Good grief.
After the announcement of the new Animal Crossing game, I just have to get a Switch now. Of course, I won't be getting the Switch just for one game, as there are plenty of others that I've been interested in since the console's release in March last year, it's just that AC was a dealbreaker for me. Currently, as I plan on buying one before the end of 2018, I'm trying to figure out if I should get the Smash or Pok?mon bundle for the console. The Pok?mon bundle seemed so appealing to me at first but then a friend of mine IRL said that the Smash bundle is a better deal. Now I'm undecided, so I'm here on TBT trying to figure out which one I should buy. Of course, I guess it might be possible just to wait for an Animal Crossing bundle, but that obviously wouldn't be coming out until the game's release next year. Is the Smash or Pok?mon bundle better?