so are you not allowed to tell somebody that their thread is in the wrong place? etc

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Senior Member
Feb 15, 2014
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
i heard people got an infraction for doing that, so do you have to report them? will they get in trouble if you report them?
no its mini modding
just report the thread and a mod will move it

they wont get in trouble, the thread will be just moved and done i think
Just report it.

Most of the time telling someone they put their thread in the wrong section causes them to abandon the thread and make a new one in the right place. This causes a lot of clutter and confuses people even more, so it's better for you to report the thread so we can move it to the right place.
I got an infraction for doing just that around December. I don't think I knew what the Report button was at the time XD
How is it considered mini-modding?

Mini-modding is when you basically act like a mod in the thread. Telling them where the post should be is considered a form of acting like a mod by the staff. And so is my post, actually.
Mini-modding is when you basically act like a mod in the thread. Telling them where the post should be is considered a form of acting like a mod by the staff. And so is my post, actually.

stop mini-modding
Yeah, Oath. Stop mini modding. Jeez.

In all seriousness just report threads. It makes stuff easier for everyone.
Got an infraction from doing it (It already expired) but it still shows up on my list :p
I tend to warn over it more than Infracting, unless it's a repeat offense or spamming. Either way, this has been explained pretty well so I'm gonna go ahead and shut this down.
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