So I gotthis game earlier today..


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2015
Blue Hybrid Rose
Red Rose
Orange Mote of Flame
I saw my first villager.
I screamed yay
My dog wok up c:

Anyways I'm terpy..
I come from reddit where I don't really like very much.
I'm happy to be of your acquaintances though!!
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Hello terpy! Welcome and enjoy. I also switched from reddit and I never looked back.
Hello terpy! Welcome and enjoy. I also switched from reddit and I never looked back.

Yeh. The community theres is mostly a bunch a tools!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I hope I used that right.
Welcome! I hope you make many friends here and enjoy the game! c:
Why does your town have pears? Should have oranges, you'll regret it later! I have tangy in my cycling town
My birthday is exactly one month from tangos I feel we r long lost siblings
welcome to the forums!!! i can give you some oranges if you want some
Hi Terpy! I've always thought that Tangy was cute as well. I'm glad that she ended up as one of your orignial villagers! So... welcome! :D
Hello and welcome to the community! Any questions, feel free to PM me ^-^
Welcome to TBT :) your avatar is pretty great lol
I hope you enjoy your time here!
If you were wondering, you did use the term "tools" correctly.

Is 4 a bit too early to be waking up?
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lmao good morning terpy hello again welcome to the forums and the game!

unfortunately im not a big fan of tangy but :)
Welcome! I'm super new here as well but I've enjoyed being here, even if I often just read and don't post. x3 I'm glad you've taken such a liking to Tangy. I got the game a month ago and I had Olivia originally and she's been my favorite ever since. I even made sure I got her again when I restarted my game, heh.

Anyways, I've been having so much fun with the game and I'm sure you will too!