something's weird...


Senior Member (my name's charlotte)
Jul 4, 2020
Red Envelope
when i went onto the nook stop to get my nookmiles, it said day 1, instead of whatever day it's meant to show...

& when i talked to tom to hold a ceremony, it didn't show the option...

it's not cause i time-traveled back a day from today, is it? :unsure:
I dunno about the ceremony because I don't know how they work, but did you talk to your ADB before time traveling? TTing backwards counts as one day passing. If you didn't claim your miles before TTing, the game would have rolled a new day when you did TT and that would have reset your streak.
I dunno about the ceremony because I don't know how they work, but did you talk to your ADB before time traveling? TTing backwards counts as one day passing. If you didn't claim your miles before TTing, the game would have rolled a new day when you did TT and that would have reset your streak.

no, i didn't do that yet, before doing that...

shoot... maybe i should have...

okay.... i'm not time-travelling anymore... 🥺
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Every time you travel back the points reset. I think the benefits of time traveling outweigh the negative of having the points reset so I wouldn’t stop over it. It only maxes out to 300, which you can easily get from Nook Miles challenges.
Every time you travel back the points reset. I think the benefits of time traveling outweigh the negative of having the points reset so I wouldn’t stop over it. It only maxes out to 300, which you can easily get from Nook Miles challenges.


okay :3 thanks ^^ i probably won't be time-travelling much, anyway, though :3
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Every time you travel back the points reset. I think the benefits of time traveling outweigh the negative of having the points reset so I wouldn’t stop over it. It only maxes out to 300, which you can easily get from Nook Miles challenges.

i have 40,080 miles right now, anyway ^^
it's saying that it's day one & it says 50 bonus miles...

i know it was a update yesterday, but that shouldn't happen, should it?
Your ceremony should still be available. When I started my second island, I didnt do the ceremonies right away, because I was trying to get everything set up quickly. When I got to the museum ceremony, when I talked to Tom Nook, he asked what we should hold a ceremony for and it gave me an option for each of the things that would have generated a ceremony up until that point. I don't know how long they stay available, or if they stay available until you do them, but that was my experience! Hope this helps some, even though I do realize this was from earlier in the month.
Your ceremony should still be available. When I started my second island, I didnt do the ceremonies right away, because I was trying to get everything set up quickly. When I got to the museum ceremony, when I talked to Tom Nook, he asked what we should hold a ceremony for and it gave me an option for each of the things that would have generated a ceremony up until that point. I don't know how long they stay available, or if they stay available until you do them, but that was my experience! Hope this helps some, even though I do realize this was from earlier in the month.

yeah, i don't mean the original topic of this thread... i just mean, when i turned on the game today & when i went to get my 300 daily miles, it said 50 miles & day one again....

did that happen to you, at all?
yeah, i don't mean the original topic of this thread... i just mean, when i turned on the game today & when i went to get my 300 daily miles, it said 50 miles & day one again....
That's do reset daily miles if you miss a day, whether time travelling or not. I don't think you can travel backwards without it resetting either, only forwards and you have to make sure to talk to the ABD each day. Sorry! I did skim the previous responses before initially replying, but must have missed that the ceremony wasn't still part of your concern. ")
That's do reset daily miles if you miss a day, whether time travelling or not. I don't think you can travel backwards without it resetting either, only forwards and you have to make sure to talk to the ABD each day. Sorry! I did skim the previous responses before initially replying, but must have missed that the ceremony wasn't still part of your concern. ")

oh... yes, i didn't play yesterday, cause i was updating my earlier journal screenshots a little bit... but i didn't think it would do that to it... :unsure:
don’t worry, that is totally normal. If you forget to go to the nook stop or don’t play the game for a day (and therefore miss going to the nook stop for a day) it will always reset back to day one. When you play tomorrow you will be back at day 2 and so in a week of checking in daily you will be back to getting 300 per day. A bit annoying when you accidentally reset it, but not something wrong with the game itself. :)
don’t worry, that is totally normal. If you forget to go to the nook stop or don’t play the game for a day (and therefore miss going to the nook stop for a day) it will always reset back to day one. When you play tomorrow you will be back at day 2 and so in a week of checking in daily you will be back to getting 300 per day. A bit annoying when you accidentally reset it, but not something wrong with the game itself. :)

i see :3

thankyou :>

i've learnt something new 🥳