Someone please clarify this for me...


Junior Member
Nov 12, 2008
I have just read that I will only be able to play this game with the WiiMote... is this true? I was hoping to hook up my Gamecube controller so I could play it with that. >_> If Nintendo does make this a WiiMote-playable game only I might not buy it.
Hellopayton said:
I have just read that I will only be able to play this game with the WiiMote... is this true? I was hoping to hook up my Gamecube controller so I could play it with that. >_> If Nintendo does make this a WiiMote-playable game only I might not buy it.
Nope, You can play with the Wiimote + Nunchuk or the Wiimote itself.
Dude don't decide whether your buying it or on just the controls... That would be skipping a good game.
I liked the gamecube controls better myself >.>

Eww at advice dog above. He's doing it wrong. =/

Or I assume at least.

I use the gamecube controls whenever I can, but when I can't it doesn't affect me much. (unless for games like TP, where it's actually better with the wiichuck)

Anyways, the controllers seem to fit the game well but it shouldn't have mattered either way.
Also, you have a quick list to everything with the wireless so.. that's a big +.
I personally don't like using just the Wiimote either so I'll be using the nunchuck too =p
Oh, you're all complaining about pointer controlled movement vs. control stick controlled.

Personally, I thought it was a given that you could use a nunchuck
I'll be using the nunchuck too. I really hate games where you have to click onto to things to make your character move. It's too much of a hassle.
When I saw the way it works with wiimote was then I decided I'm definitely using the nunchuck xDD! LOL :gyroidtongue: I just kinda dislike the click on the place you want to move to idea...but you know, if I didn't have a nunchuck (glad I do) I would still buy this game, so don't let that be your main buying point. I'm sure we'll be playing this game for years!...Atleast...I will xD
Nunchuck all the way, for me. Easier on the arms, better control. Sometimes pointing might be helpful, but I think this feature worked way better on the DS. Better a stylus directing things than your whole arm!
Proven said:
Oh, you're all complaining about pointer controlled movement vs. control stick controlled.

Personally, I thought it was a given that you could use a nunchuck
I've only used a Wii a few times before and plan on saving up money to get one just for this game, so it's kind of disappointing to hear that I can't use the Gamecube controller for this. I'll need to train with the Wiimote I guess.
I believe you can use the directional pad to walk around (you don't have to point to a spot to walk to it).
If you've played enough pointing games you soon find that moving your arm is very inefficient. It ends up being like a mouse; you only have to flick your wrist a little.
wth is wrong with you!! on gamecube version it sucks you have to go click click click over every item till you get the one you want this way on the wii controlls you can easily go right to the item you wanna throw out or sell or carry etc. Also dont not buy a game because of its controls. Im actually looking forward to see what the controls are for Wii!
yeah ill be using the numchuck as well!! but i need a new wii remote fr 2 player with friends since one randomly stopped working.. it would connect then disconnect in 5 seconds..