquisitor accepted me on her island and treats me as a valuable ally and friend; she does not treat me like a walking threat like the templars did back at the tower that I'm from, toady. I'm extremely grateful to her and even if there comes a day where I leave this island, I will always be willing to give her and the Inquisition my support and aid to repay her kindness."

Custom Designs Used

The Big Boss design I made back in HHD; I based it off of a poster that you could find at Mother Base in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. The Inquisition's symbol and the images on the back wall I created either in HHD or New Leaf to be used with the stained glass since I based them off of stained glass art from DAI. The custom design that I used on the plain wooden sign is another one I made in HHD; I based it off of the quest markers from World of Warcraft.

Other Details

In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the player's character has to decide the fate of several characters. Most of the characters were enemies that the Inquisitor fought.

The villager, Samson shares the same name with a character from DAI. Ever since I played HHD, I've been using his photo or Samson himself to represent the character from the game.

The quest "enchantment" is another DA reference. There was a male dwarf named Sandal who was able to make enchantments even though dwarves at the time of each of the games' stories, could not use magic.

The second screenshot that I posted under "Judgment Day" was my entry for the Sleepover at Harv's contest. Ed represents Edward Elric, Alphoso represents Alphonse Elric, Roscoe represents Ling Yao/Greed, Pekoe represents May Chang, Winnie represents Winry Rockbell, Raymond could represent Hohenheim (might as well be since this is a spin-off from what actually happened in the anime/manga :p). Ribbot and Coco are the results from Ed and Alphonso's previous failures to bring their mother back to life. For some unknown reason, they are cooperating with the two brothers. Can't say much about Lucky at this point except that he was summoned or created accidentally-- since he may appear again in my story's plot ;). My Raymond and Roscoe were not held accountable for these crimes since the ones in the photo aren't my villagers (just to clarify: they are...but in my story they're not ).

Since I'm uncertain if I'll post this screenshot later, I'll post it here. Here is Alfonso and his brother, Ed who had received the same sentence as his brother, working hard for Jingle.
I believe I designed this room for another Harv's studio contest.

In "Tavern Tales," some of the stories I included aren't based on anything. I know the villagers can't go on island tours and that when the rep goes, villagers only show up when we have a spot available for them to move in. For the sake of my story, I just thought it'd be interesting for the villagers have the option to meet other villagers doing mystery island tours, but not have the option to invite them . I figure why should only the rep be able to visit mystery islands if they all were offered the same deserted island package. The end game boss "story," however, is based off of something Rudy said during earlier stages of my friendship with him. What Lily is referring to is how mages are treated in Dragon Age as threats since there were mages that consorted with demons, used blood magic to gain more power, and mages can get possessed easily by demons.

Credits and Thanks
Many thanks to my extremely talented and generous friend, @Totoroki who had offered to draw me something a couple months ago 🥺. She did way more than I asked her to do. She did such a wonderful job with everything--from Punchy, his pose, expression, to the ship and the colors and design. She left me an Easter Egg in the art. Can you spot it?

You can find a bigger sized version of the image here:

Concluding Thoughts
I originally was planning to not post pictures that I took more recently until I caught up to date to where I am not in my game, but seeing how my story is unwrapping and how I'm making references to designs I later made that I actually have not made in the game on the particular dates that I'm writing about, I may change my mind and probably will share them alongside my earlier pictures. It doesn't help that I don't remember when I made some of my designs either. I can't say this doesn't bother me how I didn't plan this well, but not going to worry too much about it either now that I have done that. Having taking a break from my journal and ACNH, it would have taken me a long time to reach the point where I am now, with or without a story, so, maybe this is for the best.

Just to clarify, I am not condoning or promoting violence. I am structuring my story's plot kinda like an rpg/adventure story is. There are monsters (like the giant mantis creatures, demonic mages, etc) that will need to be vanquished to prevent from hurting anyone one and some humanoid/villager enemies. If there are humanoids that need to be confronted, when defeated they are still alive and will just be sent to a form of prison with proper rehabilitation or exiled (booted off the island) depending on the crime. I'm aware of the rules so, just felt like I needed to clarify what my thought process is to prevent being misunderstood. If something does bother anyone that is reading this, please don't hesitate to let me know and I can edit.
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Journal Entry
Continuing on the next page, Dunquixote wrote, "As much as I resent Tom Nook for volunteering me to become the island rep, I have to admit that I have been enjoying spending time with the residents and getting to know them. This month, there were three birthday parties and although I'm not much of party person, I did have a wonderful time. If only every day were like this or that I could afford to be idle. Perhaps one day, after my goals are achieved, I can make times like these last couple of days last longer."

More Screenshots & Side Notes
Since I spent most of the previous entry adding on to the articles that I made for the newspaper, I didn't get a chance to share the screenshots that I had taken during the days that the newspaper covered (there were only four).


One of my biggest regrets is using my amiibo cards so early; I wish I had found my favorites all through either the campsite or mystery island tours. I do not count kicking Rudy out with an amiibo card two times as a regret since I messed up his house before I knew I wanted to keep him, and then when I tried to get him to wear the viking helmet. I used Punchy's, Kiki's and Roscoe's cards. I believe I used Kiki's to kick out either Alphonso (who I tried to get to move out by ignoring him and fencing him in) or Tipper, and Roscoe for whichever Kiki didn't boot.


My favorite campsite dialogue for lazies. Punchy looks so cute distressed 🥺. I love Punchy so much. Just more bug talk.


Merry was my third peppy at the time. I already had Sprinkle (one of my other starters after the initial two) & Bluebear (who I believe I found on a mystery island tour). I grew so sick of the peppy dialogue thanks to my three peppies 😅. I did not let this cloud my opinions of Sprinkle, Bluebear or Merry (who I still have). I just don't really like the peppy dialogue in NH as much as I did in NL.

At the moment, Merry is a permanent resident of Skyhold. She has been a favorite of mine since NL, though I liked Rosie slightly more (now, some days I think I like Merry more😅). I had plans to have Rosie be my permanent resident since she moved out in my NL town and I did not want her to. Since I found Rosie on an island eventually as well, that changed up my plans, though I am now considering eventually letting one of them go (maybe use the amiibo card if I change my mind).


This is the exact mentality that I have when I have guests over.



This particular dialogue really warmed my heart. I know they all the same way, but with low self esteem in RL, this made me feel happy.


I believe I time-traveled on this day; I think I got two naturally and one after I time-traveled.

I just want to say how much I grew to love Lily. When I saw her on the mystery island, I thought, "Oh, she's kinda cute," and thought I would eventually let her move out. While I did eventually let her move out, I did consider keeping her since she grew on me so much. I love her design and her personality; she is just so sweet 🥺.
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I felt like mixing this entry up a bit to get some more screenshots out, partially because I'm way behind but I still want them to look nice. The background is one from the program that I'm using.

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Journal Entries
Continuing on the next page, Dunquixote wrote, "I invited him to come live in Skyhold and work as our accountant. I told him that the Inquisition is in dire need of a financial advisor or accountant and could use some help managing our resources and finding other sources of income. Kiki has been temporarily in charge of our finances in addition to diplomacy, but I feel that having two roles is too much for one to bear. Raymond told me he was extremely happy where he was living and even though his island's representative contacted me about allowing Raymond to move here, he actually wanted Raymond to stay as well. His island's representative was somehow aware of our situation as well as our cause and wished to help us out by allowing Raymond to move in exchange for some trading privileges. I've have dealt with my fair share of shady dealers and in spite of this deal appearing to be too good to be true, my instincts told me to trust him and so, I sent my response agreeing to his terms. Now, a couple weeks later, not only have things been running much smoothly with our finances in good hands, but I have made a new friend out of his former island's representative and continue to be in contact with him."

Additional Screenshots
I forgot to include or skipped some screenshots for my last two entries, so I thought I should include them here since I liked them a lot, along with some more that continue from the screenshots that I posted in my projects above. I put some of them in spoilers since there are a lot for some of the conversations I took pictures of; will have to leave out a few since there is a 20 picture limit for attachments.


I was surprised this didn't result in Roscoe stomping off, but I noticed that when I talk to villagers when they're talking to someone else that they never end up with the angry stomping. It is only if I just watch them from the distance and they finish talking privately when it happens.


I love Punchy so much 🥺.


This may sound mean, but as I mentioned in this post, I find the villager arguments and fights entertaining; I honestly think they bring life to my island. I don't like drama in RL, but whether it is AC or the Sims, I loved it in there. I never wrote a story for the Sims when I played it, but in my head, there kinda was a story playing as I made decisions for the character I controlled.


Punchy has such adorable expressions 🥺.



Rudy was so adorable here, twirling his umbrella around and stomping around. 🥺

Sidenotes and Other Details
The bottom two pictures on the left side of my journal entry were quick designs I put together because there was an empty spot below the first image. The first picture, I based a little off of this design that I did in HHD. I wanted to have a picture showing my rep consulting Raymond about the Inquisition's financial situation or something. The second picture, I remade the tavern that I used to have (I changed it a few months back to resemble Partys Bar from One piece); I added some new items to make it look better for the screenshot (like the hallway Sanrio item). I really am happy how it turned out and I think the filter made it significantly better :).

This is what it looked like before:


I used to be proud of my tavern but after entering it in a summer tbt contest and seeing so many better designs, I realized it needed some work.

The first picture that you see Rudy giving me his picture in is the Rudy I had starting out the game. As you can see, I messed up his house. The last picture on the photo strip is my second Rudy. Well, after I gave him that hat, the next day it was on display, so you know what that meant. :/ I used an amiibo to kick him out and re-invited him.

The qr design that you see me wearing in the set of photos of Punchy and Bluebear's argument can be found here along with other designs I downloaded and use.

The story with Raymond is loosely based on how I got him. What happened on TBT though was I made an offer on him in someone's thread where he was selling Raymond. On the last day I had an empty spot open, there was still not any kind of response like, "that's too low" or "not interested." I offered I think 3 million bells 600 tbt and 60ish NMTS. Someone out of the blue dmed me asking if I still wanted Raymond. He seemed really reluctant to let his Raymond go (I didn't blame him) but he offered me him for what I was offering in the thread. I asked him if he was sure and he said yes. And that was how I got him. I'm still in touch with him; he ended up finding a new Raymond when he restarted his island which made me happy :). He really is a nice guy; I'm still very grateful to him. Had it not been for this, Idk if I would've ever had a chance to talk to him. He visited me a few times as well and traded some other items too :].

In the bottom right corner on the first “scrapbook” page, is a picture that shows me when I discovered that I could hold items with the camera out and I was trying out the reactions which I don’t think I used as often back then as I do now. I plan on returning to this picture in the maybe near future (if I remember, seeing how I almost forgot to explain what was going on in the image 😅).
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