Someone draw my OCs, please? c: (New OC added)

Freebie for you <3

You're welcome. It was my pleasure :blush:

- - - Post Merge - - -

Waah, you didn't need to tip me! *sob* You're so nice. Thank you! ToT <333
Thanks for your interest :) Might I ask for an example of your art?

hnnngh I don't have an example right here
brb I'm going to scour the galleries for a suitable example
(I can lower the price if you want since I do traditional and it's not the best in the world lol)
Haaai, there she is :3
(Is it okay if i pulished the artwork on DA?)
She's a nice OC, I really enjoyed this work! Even if I hate my color style. And I can't draw weapons. Gosh I'll get better i promise ;A; YOU HELPED ME TO IMPROVE MY SKILLS, THANKS ;A; ♥
Haaai, there she is :3
(Is it okay if i pulished the artwork on DA?)
She's a nice OC, I really enjoyed this work! Even if I hate my color style. And I can't draw weapons. Gosh I'll get better i promise ;A; YOU HELPED ME TO IMPROVE MY SKILLS, THANKS ;A; ♥

It looks awesome, so give yourself some credit, but I guess, as they say, you are your own worst critic.
Haaai, there she is :3
(Is it okay if i pulished the artwork on DA?)
She's a nice OC, I really enjoyed this work! Even if I hate my color style. And I can't draw weapons. Gosh I'll get better i promise ;A; YOU HELPED ME TO IMPROVE MY SKILLS, THANKS ;A; ♥

Woah, it looks awesome! :D Don't put yourself down, your colouring is great, and I loved how you drew her weapon! :3 And yep, it's perfectly fine if you put it on deviantart!
Thank you so much! :D