How much of a time commitment is this? I would love to participate because its been forever since ive played smash but I could only hop on for an hour or two a day at most.
Hi there,
It would be really helpful if you could make an effort to sign on at least once a day for your assigned cabin, as there are daily events that generate points for your cabin, even if you do not actually place 1st, 2nd or 3rd for anything (you earn points simply for submitting!). Even if you can't, anything that you can do will be of value to your assigned cabin!
On another point in your post, although we call ourselves "Smash Camp", we have little to do with Smash Brothers. That being said, one of the things that we've done in previous years is have a SSBB tournament, so even if you're new to SSBB or haven't played in a while, you should consider entering into the tournament!
Hope to see you there!
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