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Someone came to my town and stole all my flowers

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Jun 12, 2013
Throwback Tickets
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
While I wasn't at my game today waiting for someone else to come in I guess someone else came in and stole all my flowers and chopped down trees I just planted and dug up my brand new f**king bushes.

I'm not sure what to do now since my friend said he saw a girl in my town when he came over, so all I know it was some chick on my friends list.
I don't really know what to do now cuz I'm really pissed :/
Man, that sucks. I don't let just anybody in. If I do a transaction, I do it outside the gate and end the session. Hm, maybe we should get some kind of blacklist going here?
Omg, same thing happened to me yesterday. Some idiot came to my town and stole all my hybrids. I was also an idiot for not noticing. Some of those hybrids were rare ones from a Japanese friend that I might never be able to produce myself because I have terrible luck when it comes to hybridizing flowers. All I ever make are orange and pink ones >n<

I'm still bothered by it, stupid freakin' poop smear loser. Uggghhhhhhh >:eek:

But today I found my town produced three new hybrids. It's like my town was trying to make up for what happened yesterday :D
But he stole waaay more than three >n<
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A visitor can only hold what, 20x items in their pockets? How can you NOT note who comes over? If the damage was done, fine. Erase that person off of your Friends List; but now your suspects are all the females on your list... you REALLY need to pay attention! 8/
Omg, same thing happened to me yesterday. Some idiot came to my town and stole all my hybrids. I was also an idiot for not noticing. Some of those hybrids were rare ones from a Japanese friend that I might never be able to produce myself because I have terrible luck when it comes to hybridizing flowers. All I ever make are orange and pink ones >n<

I'm still bothered by it, stupid freakin' poop smear loser. Uggghhhhhhh >:eek:

But today I found my town produced three new hybrids. It's my town was trying to make up for what happened yesterday :D
But he stole waaay more than three >n<

I had entire fields of flowers now they're all fu**king gone -_- Even the black roses I had outside my own house were gone -_-

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A visitor can only hold what, 20x items in their pockets? How can you NOT note who comes over? If the damage was done, fine. Erase that person off of your Friends List; but now your suspects are all the females on your list... you REALLY need to pay attention! 8/

Yeah I'm not really lettin anyone but trusted friends in my town for a while.
Well for a first lets do some logic and reasoning...

1)Only a friend can come to your town.They had to have added you and you added them.
2)That means,it's one of your friends on your friend list.Question them,hardcore style.Flowers or not,I say there should be justice...
3)Ask your friend what the girl looked like.

The most saddest thing is that it's flowers...in a game.You can buy them from Leif or they would randomly appear daily :confused:
Well for a first lets do some logic and reasoning...

1)Only a friend can come to your town.They had to have added you and you added them.
2)That means,it's one of your friends on your friend list.Question them,hardcore style.Flowers or not,I say there should be justice...
3)Ask your friend what the girl looked like.

The most saddest thing is that it's flowers...in a game.You can buy them from Leif or they would randomly appear daily :confused:

<<Stupid person alert>>

Eh, I disagree. It's more than just flowers. It's effort and patience wasted. No one likes their work ruined. It's more being offended that someone would be rude enough to do that. Then again, what do we expect from practically strangers online?
A visitor can only hold what, 20x items in their pockets? How can you NOT note who comes over? If the damage was done, fine. Erase that person off of your Friends List; but now your suspects are all the females on your list... you REALLY need to pay attention! 8/

Sometimes there's this thing called real life that happens, and maybe she needed to get up and do something a little more important, and didn't have the time to sit there and wait to save the game and kick her friend out and wait for all of that.
Regardless, someone shouldn't have to pay that close attention at all times and monitor every single second of their gate being open, do you think that's right?

Maybe instead of her having to pay such close attention and basically never having people over again, people should stop being such *******s and show a little bit of damn respect to others.

It's pathetic how disgusting and rude and selfish people can be, even over something like animal crossing.

By the way, there's the locker inside the train station. it's really easy to drag and drop a bunch of stuff real quick, no matter how limited the inventory is.

JunJun, I'm really sorry that you had an untrustworthy scum of earth on your friends list, and I'm really sorry that that happened.
I don't have much going on with my town right now so I can't offer much aside from fruits :\
A visitor can only hold what, 20x items in their pockets? How can you NOT note who comes over? If the damage was done, fine. Erase that person off of your Friends List; but now your suspects are all the females on your list... you REALLY need to pay attention! 8/

It's very easy to not notice when someone is over. OP could have been away from the 3DS when the game announced that someone had arrived to town. And it's entirely possible that OP was in a place where s/he didn't cross paths with the visitor. And even if s/he had known the visitor, there is no way to know who this visitor is on her friend list. For instance, I'm known as "Pocky" in game, but my Mii has a completely different name. Someone that does not know me well/has too many friends in their friend list might not be able to remember what my Mii is called. And even if OP knows exactly who everyone on her/his friend list is it is entirely possible that someone created a whole new different character just for the purpose of trolling her/him. Or that someone with a male Mii has a female character in game.
Don't leave your games unmonitored with an open gate.

Sure the person who did it was a jerk, but you definitely enabled it.
Don't leave your games unmonitored with an open gate.

Sure the person who did it was a jerk, but you definitely enabled it.

go ahead and take 10 seconds and read my previous post before you continue to be an insensitive about the whole thing.

And you take ten seconds to read the rules on the forum. No cursing.
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go ahead and take 10 seconds and read my previous post before you continue to be an insensitive ass about the whole thing.

I did. It changes nothing about my post.

She left the gate open, waiting for a friend, if she's leaving it waiting for a friend, she should have either used the best friend feature, or if her friend wasn't a best friend, she should have taken more care with the random people she has added.
Man, that sucks. I don't let just anybody in. If I do a transaction, I do it outside the gate and end the session. Hm, maybe we should get some kind of blacklist going here?

Indeed. Surprised we don't have a whitelist/blacklist thing going on yet.

OP, the best advice I can offer is to not go crazy with your friends list. Add people you ARE TRULY friends with. If you need to trade with someone, go to their town or monitor yours when they come to make the trade.

That aside I am very sorry for the unfortunate event. D: There's nothing worse than coming back to a trashed town.

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Another side note -- I am happy to offer anything you need. I can start collecting flowers/fruits for you to plant.
Same happened to me. I thought some kid was cool , he came to my town a few time before, but the 3rd or 4tg time he came over, there goes my hybrids!
Well for a first lets do some logic and reasoning...

1)Only a friend can come to your town.They had to have added you and you added them.
2)That means,it's one of your friends on your friend list.Question them,hardcore style.Flowers or not,I say there should be justice...
3)Ask your friend what the girl looked like.

The most saddest thing is that it's flowers...in a game.You can buy them from Leif or they would randomly appear daily :confused:

<<Stupid person alert>>

Getting Hybrids takes a LOOOOOOOONG time.
I have TONS of flowers in my town, pretty much 25% of the town is flowers, and since I started on the 14th of June, I have only gotten 5 hybrids, it?s crazy.
Also you cannot buy hybrids from Leif.
Aw man, that's so horrible. I find it funny how people feel the need to steal virtual flowers though. Like wth, you seriously need to steal things? It's still really awful and unnecessary though. If you want to, you can come to my town later and pick out some flowers, fruit, etc and hang out for a while. :)
I did. It changes nothing about my post.

She left the gate open, waiting for a friend, if she's leaving it waiting for a friend, she should have either used the best friend feature, or if her friend wasn't a best friend, she should have taken more care with the random people she has added.

So you're basically saying that it's totally okay for these people to be dickheads and just come romping through towns, stealing, ruining, digging up effort that people took their time doing?

What the hell is with the rude insensitive people on TBT? (Let me add, that i've seen a handful of very sweet and good people on here, but I see someone making snarky comments pretty consistently lately.)

Sometimes things happen IRL and you can't sit every second monitoring the damn game. What if she left it open cuz her pet was sick, or a parent needed something?

That's just a free invitation for people to be pricks?

No, buddy. The fault is not the OP's, but completely the person who is so unhappy with their life that they're resulting to stealing and making people miserable on ANIMAL CROSSING.

For all you or she knows, it could have been someone that she thought was a nice person, and who has had prior good experiences with in game.

It's not hard to just look past the thread, keep your opinion to yourself, and move on with your life. You don't have to stop just to make a snide comment.
It is such a shame that someone would ruin a town like that. If you have a destructive urge just go to the dream town!

Sadly people being on these forums is not enough, this week the stalk group had to lock down the spread sheet as some troll ruined it. A shame when the vast majority of people just want to have fun and socialize.

If there is anything I can do help fruit wise or pink & orange hybrids let me know.
@Mew, I don't think he meant that he's okay with it. He's just saying we should be more cautious with who we invite. And I agree on that too. There are a lot of threads I see where people want to trade FCs for buying/selling or just random visits. People trade them pretty freely without really knowing who the other people are. Well, most people.

We SHOULD exercise some common sense when inviting people... then again, you can't really trust anybody. :/
I did. It changes nothing about my post.

She left the gate open, waiting for a friend, if she's leaving it waiting for a friend, she should have either used the best friend feature, or if her friend wasn't a best friend, she should have taken more care with the random people she has added.

That's like blaming a president every time that something bad happens to a country. "Did you hear about that terrorist attack?" "Yeah, that guy was a jerk but the president enabled it by allowing them into the country."

And besides, the best friend feature doesn't really protect anyone from anything. I've had dozens of random visitors and they have all been extremely polite. They've asked if they could explore the town and have walked slowly to avoid destroying flowers/paths. All in all, my experience with random visitors has been positive.

I cannot say the same about my experience with the best friend feature. One of my best friends, someone that I've known outside of the game for quite some time and have always trusted always thinks that its funny to take my flowers and to run around my town even if I have asked them not to. They've visited my town twice and both times have gone badly. This person is no longer welcome into my town, but there is no way that I could have foreseen that. Just like there was no way for OP to foresee what happened to her/his game.

I get what you're trying to say, it is definitely a good idea to keep gates closed and to keep an eye on visitors. But blaming the victim when they're already going through a ****ty time doesn't really solve anything and will only make OP feel more miserable... :/
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