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Some Auction Pet Peeves


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Pear (Fruit)
So, I don't have a problem with auctions at all. I host some and participate in others. However, some auctions just bug the cr*p out of me.
These include -
  • Auctions with no end time (like, really?)
  • Auctions that start before the villager has even pinged to move (again... really?)
  • Auctions that go on for 4-5 days because the person will not not TT (I get that you don't want to TT but why start the action so early then?)
  • Auctions that don't state the buyout price (maybe I'm just nitpicking but I think it's helpful to the bidders to have a buyout)
Any thoughts on this?
Auctions that have a "mysterious private bidder" who wants to up the price an absurd amount (worst I've seen was a 13mil jump) when the buyout price seems unlikely to be met. :|
Buyout isn't necessary. I'm sometimes annoyed too but nobody's actually going to buyout if you think about it. Some people just want to see the highest bid ;;
I don't like when people offer to boost somebody's bid. It's unfair to the other bidders to compete with you AND your friends. If I ever do an auction, this will be strictly prohibited--even though it would mean more bells for me.
Buyout isn't necessary. I'm sometimes annoyed too but nobody's actually going to buyout if you think about it. Some people just want to see the highest bid ;;

Actually people do buyouts quite a lot. My Julian was bought out at an auction.
I just think it's good for those who want to get the villager faster due to conflicting time zones and can afford it.
Actually people do buyouts quite a lot. My Julian was bought out at an auction.
I just think it's good for those who want to get the villager faster due to conflicting time zones and can afford it.
It's just a bit frustrating for me because I know I won't get the villager ; buyout is 20mil. I can't afford that so people who can automatically can take my dreamie ;;
It's just a bit frustrating for me because I know I won't get the villager ; buyout is 20mil. I can't afford that so people who can automatically can take my dreamie ;;

I know what you mean. I was very poor myself until I sold off some popular villagers in my cycle town and made some money from turnips and off of selling TBT bells.
Worst is, after you re the highest bidder and the seller agree to trade with you, so it mean you are the winner by right, but suddenly someone offer a higher price and immediately switch to that person instead of you.
Worst is, after you re the highest bidder and the seller agree to trade with you, so it mean you are the winner by right, but suddenly someone offer a higher price and immediately switch to that person instead of you.

I think instances like this should be definitely reported. I also feel that even in selling threads, once you agree to someone's offer, you shouldn't change your mind just because someone offers something better.
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Just wanted to say that my Genji was buyout-ed xD

Anyway, I don't really HATE stuff in auctions since I rarely take place in them, but last-minute bidders always make me panic xD
Lurkers who pop in at the last minute and buys out. Dude if you have the stuff/bells/villager just post and end the crap ffs.

And those who don't have end times.

Multiple site-auctions. Sorry but how the **** am I supposed to check 4 sites at once? Then I'd rather be without.
Multiple site-auctions. Sorry but how the **** am I supposed to check 4 sites at once? Then I'd rather be without.

^^^^ This times a million! Especially when you might not have access to the other sites. Or the person completes the deal on one site and NEVER tells the other people on the other sites that they've lost or that someone made a better offer...

It should really be against the rules.
Yeah, I agree with some of those things. My personal peeves are when there are multiple forums involved. Just pick one and stick with it! Another pet peeve is when a hole bunch of people jump on the help a friend. Thats bad because sometimes it becomes a bullying situatiion and people who dont have a lot of friends on that particular forum is at a disadvantage. Also, its a logistical nightmare for the person auctioning because now you have to collect from 4 different people. Lame.

The biggest personal pet peeve? Someone shouting, where is your dreamie proof? Why do I need to prove to anyone that the villager is a dreamie to participate in an auction? And further, even if that villager is not a dreamie but in that moment, I just want them, why cant I bid on the auction? Makes no sense.
The biggest personal pet peeve? Someone shouting, where is your dreamie proof? Why do I need to prove to anyone that the villager is a dreamie to participate in an auction? And further, even if that villager is not a dreamie but in that moment, I just want them, why cant I bid on the auction? Makes no sense.

I agree. I think dreamie proof should only be asked for in cases like giveaways to help make sure that someone isn't giving away a popular villager, trying to do a good deed, but then the recipient turns around and sells for a profit right away. In my opinion, if you are asking for money for your villager it's none of your business what happens to that villager after you have been paid.
The biggest personal pet peeve? Someone shouting, where is your dreamie proof? Why do I need to prove to anyone that the villager is a dreamie to participate in an auction? And further, even if that villager is not a dreamie but in that moment, I just want them, why cant I bid on the auction? Makes no sense.

Exactly. If it's a giveaway, I can understand dreamie proof but if you're buying a villager with your own bells, it should be nobody's business.
Biggest pet peeve.... When someone outbids you to a high amount and then all of a sudden "Oh the villager is in my campsite" Grrrrr. Another one is when people set a time and then change it. People who dog pile and bid higher for others. Last of all are people who are not online for the end of the auction. Pet peeve as someone who has had an auction. People who bid and win and then they have not cycled through to get that villager back. Then chasing down the next in line. :(
I agree with most of the things. If there isn't a buyout I don't mind but the dreamy proof in an auction is just weird :eek: I mean like you guys say, when it's a giveaway or cycling thread ok, I can understand but when you buy a villager don't you have the right to do with it whatever you want?
And not everyone has dreamies in a signature so there is no way of checking then
Your points are very valid. Umeko raised a good point too. Unfortunately, there isn't much control over this as a whole.
my pet peeves with auctions are auctions themselves. Or people who start auctions to be exact. Like 95% of the times they are poorly planned and even worse done. Like, you accept a bid but you dont are available on the day you're supposed to deliver the goods. you arrive late and someone else bids a higher price than the one who you agreed to trade with, and suddenly you change the buyer? Man, i hate people who auction because most of the times they don't know how to auction, so they do whatever they benefit the most from.
Your points are very valid. Umeko raised a good point too. Unfortunately, there isn't much control over this as a whole.

Yeah, I can understand that people have a right to post on other site, and therefore all those must communicate to "ban" this but since is probably a smaller site they could do so because.. I mean Gamefaqs are not that active and ACC is kinda strict from what I've heard.

And I don't want 56 accounts to get a dreamie.