Welcome to Snake and Ryder's Marketplace! Here, you'll find any item you need at discount prices. We sell everything except for seeds and items that mess up your town. We have a 100% guarantee that the items that we sell are legit and won't harm your town.
Catalog Info
Since we offer every item you can get, we don't have a catalog right now. We will create and update it as orders are placed. If you place an order (max. of 15 items per order) and the price hasn't been posted (the item isn't in the catalog), you may barter to get a better deal.
Have any questions, comments, or problems? Post them here.
Want to help us out? We will soon be looking for employees. If you're interested, post here and we'll talk to you about it.
To place an order, use the following format:
Catalog Info
Since we offer every item you can get, we don't have a catalog right now. We will create and update it as orders are placed. If you place an order (max. of 15 items per order) and the price hasn't been posted (the item isn't in the catalog), you may barter to get a better deal.
Have any questions, comments, or problems? Post them here.
Want to help us out? We will soon be looking for employees. If you're interested, post here and we'll talk to you about it.
To place an order, use the following format:
[B]AC:WW Name: [/B]
[B]AC:WW Town: [/B]
[B]AC:WW FC: [/B]
[B]Items: [/B]
[B]Total Price: [/B]