Someone draw my OCs, please? c: (New OC added)

//dies from excessive fangirling
Ohmygod i love this design so much and i have a really good idea in my head for this~~~~
Considering i got 2 requests done today ill try to do a quick chibi for you because i really love the detail you gave to this character!
also thats kinda my favoritest game ever (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
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So i was working on your art and all of a sudden my laptop shuts off on me and i was like noooooooooooo!!
Anyway, had to start over and it came out a little messier .-.
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//dies from excessive fangirling
Ohmygod i love this design so much and i have a really good idea in my head for this~~~~
Considering i got 2 requests done today ill try to do a quick chibi for you because i really love the detail you gave to this character!
also thats kinda my favoritest game ever (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

IKR! I don't know anyone else who likes Wadanohara, and that's really sad, cause it's such a great game :3 do you ship SalWada? /shot XPHave you played the Gray Garden or Mogeko Castle? :D Oh, and is a great place to find works by mogeko :)

Thank you for the nice words about my character :3 My brother has one really good idea for one, too: A Tiger Shark (aka the Trash Shark) which is less trash than the 'trash' shark, if you know what I mean ^.^

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So i was working on your art and all of a sudden my laptop shuts off on me and i was like noooooooooooo!!
Anyway, had to start over and it came out a little messier .-.

AHHH it's so cute :))) It's really great! Thank you so much :3 Would you like anything as payment? :D
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all done, hopefully I didn't do too bad, I haven't done chibis in a while ;u;

Hopefully I did it justice!

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IKR! I don't know anyone else who likes Wadanohara, and that's really sad, cause it's such a great game :3 do you ship SalWada? /shot XPHave you played the Gray Garden or Mogeko Castle? :D Oh, and is a great place to find works by mogeko :)

Thank you for the nice words about my character :3 My brother has one really good idea for one, too: A Tiger Shark (aka the Trash Shark) which is less trash than the 'trash' shark, if you know what I mean ^.^
Ahh i love wadonohara so much ( ;?Д`) im kinda surprised its not as popular, however it did only come out last year so maybe it just needs time~
Hmmm, SalXWadda? Wait whos sal? I dont know who your talking about. Unless your talking about the trash that made me want to throw my computer out of the window while i slowly strangle him to death while drowning him somehow. Because your DEFINETLY not mentioning he who shall not be named who has blushies and conforts octopuses but also has 4 arms somehow and looks really freaking CREEPY.
*eye twtich* I. DONT. KNOW. WHO. THAT. IS. WHO. IS. THAT. TRASH.
But its still a cute ship though /shot
I actually just played the game like a week ago, but i had no idea he had other games ( ;?Д`) welp, there goes my productive day.
woahhh did someone say wadanohara (rips off clothes to reveal full idate cosplay)

seriously though, your ocs design is absolutely adorable, almost looks like shes straight out of the game *v* posting here as a reminder to myself to draw her when my tablet works again whoo
I drew your OC just for fun and I wanted to get back into drawing too, so this is a freebie. :)

Ahh, thank you! I can't see it now due to it being blocked by the school network ahahahahahahahaha....., but I'm sure that it's super cute ;3

And SAL. Just SAL. I think he's both the most loved and hated character in Wadanohara :p But he is a REALLY great villain. The thing I love most about all of mogeko's works is that all the "villains" aren't truly "evil". They're all just doing what they believe in, and I think that's wonderful c:

My main ship tho, is FukaWada, and I always feel so sorry for Fukami ;~; I just feel that he gives up so much for Wada, and he actually has some major flaws, like when he stole Wada's ocarina because he was jealous. But in the end, he gave it back, because he knew it was something very precious to her. And he actually comforted Wadanohara about Samekichi and told her to keep on waiting for him, even though this meant that he's never be able to get together with her. That's just really, really, heartbreaking ;~; I also love unrequited relationships :> /shot

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woahhh did someone say wadanohara (rips off clothes to reveal full idate cosplay)

seriously though, your ocs design is absolutely adorable, almost looks like shes straight out of the game *v* posting here as a reminder to myself to draw her when my tablet works again whoo

OMG YESH IDATE!!! Ahem. He's my favourite character ever :> I just love his personality (says something about me, really)

And thank you so much for your kind words about my character :blush: Looking forward to your drawing :D

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I drew your OC just for fun and I wanted to get back into drawing too, so this is a freebie. :)

IT'S SO CUTE thank you so much :) I love it! :>

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@Mewmewmewm Just loaded this thread on my phone so I could see the drawing :) IT'S SUPER ADORBS :> Thank you so much!!!! ^.^
Ahh, thank you! I can't see it now due to it being blocked by the school network ahahahahahahahaha....., but I'm sure that it's super cute ;3

And SAL. Just SAL. I think he's both the most loved and hated character in Wadanohara :p But he is a REALLY great villain. The thing I love most about all of mogeko's works is that all the "villains" aren't truly "evil". They're all just doing what they believe in, and I think that's wonderful c:

My main ship tho, is FukaWada, and I always feel so sorry for Fukami ;~; I just feel that he gives up so much for Wada, and he actually has some major flaws, like when he stole Wada's ocarina because he was jealous. But in the end, he gave it back, because he knew it was something very precious to her. And he actually comforted Wadanohara about Samekichi and told her to keep on waiting for him, even though this meant that he's never be able to get together with her. That's just really, really, heartbreaking ;~; I also love unrequited relationships :> /shot
ahhh im so happy you like my drawing, thank you! ( ;?Д`)
He's a good villian but during that part i was just like
Wait a sec . .he's not seriously . . Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaattheeeeeee . .WHAT WAS THIS GAME RATED AGAIN XD
But i will admit, he scared the crap out of me so I suppose that makes him a cool villain XD
But forever alone Fukami makes me really freaking sad ヽ(;▽;)ノ i see so much fanart with Red Wada with Sal and blue wada with Samekichi and Its just like

This thread is slowly morphing into a "let's fangirl over Wadanohara" thread XD

The game is actually rated as 15 and above :p But that's in Japan standards, so....

Something that made me ship FukaWada:

and there's more where that came from :) clicky

Also, feel free to fangirl in my thread :3 I don't have anyone to discuss Wadanohara with ;~;
And IKR! At first I was like: wow it's so kawaii and sweet and nice

AFTER: what the frick SAL what I trusted you I can't believe I actually liked you

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i will draw u one

Ah, thank you! would you like anything in return?
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This thread is slowly morphing into a "let's fangirl over Wadanohara" thread XD

The game is actually rated as 15 and above :p But that's in Japan standards, so....

Something that made me ship FukaWada:

and there's more where that came from :) clicky

Also, feel free to fangirl in my thread :3 I don't have anyone to discuss Wadanohara with ;~;

Ahhh i really want to do some fanart of wadonohara soonnnnn (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
But im not sure which of the other games i should play first, help? ヽ(;▽;)ノ i really love horror and jumpscares so ill be okay if its creepy
I totally also thought memaco was a boy too ( ;?Д`) ICANTTELLGENDERSIMSOBADICANT
but yeah when Sal did that i was just like
And i was really frustrated and wanted to scream but then i remembered i wasnt home alone so i made a really angry expression and made the sound of a dying cat instead (; ̄ェ ̄)but i totally didnt even see that coming! I actually didnt know it was a horror game, the person who recommended it to me told me it was a cute RPG~ of course i freaking love horror games so i was kinda happy in a weird way XD
//dies of laughter
Fukami's ending was actually the first one i got ヽ(;▽;)ノ
You should play Mogeko Castle, if you don't mind that it's probably M-rated at the very least :> If you mind, then play The Gray Garden :) Both are by mogeko, and are brilliant

I actually thought that both Dolphi and Memoca were male :p I only found out when I saw the official art done by mogeko. But lol I never thought Sal was a girl XD
Ah, thank you so much for the art :) I'm currently trying to save up on bells, so I can't give you a tip :( Sorry!