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Some Auction Pet Peeves

I get sad when there's a lack of a buyout. (Or if the buyout is like 50m) Also, multiple-site auctions are kinda ehh, unless no one is biting, and as long as they STATE PLAINLY what the highest bid became due to the other sites.

It's really creepy when the OP says "my friend just bid 13m" and the highest bid had literally just been like, 7? That's skeevy. I'm pretty sure their friend didn't offer 13m from nowhere. Happened on a Marina auction I think. :I I just left it. Smelled more like they just wanted to bump the price.

... And I've never heard of an auction where the villager hasn't even pinged to move. That's absurd.
I don't like it when there's no minimum bid, and people will bid one bell higher... This happens sadly
I also hate it when the auctioneer bumps their thread every two minutes. It's not going to get more bids, it's just going to make the other bidders worried that they've been outbid.
I always panic when trying to auction off villagers, or when I'm the one bidding. I prefer trades and just plain selling them...
I missed out on my dreamie because I was in school >.< the person said they would extend the auction time to give me a fair chance but they didn't.
I never add a buyout price to my auctions because sometimes the bid ends up going higher than what you expect to get. Like with the 7-11 set, I bought a set last summer for 1.5mil and sold it in auction. I was expecting to get maybe 3mil for it, but the auction ended up going past 20mil (this was back when the game first came out in NA.) I would have never thought that anyone would be willing to pay so much for a set so if I had added a buyout I wouldn't have gotten so many bells in the auction :)

Another reason why I dislike adding a buyout option is because an 'auction' gives players with less money the opportunity to buy something at a good price. If I already have a fixed price in mind I just make a "Selling" thread.

For Pet Peeves...
- I hate it when someone bids after the auction is over and the person running the auction accepts the bid.

- I hate it when Im bidding on a villager and somebody gets mad because they were outbidded. I was trying to get Coco for a friend in another site. Some girl bidded 500k and I raised it to 1m (the minimum increment was 500k) She got really mad at me and started complaining about how Coco wasn't even my dreamie. A few other people attacked me also so in the end so I told her that I wouldnt bid again if she raised my bid. And she did. The funny thing is that when the auction ended the girl just disappeared and never picked Coco up. And I ended up getting the villager from somebody else at a much higher price... T__T

- I hate it when somebody bids on an auction 1 minute before it ends.

- I hate it when the person running the auction disappears and never goes through with the trade.
Yeah, I agree with some of those things. My personal peeves are when there are multiple forums involved. Just pick one and stick with it! Another pet peeve is when a hole bunch of people jump on the help a friend. Thats bad because sometimes it becomes a bullying situatiion and people who dont have a lot of friends on that particular forum is at a disadvantage. Also, its a logistical nightmare for the person auctioning because now you have to collect from 4 different people. Lame.

The biggest personal pet peeve? Someone shouting, where is your dreamie proof? Why do I need to prove to anyone that the villager is a dreamie to participate in an auction? And further, even if that villager is not a dreamie but in that moment, I just want them, why cant I bid on the auction? Makes no sense.

It's actually really awkward for the original bidder when their friends jump in and say they'll help pay. It makes me feel as if we're teaming up against the other bidder, and being somewhat of a gamer, it kind of irks me xD; I can't imagine how embarrassed I'd be if a whole GROUP of people started bidding for me. I'm bidding because I can AFFORD it, I don't need help :U jk jk jk, but really I agree with you.
- I absolutely hate when people bid at the last minute.
- When a friend helps them buy their villager.
My WORST pet peeve - When people make prices so high for Marshal! The price to buyout is usually like 50 million just for a villager! I mean, I can understand he's like the most popular villager in ACNL here, but just, why?! I'm currently trying to get Marshal and whenever I see the buyout for him on an auction, I just.. sigh. :c
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Bidding at the last minute is fair game. Bidding beyond the time limit given is not fair game.

If there is no time limit, there must be a buyout. If neither are present, the auctioneer is probably not recommendable.
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I've seen someone claim the buyout, and then someone bids above that and the buyout person is frozen out. :(
1. People who get extremely upset and whine when they get outbid for the villager or someone bids before the last minute.
2. People who start auctions and then close them to do something else with the villager (most likely got a pm offer they liked).
3. Auctions that aren't labeled auction so they can try to get away with not following auction rules.
4. People who don't put a end time till extremely late in the auction so they can monitor how high the bids are.

I don't do auctions but I observed those were the most annoying aspects to me.
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Worst is, after you re the highest bidder and the seller agree to trade with you, so it mean you are the winner by right, but suddenly someone offer a higher price and immediately switch to that person instead of you.

This, this this THIS...I can't stand this
Or when it's a selling thread, and something like this happens
Person a-'2 mil?
Trader-sure! I'll add you and open my gates
Person b-10 MIL!!!
Trader-Neevr mind person a I am taking person bs offer

- - - Post Merge - - -

Multiple site-auctions. Sorry but how the **** am I supposed to check 4 sites at once? Then I'd rather be without.

This too
on villager auctions..

I agree with the unknown timer. an auction that won't end until someone bids the seller's secret dream bid.
and the dreamy proof picture. I'm still not making a sig pic! almost did but I'm down to just two dreamies so I don't have to.
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Lots of good points raised by everyone so far, most of which I agree with. o: I never host auctions and almost never bid in them because of how fussy they are. 99% of the time I prefer to stick with straight sales, first person who can pick up their item/villager nand pay in full gets it.

Here are a few more auction peeves I wanted to add/rant about:

People who cancel an auction because they're not getting high bids.
Seriously? Auctions are a gamble. You can make millions more than you thought you were going to, but your item/villager can also go for cheap. That's part of the risk you take with auctions. The end price is determined by how much the people online right then and there want what you've got.

Sellers or bidders who won that aren't online when the auction is over.
I feel like sellers have an obligation to sell their item as soon as they can to the highest bidder. And likewise, the person who wins should be prepared to pay the amount they said they would at the time of the auction end. Otherwise, what's the point of the auction ending then? Trying to chase down people in other timezones is difficult and usually ends poorly. If you know you're not going to be there at the end of the auction, at least try and work out an alternate transaction time, don't just leave the seller/buyer hanging.

People who complain that the opening bid or the buyout is too high.
If you don't like it, don't bid. D: It's as easy as that.

Fighting about what time an auction ends.
If someone raises the question, the auctioneer should be clear about "bids at or after 7:00 will not count, only bids before or during 6:59 are counted" or whatever.

People who expect their after-ending time bids to count and auctioneers who accept them.
How low can you go, really?

I don't want to. I made it a selling thread because I know how much I want already. If I say I want around 15mil for a villager and you offer me 3mil, I'm going to wait until I get an offer that's acceptably high (unless circumstances change), regardless of how many people post low offers. Don't bother asking me when the ending time is and when I'm going to choose an offer, either. I'll end it when someone offers me what I asked for.
I've done some of these things, but after reading these opinions i won't do them again. you guys make valid points. Also things that irritate me on just any type of selling, auction , etc.. is when other people come on and tell you just to end the auction and accept someones offer because you won't get anymore offers, because that villager is unpopular. Like its my auction and my villager I can end it when I want to. I want to make sure someone has a chance to get their dreamie even if they are an unpopular villager.
i dont care about auctions because i would never pay anything for a villager, that being said i DO have marshal and cant wait to auction him off and get paid $$$$$, love the guy but i would love millions of bells better.
- When a friend helps them buy their villager.

What's wrong with that? I have friends that don't use belltreeforums, reddit, or tumblr so I buy dream villagers for them. It shouldn't matter as long as the seller is getting the money and somebody gets the villager/item :0
The only thing that bothers me is when you are trying to make a sale and someone comes in and offers people the items you are selling for free.