sniff sniff I miss......

Garrett x50 cal

Veteran AC Player
Nov 9, 2008
Bell Bag Badge
Yellow Candy
Small Mailbox
PORTER! the monkey he was in AC:GC and he took you on the train ride to other towns i miss him they could have done something with him....maybe any ideas?
Sure but the "PG" part is a slogan not a title. Too many people have been calling it that lately. :O
stormcommander said:
Sure but the "PG" part is a slogan not a title. Too many people have been calling it that lately. :O
off topic post is off topic.

i miss him too. they could've used him for something else. D:
I think the Bus Station should be abolished. I wanted the train back! Also... Kapp'n and Gulliver back on their boats please! =O
Nate said:
stormcommander said:
Sure but the "PG" part is a slogan not a title. Too many people have been calling it that lately. :O
off topic post is off topic.

i miss him too. they could've used him for something else. D:
maybe [WARNING DUMB IDEA AHEAD] a model train shop in the city or something :/
stormcommander said:
I think the Bus Station should be abolished. I wanted the train back! Also... Kapp'n and Gulliver back on their boats please! =O
i Know whats up with guliver being a alien!? thats a turn for dumbness lol
That monkey was the best!( he was so professional) I think kapp'n is better off being in a boat cuase he speaks alot like a pirate
GAH! I was just thinking about him and his other little monkey friend! ='( i love those guys!!!
i love how they welcome you and send you off to your friends town! >.<
Yeah, I guess. But Porter was teh pwnsomest. He talked to you, unlike the monkey train driver with no name. D=
PK-Orange said:
weren't there two? one that drives the train and Porter?
It never showed someone driving the train.
Porter just like would call the train up, and
stand infront of the door?

The unknown monkey......we should name him something. Morter.....morter and porter...xDDD
Why'd nintendo have to remove the pwnsome monkeys??!!? ;-;
ya i miss Porter mabey they put him in the recycling bin ........ maby i ll find him in there
o and i miss the police station (game qube version) sniff ... sniff...