Special character you miss the most?


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2013
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Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Idk if a thread like this was already made but I just was curious! With how new horizons pretty much removed or replaced a lot of the special characters from previous games I’m curious who people miss the most! For me it’s Digby, I always found him so adorable and I was really sad when I found out he wasn’t gonna be in new horizons. I just invited him to the Roost for the first time because I forgot you can do that, and it was so nice to see him in the updated graphics of new horizons, but still isn’t the same as him actually being fully in the game! He could have easily been working with lottie again for happy home paradise yet they didn’t do that for some reason? I hope he is in the the next game! Another one I miss is resetti, I’ve always liked resetti, and found him funny as a kid, although in wild world he was annoying sometimes since it was hard to get him to go away, especially when you had to do the thing where you repeat what he said because that never worked for me even if I typed it exact lol! I love the new special characters, especially cj and flick (even have the plushies of them!) and Wilbur but I also miss the old special characters
I miss Gracie the most, but mostly because of her furniture and clothing. Some of her clothing was recycled and turned into Able’s clothing, but I liked how they looked better in NL (same goes with furniture I noticed that was recycled from HHD and New Leaf).

Overall, I miss Katie the most because she has the cutest design, being a kitten. I loved the items she gave us too.

I also miss resetti; I always thought it was funny when he yelled at me for not saving.

Booker is another one I liked. I liked the police office and wouldnmt mind seeing him again too.
After reading, I realized I do miss Resetti. My introduction to him was Super Smash Bros. Brawl and I thought he was pretty funny due to the fact I had not played an Animal Crossing game yet. I get now that he's really annoying in games like Wild World, but they made him optional in New Leaf and I think occasionally seeing him was funny.
However, I think it was said somewhere that all the ranting was bad for his health. He definitely needed a break in that case.
I think he should be given a new job in the next game where you actually get to see him but he's not destroying his health.
After reading, I realized I do miss Resetti. My introduction to him was Super Smash Bros. Brawl and I thought he was pretty funny due to the fact I had not played an Animal Crossing game yet. I get now that he's really annoying in games like Wild World, but they made him optional in New Leaf and I think occasionally seeing him was funny.
However, I think it was said somewhere that all the ranting was bad for his health. He definitely needed a break in that case.
I think he should be given a new job in the next game where you actually get to see him but he's not destroying his health.
Yes I agree, a new job with resetti would be a great idea! I'd love to see him again, and having him in a job where he's happy would be nice <3
I miss every. single. character so much! This is a major reason I stopped playing New Horizons. For me, the best part of Animal Crossing are the characters and seeing them all happy and with jobs in New Leaf was phenomenal. Katie and Gracie were my faves!! I miss the furniture and SASS from queen Gracie and also helping Katie go back home. I loved the evolution from helping her find her way back to her mother, to her later becoming an explorer!
Resetti! He's always been my favorite since I saw him in Wild World. I thought the sharks were once a day spawning fish, so every time I failed to catch one [so every time I saw one] I reset. I also miss Pelly, Phyllis, and Pete. Like, don't get me wrong, I love the dodo bros, but the Pelicans were better. Like, I can just imagine Pete carrying the letters in his bill instead of a sack!
I guess Resetti since he was such an iconic character despite what fans think of his angry talks. It also feels empty without Pelly, Phyllis, and Pete like many other people have said.
I miss having Copper and Booker actively in town, and I miss some of the older odd characters like Serena (city folk) and Farley (GC)
I miss Dr. Shrunk so much. He was my introduction to axolotls, and he's honestly one of the biggest reasons why I love them so much now. He's also one of the reasons why I named my island Axolotl, so him not being in New Horizons has always made me so sad. I miss learning reactions from him and hearing his silly jokes. :c

I also really miss Pelly, Phyllis, and Pete (and the post office). The contrast in Pelly and Phyllis' personalities was so funny and always made visiting the post office at any time of day so nice, and I miss that. I miss how much of a sweetheart Pelly was, and I miss Phyllis getting mad at me for just breathing the same air as her LOL. I miss running into Pete around mail delivery time and him telling me to empty my mailbox. I miss how cozy the post office was and how much more fun and inexpensive writing letters used to be. I miss the old stationaries...

I honestly miss all of the NPCs that aren't in New Horizons except for Lyle. They all added their own unique charm to every game, and helped make Animal Crossing as special and cozy as it is. I don't mind the new NPCs (I especially love Flick and Wardell), but New Horizons wasn't the same or as fun without the old NPCs. I really hope they all come back in the next game.
I miss the Pelicans! I love the dodos, but there was no good reason for them to be replaced. :(
The game lacks a lot of charm that was found in previous games. They took the new features and ran with it, but forgot what made AC unique in the first place with villagers, the npc, and the slice of life feeling. I miss all of the missing npc.

I know everyone loves the fact that they can just do their hair on a whim and change their face like it's play-doh, but it just feels so soulless to me. I get it, it's time consuming the way the other games had it, but it also had way more charm. Going to Shampoodle to get a haircut had a great vibe to it. I don't know, maybe I'm an outlier, but it feels sterile the way it is now. Sort of like yeah the Wii U wasn't ideal, but it had so much more personality than the Switch did. And that's how I feel about the phone feature making all the other npcs obsolete compared to how it was before.

Even the npc that actually returned feel so much more boring than their previous versions. Label shows up on my island all the time, but I never do her tasks anymore. I maybe stopped in 2020. I miss the post office, how letters/mail used to be better handled when writing them, the pelicans, Booker and Cooper. I actually made my own post office in NH because it felt so criminal that they gutted so much content from past games. A little letter rack where you can't even save a draft of the letter (like in previous games) is insane. They didn't even give us multiplayer.

I don't think I would have as much as an issue with some of the new npc if their dialogue wasn't so unnecessarily bloated omg. I keep on just spamming the button to get through it and then it's still going! Wilbur needs a overhaul on the way flying works. It's so unnecessary how there's so many options. And how he asks for double confirmation if you really really want to go right now. Dude really? If I say no, you're going to kick me out and I'm going to have to go through the whole process again. So we can change our hair and face with one click, but flying is a slog? I don't get it lol.
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like everyone else, I really miss the post office crew. I loved visiting the post office and I even miss talking to phyllis lol!! now it’s like going to the store and having to do self check out instead of interacting with someone, not as fun. I also miss getting my hair all done up at shampoodle’s, not as charming doing it myself in the mirror lol.