Some Pics so far

Good stick with it, my Char looks like the blue Zap hero with red slippers (Kicks sucks) I can't upload any pic atm because my mum wont lend me her camera, curse her authority!
iDandem said:
Good stick with it, my Char looks like the blue Zap hero with red slippers (Kicks sucks) I can't upload any pic atm because my mum wont lend me her camera, curse her authority!
It's her authority that keeps you out of dangerous situations....or keeps you in them....depends o_O
*bump of revitalizing life*
LOL some were real funny.. i especially like the first one..
love the axe piccy, weird section of beachline though.
I SWEAR I SAW TWO COELACANTHS TODAY but I didn't catch either of them *cries*