Someone recommend a cute villager please

My personal favorites are Gladys and Rudy. <3 Kiki is adorable. Erik could be lazy deer pals with Beau.
I've come to really love Kiki in my town. She has to be my second favourite after Bob.

But I've only had cat villagers.

I do really like Skye, Muffy, and Diedre though.
Gayle is pretty cute, in my opinion! I had her in my first town, and she was so sweet. She fits the normal personality well, and that makes her cute, even if the alligator model isn't as cute as some other species.
i have daisy in my main town and she really is adorable! she is very into books and is so sweeet! I love her tiny eyes! she always looks tired to me but its cute!
For really cute not very popular ones there's Sydney the Purple Koala she's absolutely adorable.
So is Benjamin the Dog if you don't mind a little underdog who seems homely at first but that's what makes him cute! :)