sniff sniff I miss......

Yeah, the police station was so cute. Copper wearing his cute little outfit, and the cute little phone inside the station...D: why nintendo.....why?!? ;-;

Actually choo choo is a cute word...but not for a name.....=/
coffeebean! said:
Yeah, the police station was so cute. Copper wearing his cute little outfit, and the cute little phone inside the station...D: why nintendo.....why?!? ;-;

Actually choo choo is a cute word...but not for a name.....=/

and @coffeebean agreed! ^^
stormcommander said:
I think the Bus Station should be abolished. I wanted the train back! Also... Kapp'n and Gulliver back on their boats please! =O
The gate would have to be abolished to restore the train station.
i miss porter, too. but do you know what i really miss? that little voice that says "Nintendo" when you start up your game from AC and ACWW
I bet those 2 professional monkeys were twins D=
I guess you can't have everything
It's either the city or the monkey (the city won this one this time around)
melly said:
I bet those 2 professional monkeys were twins D=
I guess you can't have everything
It's either the city or the monkey (the city won this one this time around)
Actually, they looked exactly alike.

The bus is corny. I rather they have a train. The gate is meh. I'm sure if Nintendo added the train, they would've found another way to travel from town to town.
coffeebean! said:
melly said:
I bet those 2 professional monkeys were twins D=
I guess you can't have everything
It's either the city or the monkey (the city won this one this time around)
Actually, they looked exactly alike.

The bus is corny. I rather they have a train. The gate is meh. I'm sure if Nintendo added the train, they would've found another way to travel from town to town.
they couldve used the train to travel to the city AND travel todifferent towns >.>
I don't think it's a very big deal...
I mean, it's just one character that no one paid attention to. But the moment he's taken out, BAM! You guys don't know what you have until you lose it.
coffeebean! said:
That's true. It would have been much cuter, and would have brought back the AC:GC feeling back.
the only way they could truely bring the AC GC feeling back is to bring back the piano music
You're right. There's nothing better than the AC:GC music. u.u AC:WW was
The music from the original will always pwn the crap they put in now.
The songs were so nice, and I really just think of them as animal crossing...
the newer songs are just a fail. u.u
coffeebean! said:
You're right. There's nothing better than the AC:GC music. u.u AC:WW was
The music from the original will always pwn the crap they put in now.
The songs were so nice, and I really just think of them as animal crossing...
the newer songs are just a fail. u.u
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Nintendo just makes me cry. How could they have taken that away?! u.u And my favorites were just when the sun was rising, around 7, and when the sun was setting, like 5, or 6ish.