Splatoon Splatoon General Discussion (HYPE THREAD)

Looks like I'm maining the .96 gal deco now :D

I swear everytime you see me, even if yomeone else is shooting at you,you ignore then and dont stop till you kill me .-.

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Sunny calm down . Jesus christ ;u;
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Is that KOs to Splats? Cause I've gotten well over that. :p

(I think the most was like 17 or something a few hours ago)
And I still manage to get points while doing it :cool:

Doesnt matter. It will eat away inside at yyou, knowing you're a stalker. Dem squid police can arrest you cause you're a stalker and stalking as eelegal
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Ok wtf were the random japanese person and azza doing.. me and chaotix had stormed the other base and I look at the map and the other half of the map... -facepalm-

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why the hell does the 52 gal kill u so fast >_>
Alright, that's the last one for me. I've been up all night, I'm starving, and my feet are about to pop off. Gaugh, I'll jump back in after I've refueled.

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Wait wait wait wait, now this interests me. I say, we elect x amount of players and place bets on who'd get the most KOs. :rolleyes:
I was thinking of everyone pitching in whatever amount of TBT for example 100TBT and have like a free 4 all splatkill tourney from a certain time to a certain time lets say for example it's 2am PST and it runs til 3am or 4am. Whoever has the highest kills/deaths ratio wins.

Just thinking of something fun before the august 6th update.

Oh and i'm done gg's and I feel bad for killing Aerkya's sister in toon so many times.
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I swear to god this game is bull****ting me. The amount of times I shoot at antlers and it does no damage is actually stupid...