Someone Stole Something from Me. Please Confess

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Senior Member
Jun 7, 2013
Silver Mailbox
100% (57) +
I was allowing visitors to my town today for Katrina and now I am missing some hybrids. I just caught someone redhanded trying to steal some Orange Cosmos and I reset the connection to get that one back. However, I am STILL MISSING A PURPLE ROSE, BLACK ROSE, BLACK TULIPS, PINK PANSIES, and ORANGE COSMOS.

It is NOT okay for you to come to my village and take my things WITHOUT EVEN ASKING. PLEASE CONFESS AND RETURN WHAT YOU TOOK.


Amber (CAUGHT stealing an orange cosmos)

These are their forum names.
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I already replied that I have a red cosmo. I'm so sorry! I didn't realize this would offend you.
Damn they did you dirty. Sucks because you have to really keep on eye on people you don't know. I would suggest putting up a post on the bulletin board that people will be banned if they take things without permission, soon enough you'll only have people you trust on your friends list. GTA: Animal Crossing
This is why I don't just randomly add people and let them in. Try to keep your visitors on a "Only if I know you well enough" basis. It's just a precaution.
I am going to compile a list of the suspects. I will post them on the original post. EVERYONE BEWARE OF THE PEOPLE ON THAT LIST. Apparently, these forums does not have a system for it. Their reasoning? "If you let them in, it's your fault"
I already replied that I have a red cosmo. I'm so sorry! I didn't realize this would offend you.

Taking something without asking first is just not cool. How about saying "I'm sorry I did this" instead of phrasing your apology in a way that makes it look like it's the other person's fault for being ticked that somebody took stuff?
Boy you are dumb. Calm your shi*. You do realize that if you reset the game connection while the players are in it, you lose anything they took, plus they lose it too, so it disappears into thin air! You can't get it back.
That's why you have to keep them in the game or close it properly.
Sorry dude, but you have to know to do this stuff yourself and not lose your mind.
Taking something without asking first is just not cool. How about saying "I'm sorry I did this" instead of phrasing your apology in a way that makes it look like it's the other person's fault for being ticked that somebody took stuff?
I didn't mean for it to come across that way. I meant that as a genuine apology. I've never played this game before and stuff is taken from me all the time. I didn't realize that wasn't normal and that's my fault.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I am going to compile a list of the suspects. I will post them on the original post. EVERYONE BEWARE OF THE PEOPLE ON THAT LIST. Apparently, these forums does not have a system for it. Their reasoning? "If you let them in, it's your fault"
Hang on a sec, I have repeatly attempted to contact you and return your item, and I have also explained that I did not understand the concept of this game's flower policy (which is entirely my fault), but you blatantly refuse to receive your item from me? Okay then.
Why are you so upset, this is a game??
Sure its not right to take things that aren't yours but you ranting and raving about it won't solve anything and definitely won't get you your flowers back.
You're overreacting and people who overreact aren't taken seriously.
Boy you are dumb. Calm your shi*. You do realize that if you reset the game connection while the players are in it, you lose anything they took, plus they lose it too, so it disappears into thin air! You can't get it back.
That's why you have to keep them in the game or close it properly.
Sorry dude, but you have to know to do this stuff yourself and not lose your mind.
I tested this with a friend to see if you were lying, but it seems to be right. Although I still have what I believe is his red cosmo. Are you sure there is no way for the original owner to receive their item?
I'm a new member and in truth all I'm looking for is a town to go selling my perfect pears in.

You seem to be overly upset about this. When letting people into your town, don't expect them to follow any sort of rule you have not stated (I checked your katrina thread and you did not say anything about flowers). It may seem obvious to you that picking up stuff off the ground is stealing, but others may not think the same way, so that's why you should say so before inviting strangers in. It doesn't mean the stranger is bad, just that they were ignorant of your preferences. Besides, inviting strangers over the internet is a risk, you don't know for sure what they'll do. It could have been worse, at least you didn't have a stranger chopping down all your trees and dumping a bunch of junk in your town.
EDIT: I just want to note that when you were new to the series I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have known all the different things people would get upset about, so you should try to be forgiving as with the release of a new game there will be a lot of new players who don't know the ins and outs of online (I also don't know too much, but I've read up on some).

However, having said that I do have some hybrids that I'm not particularly attached to and can give them to you if you wish. (And sell a ton of perfect pears, maybe?)
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I was allowing visitors to my town today for Katrina and now I am missing some hybrids. I just caught someone redhanded trying to steal some Orange Cosmos and I reset the connection to get that one back. However, I am STILL MISSING A PURPLE ROSE, BLACK ROSE, BLACK TULIPS, PINK PANSIES, and ORANGE COSMOS.

It is NOT okay for you to come to my village and take my things WITHOUT EVEN ASKING. PLEASE CONFESS AND RETURN WHAT YOU TOOK.


Amber (CAUGHT stealing an orange cosmos)

These are their forum names.
Excuse me? "Caught stealing an orange cosmos". I know you were right there when I grabbed a red cosmos! I wasn't trying to hide that fact, otherwise, would I have picked it up? I don't own any orange cosmos, all I can offer you is the red one I had in my inventory when I returned from your town. You won't even let me return it! I don't know what else I can give you. Can anyone else offer ideas as to what to do because this is just dramatic and getting substantially nowhere.
You grabbed an orange one. Do NOT try to deny it. I was checking my mail, I saw you pick something up. I walked to the now empty spot while you went into my house. I asked you to put it back, you did not. I then immediately kicked you out and reset the town. When I went to that empty spot, the orange cosmos was back. It was DEFINITELY an orange cosmos.
Thank you for the list of people.

Word of advice to people, make sure you invite trustworthy people into your town.
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